This was something that Leon hadn’t expected, or that he didn’t care at all whether these soldiers would be destroyed, all he wanted was for these soldiers to appear in an absolutely crushing posture and crush them all.

Now it seems that this plan is a bit too much of a matter of course, and the means of the coalition side are really unexpected by him.

When Li Ang, who was far away from the headquarters in New York, learned of this news, he only raised an eyebrow, gave a soft sigh, looked at the screen in front of him and meditated silently, but after a moment he smiled.

“I really didn’t think of it, but everything is within the acceptable range, so you can’t just recklessly go over.”

With this in mind, he ordered, “Svija, let the remaining intact soldiers disperse, stop swarming, and then wipe out the air forces as fast as possible, and then push the ground troops sideways.” ”

“Okay sir, the damaged soldiers have been evacuated by my order, and the completely destroyed soldiers need to be recovered?” Svija Road.

Li Ang smiled and shook his head: “No, since it has been scrapped, then throw it away, don’t care, you can just take care of the rest of the things.” ”

“Okay sir, please wait for the good news.” Svija Road.

Li Ang was slightly stunned when he heard this, and then he was dumbfounded, and he found that Svija’s only level was really getting higher and higher, in other words, such words were impossible to say.

“Well, I’ll just wait for the good news.”

At the same time, on the other side, in the middle of the battlefield, the aftermath of the nuclear explosion is gradually dissipating, and the shock wave plows the plains within a kilometer of the circle, and in this circle, the ground has settled several meters, and near the center, the land has been baked into glass by the high temperature of the nuclear explosion, and farther away, the ground has become magma.

The mushroom cloud towered like a heavenly dome, and the clouds in the sky had already been dispersed by the shock wave, revealing a blue sky dome that looked as flawless as a sapphire from a distance.

The coalition forces were outside the blast range of the nuclear explosion, which was absolutely safe at this distance, and even if the shock wave spread here, it was equivalent to a stronger wind, and did not cause any damage to the coalition positions.

On the other hand, the soldiers on the other hand really suffered heavy losses, although it is not said that there is not one in ten, but at most there is only a number of 20% or 30% left, and the corruption as the leader is even more miserable.

Now he was fiercely slammed to the ground by the shock wave, and Sheng Sheng ploughed a ravine on the ground, and the side he faced the impact had already been cut by the terrifying power and would be left with bones, and his internal organs had been dug up by Sheng Sheng in a large layer, and the blood flowed continuously.

If an ordinary person becomes like this, it is estimated that he has already died and cannot die anymore, but he is a super creature, who has already left the existence of the human category, and he has an incomparably terrifying ability to recover, even under such a look, he still does not die.

Corruption just lay motionless on the ground, looking as if he were dead, but when the radiation he had received was dispelled clean, his body began to recover rapidly.

Radiation will destroy the inner structure of people, cut off chromosomes, destroy cells, and the radiation left in the human body, but also kill white blood cells, prevent cell regeneration, people who are subjected to huge amounts of radiation will generally continue to rot their skin and flesh, and die in the intense pain of flesh and blood that cannot be regenerated.

He had been in this half-dead state all these times, that is, the reason why the radiation energy was in his body, to put it simply, it was the radiation that inhibited his regenerative recovery ability, making him no different from ordinary people at that moment, but when his own regulation system expelled the radiation energy and eliminated it, the recovery ability once again gained the upper hand, which caused the situation of rapid regeneration at this time.

However, in just five or six seconds, the appearance of only the dead bones in his front had disappeared, the flesh and blood were full, and he could no longer see the terrible appearance just now.


Corruption exhaled a deep breath, just now his lungs have been destroyed, then half a day has been in a state of suffocation, this is him, replaced by any other person, just this suffocating feeling can drive a person crazy.

The corrupt body took off into the air, looked around, recalled the miserable appearance just now, and couldn’t help but scold.


And then he got angry!

Try a nuclear bomb close to the face, that is, his head iron is not dead, if the ability is slightly weaker, even if it is only a little weak, then he will definitely not have the possibility of survival.

“Smack hee…”

Then he saw countless dark gray mists sprung up around him, spraying from every corner of his body, spreading like a thick fog in an instant, extremely fast, and in a few moments it had enveloped the area with a radius of hundreds of meters around him.

In this gray mist-shrouded area, the ordinary dirt on the ground was hatched into a dark black swamp, constantly churning bubbles, and even the nuclear radiation itself was corrupted and decayed.

That’s his ability, amazingly strong.

At this moment, what greeted him was a rain of cannonballs in the sky, falling down on him like raindrops, and countless flames burst out, staining a large area of red.

The pure explosive energy dispersed most of the gray mist that had just spread, and even the corrupt ground was blasted out of one big hole after another.

At the same time, the fighters in the sky once again dumped a piece of missiles, the number was not as terrifying as before, but it was still extremely impressive, and the explosive fluctuations generated were naturally very strong.

The gray mist was once again damaged, but the corrupted back body was surging with ripples, blocking out the fire and the kinetic energy of the explosion.

He smiled coldly, and with a wave of his hand, all the corrupt gases that had been extinguished by the explosion reappeared, and this time, all the flames were directly corrupted, turning into a cloud of dark green strange flames, which disappeared after a few twists in mid-air.

At the same time, the remaining soldiers quickly lifted into the air, and one by one the speed had risen to the peak in the blink of an eye, and the speed was like a ray of light, pulling out a large piece of streamer in mid-air.


A fighter plane exploded in the air for no reason and became a big fireball.

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