In this big war, the coalition side suffered heavy losses, and Li Ang’s side only lost some soldiers, these soldiers looked precious, and it was not easy to manufacture one by one, but in fact, these things were just mass-produced Dongzi for Li Ang.

As long as anything is mass-produced, its value must be greatly reduced.

In the battlefield at this time, only those generals of various countries could stand, and those soldiers of the coalition forces were all passed out by lightning shocks, and a large part of them really could not open their eyes anymore, as to whether they could survive, it depended on the physical quality of these people.

After doing this, all the soldiers present quickly gathered together, surrounded all the generals and commanders, and the electronic eyes bloomed with a blue light, and the appearance looked full of science and technology, and with a strange sense of sharpness.


The American general’s eyes were red, his face was distorted, like a beast that wanted to choose people to eat, full of a kind of hostility and killing, and a strong hatred, looking at the eyes of those soldiers who wanted to spew fire.

“You devils, you devils, you devils…”

He roared loudly, his voice was terrible, almost unable to suppress his anger, he did not seem to be ready to suppress his anger, the next moment he directly raised his hand, and the gun in his hand also spewed out a tongue of fire in time.

“Snap Snap Snap Snap Snap…”

A series of gunshots were as crisp as the sound of dense fried beans, and all the bullets were hit on the body of the first alloy of the warrior, shooting out a flower of Mars, but there was not even a little dent.

“Devil, you are Satan’s minions, and you should all go to hell and suffer endless sufferings in hell.” The American general was furious and cursed incessantly, and the bullets in the gun in his hand were quickly burned out, leaving only the crisp sound of the firing pin.

Even so, he did not stop, but instead roared in anger and rushed up with his rifle as a stick.

The rifle smashed into the soldier’s body, which should have been the right sound, but the result was no sound.

Vibratory gold, also known as sound-absorbing steel, its meaning is also as the name suggests, can absorb vibration, but does not produce anti-shock and sound.

At this time, the other generals and commanders also reacted, and one by one they also began to shoot, and they completely regarded themselves as warriors, not survivors of the coalition forces.

The gunfire in the field was loud, the tongue of fire spewed, there was no pause, knowing that they could not do anything but they could not bear it, saying that they were now, even if they knew that there would be no half a result, but they still did it.

But after all, the useless work will stop, and when the gunfire stops, they all find that the soldiers have no sign of damage at all, and they can’t help but become more desperate.

“Oh my God, what the hell is this?” Some people are desperate.

His despair is not his own life and death, but the discovery that the guns in his hands have no way to do anything with these things, which is the real despair.

“Why is that? That’s impossible! ”

In this case, some people were already in a state of collapse and could not accept this, and the death and injury of more than 200,000 people made the line that they had been tight to break because the soldiers were not even half broken.

At this time, the American general, who had been hitting the soldiers, was directly pushed back by the soldiers in front of him, who kept falling backwards, and then fell to the ground and rolled to the side of the others.

“Master let me tell you, if you don’t want to be exterminated, then try to resist, if the resistance is not enough, then you will all die, and you here are talking about all the masters of mankind to let you do your own thing.” 」

A soldier makes a mechanical sound, without a hint of mood swings, extremely flat.

“Fuck, what the hell are you?” Why on earth would Leon do this? Answer me!!! His anger was like substance, but there was nothing he could do with these soldiers.

“The master said that it is his interest to call it interest to cause you to grow and evolve.”

The soldier’s voice was still flat, as if it were expressing something inconsequential, and it embraced a powerful intelligence, which was Svija’s subroutine, and the level of intelligence was not so terrible.

Hearing this, everyone did not understand very well, only the American general roared: “No, he has no right to do this, evolution and growth are the business of all mankind, not something he alone can control, he cannot do this.” ”

The soldier’s voice was still mechanical, and he said calmly: “No, the master said that he has such a right, he said that there are countless terrible civilizations in the universe, and the earth is better to evolve in the hands of the master than to relax and be destroyed by other civilizations, and the master said, become powerful, you have the ability to continue to survive, otherwise, it is better to be directly destroyed by him.” ”

When these people heard this, they immediately felt quite absurd, they did not have the height of Li Ang, naturally could not understand Li Ang’s state of mind, but in terms of social civilization, what Li Ang did was undoubtedly extremely evil, so they did not intend to just admit defeat, the president of the United States gritted his teeth: “Kill me, otherwise, I will definitely let him taste great suffering.” ”

“The master said not to kill you, because you are the representative of human society who resisted him, you are very good people, you must stay, and those who are not willing to resist the master will be killed.” The soldiers continued to speak calmly.

These people were so angry that they wanted to vomit blood, and they were eager to appear in front of Li Ang at once, and then kill him in person.

“Heck, human beings are born free, and I will never let him succeed.”

Without saying a word, the American general actually rushed straight up to start a fierce battle with the soldiers.

Well, this is the general’s self-assumption, in fact, he just rushed over and then kicked back by the soldiers.

The next moment, the soldier’s body emitted Li Ang’s voice.

“If you are bent on dying, I will also let you do what you want, and think clearly, will it erupt in front of me once and then be killed directly by me, or will it bring me more trouble after saving your life?”

“Leon?” The general was stunned.

“It’s me.” Leon’s voice was also flat.

“By the way, I forgot to say that although your coalition was defeated by me, there are still some people who survive, not all of them are dead, and if you want to die, I will let the survivors die with you.” If you choose to continue to live, these people will be able to live with you. ”

“Well, you choose.”

This was a soul torture, and when he learned that not all the Allied soldiers were dead, the general was immediately overjoyed, and the answer he had to choose was self-evident.

He was silent, but Leon understood his choice and said; “Very well, you made the right choice, and the world may change because of you.”

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