The aftermath of the nuclear explosion lasted for ten minutes before it dissipated slightly, and in the process, the coalition positions had been retreating, and now they had retreated for more than a kilometer, and the speed of this march was really strong.

At this distance, it is basically unaffected by the nuclear bomb.

Behind them were huge fireworks, and the soldiers under Li Ang were repursuing, and many soldiers were doubling their psychological pressure, some worried about whether they would be affected by the nuclear bomb, and some were wondering whether they would die in this battle.

They are all mortal flesh, and compared with this monster that can escape under a nuclear bomb, their battlefield survival rate is indeed pitifully low.

And at this time, they were finally attacked, the attack came from the sky, countless beams of light descended from the sky, just like high-energy laser light, glowing with brilliant yellow light, each ray of light was pointed out by hand, and it fell like rain.

And every ray of light will pierce the body of a soldier, so that he will die directly before he can even scream, like this light, there are thousands of ways, all of which are caused by the mutant abilities of those remaining soldiers.

Li Ang’s original plan was to send more than three thousand soldiers to directly destroy the coalition forces in one face, so that he could feel his own terror, but he was wiped out by a nuclear bomb, which did not annoy him, but it was uncomfortable.

Therefore, as soon as the remaining soldiers came up, they appeared with the ability to kill a wide range, so that these coalition forces instantly suffered huge damage.

Human life became very worthless at this time, and so did the weapons and equipment, which did not even have the strength to resist under the attack of the soldiers, and the tanks were destroyed and the rocket vehicles exploded, leaving the entire coalition positions in a mess.

Even at this time, they still didn’t even see the shadow of the enemy, they had already suffered such a terrible blow, and the impact on their momentum was devastating.

Even people with a strong mind can’t help but be afraid at this time, this is a war between humans and non-humans, the result is also obvious, the death of countless people, but also the military heart shakes, people’s hearts are unstable.


Some were screaming, others were yelling, the coalition forces were in a mess, they hadn’t found their targets, and now it was a mess.

At this time, in the temporary command of the battlefield, it had become silent, and the generals who were originally full of ambition, one by one, looked like earth, and now they had finally tried the terror that existed in Li Ang and his command, and they were all desperate.

“Gentlemen, look at the way we are now, unfortunately we failed.”

General America got up, he sorted out his clothes, made himself look calm, and then said, “May the Lord bless us, and may that demon return to hell.” ”

With that he walked out, took the gun from the guard’s hand, and strode into the battlefield.

The others looked at each other, but at this moment there was only one emotion brewing in the air, and that was despair.

The general of Huaxia sighed, stood up, saluted the commanders of other countries, and then said loudly: “The existence of Li Ang is indeed a disaster for the entire human world, at this time, we are all soldiers, we cannot back down, all of you, it is an honor to have a fight with your colleagues.” ”

General Olus did not say anything, but simply got up on his own, led his guards and rushed to the battlefield.

Others are infected by this senseless spirit and do the same, while others flee without thinking, and for this type of person, their lives are far higher than others.

The same rice to raise hundreds of people, often only when they are in a disaster, can clearly see the good and evil of people’s hearts, which is a stubborn disease of human society, after all, people’s hearts are different.

It was just a small corner of the entire battlefield, and no one usually paid attention to it, but Leon paid attention to it through Svija, and he saw the officers who rushed out of the headquarters, and these people raised their guns one by one, like ordinary soldiers, and shot into the air.

And a considerable number of people took advantage of the chaos to escape from the other direction.

Seeing this scene, Li Ang just skimmed his lips and pointed to the scene on the screen in front of him: “Destroy those who have escaped.” ”

“Okay sir.” Svija responded.

In the battlefield, there were more than a dozen commanders who chose to flee, all from different countries, who felt that they did not have to lose their lives for other countries, so it was natural to flee.

One by one, protected by the guards, they got into armored vehicles and were scattering and fleeing in several directions, and their speed soon increased.

But at this time, a series of beams of light suddenly fell from the sky, hit a convoy, and instantly pierced all the vehicles, and then, there was a violent explosion, and this convoy was destroyed in one face.

The other fleeing convoys could not escape this result, and in less than a minute they were wiped out one by one by the soldiers in the sky.

Seeing this scene, Li Ang smiled coldly: “At this time, I still don’t give me a united resistance, are you people really a decoration?” ”

He hates this kind of people, because in his opinion, this kind of people are opportunistic people, who have no help to human society in the slightest, and who occupy a lot of social resources and discourse power one by one, and the existence of such people is the stone that hinders the progress of human society.

Leon wanted to watch human society grow rapidly under his persecution, rather than watching such people live in peace.

This matter was left behind in the blink of an eye, because this point of destruction was not worth his attention at all, and at this time in the battlefield, because of the continuous attacks of the soldiers, the entire coalition camp had caused great chaos, and in just a few moments, there were already tens of thousands of casualties, which was an extremely terrible battle loss.

However, these Allied soldiers did not even see the shadow of the enemy who attacked them, but only knew that the attack came from the sky, so one by one they aimed their guns at the sky, and the bullets were released like rain.

Li Ang only shook his head slightly when he saw this, and sighed: “The conventional mode of human warfare is still too naïve for the soldiers, and without powerful weapons, in the face of this generational gap, there is no resistance at all.” ”

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