He lost interest after watching it for a while and said directly: “Hurry up and end the battle, such a war is very boring.” ”

“Okay sir.” Svija’s answer was as succinct as ever.

As he said, such a battle is indeed very boring, any soldier has the ability to compete with Magneto for a while, this is a terrifying ability, dealing with ordinary people is almost like spraying a tube of insecticide on a nest of ants.

If it is a head-on confrontation and allows the soldiers to rush into the camp, the consequences will certainly be even more terrible, and Li Ang did not let the soldiers do this, but attacked from the air, and all he did was to put great pressure on these soldiers and make them collapse themselves.

Now it seems that although the coalition has become extremely chaotic, the will to fight has not yet died, so this kind of blow must last for a while, but Leon does not want to wait now, so he receives orders from Svija to quickly resolve the battle.

And Svija’s orders to the soldiers were also very direct, which was the kind of direct killing mode that Leon originally thought.

In the battlefield, the soldiers finally saw the appearance of the enemy, because the soldiers had fallen from the sky, quickly landed, and appeared between them.

Hundreds of soldiers appeared together, but distributed throughout the battlefield, but like mud cattle into the sea, there was no wind and waves, and each soldier found the target of attack, and suddenly all the fire was vented on the soldiers.

There was a dense gunfire in the middle of the battlefield, all the soldiers gathered their soldiers, bullets hit the soldiers like raindrops, crackling, and Mars splashed around, but they did not cause half damage to the soldiers.

At this time, the soldiers had already landed on the ground, and one by one they were all emitting electric light, just like a large electric light.

The crowd was slightly agitated, and after seeing this change in the soldiers, they were all slightly stunned, and then after reacting, the attack became more rapid.

And at this moment, all the soldiers stretched out their hands, slightly open, the arc of electricity on their bodies beat more and more densely, and then, with a clang, like a crack, a fierce electric light erupted from each soldier’s body.

These electric rays are like chains of lightning, using each soldier as a carrier, entangled in each other’s bodies, and then excited in all directions.

It is worth noting that now all the soldiers are in the crowd, just like adding some special carriers of conductive electricity to the crowd, through mutual connection, the lightning position is shrouded in the entire battlefield.

In an instant, tens of millions of thunderbolts, thousands of thunderbolts, ten thousand thunderbolts, thunder and thunder, in short, you will use all the words that can describe thunder and lightning, and the entire camp of the coalition forces will be shrouded in thunder and lightning.

Countless electric snakes scurried back and forth on each warrior, and the momentary paralysis made everyone scream bitterly.



Countless screams, all of them convulsed and fell, countless electric snakes jumped back and forth in the field, and the entire coalition camp was only a kind of blue at this time, like a sea of light.

In three minutes, the thunder and lightning swept through for a total of three minutes, and when three minutes passed, there was no longer a single warrior in the battlefield who could stand, and even the most determined warrior could not survive such a lightning strike.

These thunderbolts were just the limit that a person could bear, and they just exceeded this limit by a little bit, and after three minutes of terrifying electrotherapy, all the Allied soldiers had fallen.

This is an indiscriminate attack, so to speak, this is a screening of these people by Leon, if you can survive the past, you can survive, and if you can’t survive, there is only one way to die.

Leon is not a murderous person, he has reason, he will destroy the will to fight of this coalition army, and he will not have half a hand, killing decisively, but in his opinion, unnecessary killing, is very boring.

This is not a virgin, like an ordinary person facing a group of moving ants, on a whim, will soak urine to disperse the entire ant nest, this is not a person to destroy a country? Such a killing is not worth mentioning at all in the eyes of normal people, after all, no one will pay attention to the life and death of ants, and the life of ants is not even interesting to people.

But sometimes people will stop to observe these ants scattered by urine, and will sigh that the vitality of these ants is really tenacious, in addition, this person does not even have the interest in stepping on another foot.

Yes, Leon is this mentality now, ordinary people are no different from ants to him, he made a move to defeat them, it was like giving an ant nest a puddle of urine, and then he didn’t bother to step on it again, just curious, wondering how many people could survive under his screening.

According to his estimates, of these more than 200,000 people, it is estimated that at least half of them will die, that is, more than a dozen tens of thousands, although he did not do it himself, but also because of his orders, he did not have the slightest change in mood, it can be said that he is cold-blooded, it can also be said that he is ruthless.

But he did not regret doing so, and compared to the killings caused by humans themselves before, this kind of death seemed to him to be very small.

And he also deliberately left some people, that is, the few coalition generals who regarded death as homecoming, they were separated separately, and at this time, looking at the smoke in the battlefield, everyone fell to the ground, one by one has become extremely lost.

The American general had his eyes wide open and muttered, “The devil! God, what a devil! ”

The general of Huaxia squeezed his hands tightly, the tiger’s eyes were tearful, the hatred in his eyes was like substance, his body trembled uncontrollably, and he didn’t say anything.

The general of Oros was silent, his face livid, others some pale, with a face full of disbelief, some simply weeping with blows.

This is Leon, he has achieved his goal, even if there are only a few hundred soldiers, he still easily destroys the coalition army, very crisp, without dragging mud and water.

“Well, to tell the truth, it is also quite boring, the coalition forces of several countries can only cause such losses to themselves, and it seems that they must continue to increase their efforts.” Leon shook his head helplessly.

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