Obviously, the lives of these coalition soldiers were valued more by him than his own lives, which was an advantage, whether it was pity or tolerance, in short, this American general really valued ordinary soldiers.

Leon also saw this point of his, so he used such words to squeeze him, and the answer was self-evident.

In addition to him, the other generals and commanders did the same, they did not attach much importance to their own lives, but as soon as they heard that ordinary soldiers were not dead, the silent heart began to recover.

At this time, Li Ang’s voice came out again, and he said very plainly: “Go back and tell your superiors that in the face of me, you must take out all your strength, do not squeeze your potential clean, you will wait to be destroyed by me.” I’m not joking, the monthly hedging in six months will also come on time, no matter what method you use, find a way to stop me. ”

This is Li Ang’s admonition to them, but also a spur to them, Li Ang from now on, no longer think about small fights, his ability is improving every day, and then go on like this, and at some point, he can wave his hand into the earth and erase it from the starry sky, really at that time, he really has no patience to accompany the earth human beings to play slowly.

“That concludes, so be it.”

At the end of the conversation, hundreds of soldiers burst into light, and then the light joined together, enveloping all the soldiers, and then all the soldiers disappeared from the same place, disappearing without a trace, as if they had never appeared.

After the soldiers left, the battlefield was still silent, all the people did not speak, the atmosphere was extremely heavy, and after half a day, it was General Huaxia who broke the silence with a sigh.

“Guys, I want to… It’s time for change in the world, and we are going to face not other countries, and the nature of war is different. Moreover, this is not the war of the past, we have to face an almost omnipotent god, he is no different from the real god, we must come up with the means to deal with the god against him, otherwise, we will be defeated. ”


General Olus also sighed, followed by a sad look on his face, and sighed: “Unite, I mean, the real union, between each of our countries, open all the scientific and technological barriers, exchange all our possessions, and strive to find a way to restrain him in the shortest possible time, otherwise…”

The following words he did not go down, and the consequences are self-evident, everyone knows very well in their hearts that this is not a war like the world war, not a problem that can be solved by guns, and Leon can indeed be called a god to ordinary people, and his means and ordinary technology cannot be touched at all.

Everyone else was silent, and they were left on the battlefield, leaving them speechless.

“In short, when you go back, you must clearly report today’s events and clearly express Li Ang’s threat, and as for whether the various countries agree to unite, then you can only resign yourself to fate.” General Huaxia said again.

To tell the truth, he is more pessimistic in his heart, because compared to China, the politics of other countries are more dirty, China is based on elite politics and foreign politics, while other free countries are different, political parties attack each other, politicians attack each other are common things, want them to agree to unite together, combined into a whole, the difficulty is like ascending to the sky.

“I agree to unite with Huaxia!”

A person suddenly happened, and it was General Olus, who silently walked over to General Huaxia and held out his hand to him: “I have no right to decide all this, but as far as I am concerned, I will do my best to facilitate this, we… Can’t wait. ”

“I agree!”

Everyone looked at the source of the sound, and suddenly the people present changed their faces, because it was General America who opened his mouth, and he also walked over to General Huaxia, patted him on the shoulder, and then said: “As the main battlefield against Li Ang, the United States has an unshirkable responsibility and urgently needs the help of others, so I personally agree to unite, and I will find a way to persuade Congress.” ”

The three most powerful countries in the world have taken a stand, and the looks of other commanders have also become inexplicably excited at this time, compared to politicians, they are some pure soldiers, they know the principle of vertical and horizontal combination, five fingers are contractions are fists, and fists are obviously more harmful than slapping people.

“I agree!”

“Me too!”

“And me! I agree on behalf of France! ”

“This is the best proposal, we have no reason to refuse, dé country will not stay out of it!”

“Very well, we should do it!”

The rest of the people also stated one by one, there is no end to the eggs under the nest, although the culture of each country is different, but this kind of truth is expressed in much the same way, and no one will not understand this.

If the earth is really going to end, how can these countries be spared?

“Gentlemen, let’s put this matter aside first, let’s contact the headquarters first and treat the injured here.” General America Road.

The crowd also reacted at this time, they were still in the battlefield, they had survived, but there were thousands of other warriors who had died, and these warriors were the elite forces of various countries, and they had suffered so much damage in such a war, and they were all spilling blood in pain.

“Damn Leon, what a terrible devil!”

I don’t know who muttered, the voice was full of resentment, but the others were speechless, and such insults were useless.

Immediately someone began to contact the headquarters to report the situation on this side, and the other side soon received feedback that personnel would be sent in the shortest possible time.

This war was indeed a complete defeat for them, but they did not achieve nothing, at least they understood that the soldiers were not irresistible, and under the nuclear bomb, they would also become fly ash.

There are also the most critical war data, and the combat effectiveness shown by the soldiers, which are valuable lessons to be used to counter Li Ang in the future.

At the same time, on the other side, Leon was always ignoring the problem, and he gave such an order to Svija after thinking for half a moment.

“Send out a squad of soldiers, land from Europe, occupy a piece of land at the usual speed, and advance around in anger. By the way, and in Africa, too, in Asia, Japan will be wiped out. ”

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