Originally, it was thought that the so-called alliance would also be filled with all kinds of lengthy links and negotiations like the exchanges between countries in the past, and those politicians would engage in various verbal battles at the negotiating table to demand more benefits for their own side.

But reality surprised him, in one day, only one day, sixty percent of the world’s countries were united, although only a very crude prototype, but in the end it was also a crucial first step.

Led by China, the United States and Russia, supplemented by other developed countries such as ying, France, dé, Canada and Australia, a new group with the interest of the alliance as the main body has emerged.

The name of this group is called the Pan-Human United States, referred to as the United States of Humanity, which adopts a semi-parliamentary seat system, and the members are elected by the member countries to determine the number of seats according to the strength of the country.

The reason why it is a semi-parliamentary seat system is because in addition to the United States, there is another set of administrative methods, that is, with China as the administrative main body and other countries as administrative auxiliaries to maintain the operation of the entire alliance.

As for why Huaxia was chosen as the main administrative body, there is also a reason, and this reason is obvious.

Because China has always followed the elite political line, rather than the political line of parliamentarians and politicians, the whole country has ordered the prohibition, the order has a door, and there is a law to follow, such administrative methods are extremely advanced in the whole world.

Foreigners are not stupid, they certainly know what kind of experience can really lead them to strength, rather than going through all kinds of endless ridicule before a decree is issued.

Even if they are reluctant to dominate, this dominance must be given up, because Leon will not give them time to rip, Japan is destroyed, and if there is chaos within mankind, then it is simply a burp together.

By this time, any voice against the unity of mankind was suppressed extremely quickly, and a big hat for crimes against humanity was buttoned down, and even the imprisonment was saved, and the brass peanut rice was directly led to the king of Yama.

Another crucial reason why Huaxia was chosen as the main body is that Huaxia has administrative advantages, because Huaxia is one of the few countries in the world that has official accountability, and any official who makes a mistake is caught, then the punishment will come very hard.

This accountability mechanism is not a normal legal punishment like in other countries, but a more thorough administrative punishment, although it is also within the framework of the law, but it is more useful than any law.

Another advantage is that Huaxia’s terrible execution power is unmatched by any other country, and the reason why Huaxia can develop so quickly is inseparable from the execution power in China.

In the face of the terrorist threat brought by Li Ang, the unification of all countries is an inevitability, and this kind of unity naturally needs a strong leader, and Huaxia is also well-deserved to act as this leader.

After knowing this news, Li Ang seemed a little surprised, he really did not expect such a result.

“It seems that people in this world are not stupid, they know which polity is good, which polity is bad, and no one pursues any equality and freedom, and those who are estimated to be bullshit in the eyes of people now.”

He was pleased with this result, after all, it was also his own hand, he brought countless disasters to the world, and directly proved his existence as an extremely terrifying threat in itself.

Several countries in Africa have been crushed, European countries are also on the verge of collapse, and as for Japan in Asia, it is extremely completely destroyed, and such a terrible disaster is unique in human history.

Then the consortium began to stabilize rapidly, and the internal power arrangement and the main structure were also carried out extremely rapidly, the framework was formed on the first day, the mobilization of government decrees began on the third day, the integration of resources on the fifth day, and the military strength on the seventh day.

Then all kinds of science and technology were handed over to this whole, any resources and individuals that could increase the combat strength of the human union side were requisitioned, and the human unionist country also did its best to begin to deal with the threat posed by Leon.

Moreover, with the passage of time, the structure of the people-to-people country has become more and more stable, and it has become more and more normal as a whole, and the pattern of the world has also changed greatly.

Over time, almost all the countries of the world have joined in, and the structure of China, the United States and Russia has become unbreakable.

Among them, the United States provides the main scientific and technological assistance and weapons assistance, Russia is also a weapon production power, shouldering the same role, Huaxia is the integration of resources, as well as the provision of major implementation resources, will be with other countries, naturally there is money to contribute forcefully.

During this period, some secret organizations were also unearthed and thrown into it, including many mutant organizations and individuals around the world, as well as organizations with mysterious powers, such as the Supreme Mage Gu Yi and their people.

With the addition of these people, and the help of mutants around the world who have been discovered or have long been documented, human society has rapidly begun to study the capabilities of mutants.

In fact, the study of mutant capabilities is more or less carried out in every country, such as the military-led X program in the United States before being one of them.

With the integration of the resources of the entire world, such research is also extremely smooth, and they even found the key to human evolution!

It is to open the code of the x gene was cracked, this discovery, so that the entire human society has become extremely exciting, if in the human society, everyone is a mutant, then the resistance to Leon, will certainly be able to double the speed of geometric times.

“Is this the rhythm of the era of national evolution?”

Li Ang was also shocked to learn that humans had found the key to turn on the X gene, because even he, after studying for such a long time, had not found this thing, and he did not expect that after humans integrated the power of the whole, they could be discovered so quickly.

From this, Li Ang finally felt a little pressure and threat.

“Haha, very good, that’s interesting.”

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