Japan’s suffering has attracted the attention of the whole world, compared with several African countries being hit, the European Ying country resistance force was destroyed, such a small loss, the demise of an economic power, a military power, the shock to the whole world is the most terrible.

This is just a day’s event, and no one dares to imagine what kind of catastrophe the world will experience if this time is a little longer.

The Japanese affair did not end, the soldiers carried out Leon’s orders very thoroughly, the blow was also very thorough, and within a day, the Japanese continental shelf collapsed.

Countless major earthquakes have occurred in every corner of the Japanese country, and the tsunami waves around it have been one after another, causing a kind of natural disaster of the same level.

The tsunami almost overwhelmed the entire country of Japan, but the earthquake had actually destroyed the entire country, and because the continental shelf was so thoroughly hit, it made it impossible for Japan to survive this catastrophe, and it would not be a surviving land in the future.

There are earthquakes here all the time, and it is the most intense one, and there are many volcanic eruptions, and the smoke will cover the whole country.

In just one day, although Japan has not yet been completely destroyed, its population has been drastically reduced, any armed forces have been destroyed, the major cities have become extremely dilapidated, and the economy and military that they are proud of have been completely destroyed under the blow of this time.

Subsequently, the whole country collapsed, and the collapse was so complete that there was no possibility of recovery.

From then on, Japan as a country will only exist in history, and there will no longer be the capital of the past.

At this time, the shock brought by Japan’s destruction to the whole world was really revealed, and everyone found that Li Ang’s means were really too terrible, and he directly destroyed a country at any time, or there was no difference, there was no difference between soldiers and civilians in his eyes, and high-ranking officials and ordinary people were as fragile in his eyes.

This is a devil, the kind of devil who is going to destroy the world, something that has been proven, and no one will ever doubt it anymore.

All international, no! It should be said that the whole world is trembling under Leon’s terror methods, and those major countries have really faced up to the joint plan, which seems to all countries to be somewhat marginal, and now everyone under the pressure of Leon has suddenly realized that if they do not unite, they will follow in Japan’s footsteps.

Therefore, the joint plan was put on the desk of the heads of state as quickly as possible, and it was no longer a plan that only stayed in the imagination, but was intended to be implemented thoroughly.

Leon has always maintained online surveillance of the world, and through online investigations, he found that ninety-nine percent of the world’s people agree with this joint plan, and even if they do, their country name will be removed, and they will not hesitate.

But the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, so many people around the world, there are always some strange things.

And those strange people are the remaining one percent of the people, some of them oppose, some of them don’t care, and a considerable number of them, are Leon’s fans.

Yes, you heard that right, it’s Leon’s fan.

It was all at the point of the destruction of the world, and some people really worshipped Li Ang as a god and began to believe in him, saying that he was the only god in the world, that the world itself was full of evil, and that Li Ang had come to purify them.

Such a thing, Li Ang’s expression after knowing it was very wonderful.

“Where does this wisdom come from?” How did I become their god? Still come and purify them? What do these people really think? ”

Li Ang already felt that his three views were already prominent enough, and now he found that there were indeed too many strange things in this world, such people did not have other places, and all of them were concentrated in Europe and the United States, to put it nicely, they were the group of people who most longed for freedom and supported political correctness before, and now they have become his fans.

As for how this group of people didn’t think about it, Li Ang didn’t have the heart to think about it, because in his opinion, these people were at best the most pathological group of people in the world.

“Send some soldiers and go and purify these people.” Leon ordered.

“Okay sir.”

There were not many soldiers sent to deal with those countries, only a few thousand in total, and against these strange things, Li Ang sent out all the remaining tens of thousands of soldiers.

“Since you think I have come to purify the world, let me first purify you of these wonders.”

Leon thinks so, and does this, and the process is also very thorough, each soldier determines the location of those people through the network coordinates, and then screens them one by one, finds out all these people, and then kills them one by one.

These people were worshipped as gods by Leon, but when the soldiers appeared in front of them, they were still afraid, and when the soldiers raised their butcher knives to them, they were even more devastated.

The most they say is that.

“I am obviously a disciple of Li Ang, why do you want to kill me?”

Such an almost stupid cry made Leon quite speechless, feeling that you believe in me, is it to get a chance to live from me?

This made Leon cry and laugh a little, he felt that he was a little high on these people, and sure enough, the more elite the person, the more self-righteous he was, thinking that he would not raise a butcher’s knife to himself, so as to save his life in such a disaster.

But Leon told them with practical actions that this was not feasible, that he did not need such scum, so killing was the best way to solve the problem, and he did not need such a person to live in the world.

This is a small matter, and no one pays attention to it at all, because now the eyes of the whole world are focused on such a big thing as world union, and no one cares about these lives and deaths.

In the following time, the speed of world union was beyond Li Ang’s imagination.

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