Yes, in the face of the human world finding the key to unlock the secret of the X gene, Leon only felt a little pressure, and there was no unnecessary sense of urgency, for him, it was enough to resist his increased strength.

Seeing that human society had begun to unite and that the strength of the French resistance to him had also increased rapidly, he also began to expand the power under his command, first of all, the increase in the number of soldiers.

He had Svija now at full power to start producing new soldiers, instead of the controlled increase he had always had, and now all the production lines of soldiers were in full swing, producing thousands of soldiers a day.

A warrior is a combat power comparable to an alpha-level mutant, so many soldiers, enough to overthrow the world.

As for the human being opening the x gene lock, all kinds of mutants will appear later, with the power of the warrior in hand, he still maintains sufficient certainty that he can suppress the entire human society.

The two sides thus fell into a calm of confrontation with each other, which lasted for more than a month, and Li Ang gave human society sufficient time, but also gave himself time, and both sides were steadily increasing their own capabilities and combat effectiveness.

By now, the number of soldiers under Li Ang’s command had expanded to the terrifying number of 200,000, which was like his command, there were more than 200,000 alpha-level mutants at once, or the kind of existence that could resist Magneto.

Now Magneto has thoroughly measured the background board of the warrior’s combat strength standard, although he himself does not know this.

For more than a month of peace, Li Ang’s side is strengthening its strength preparations, and the side of the United States is also accumulating strength, compared to Li Ang, they have a greater sense of crisis, because it will be them who are attacked by the disease, and whether human beings can continue to survive and attack depends on the victory or defeat of the battle between the United States of Man and Li Ang.

Therefore, for more than a month, the United States of Man began to grow itself with a speed that is unique in human history, especially after opening the X gene lock, in just over a month, a very large number of mutants have emerged within the United States.

Oh yes, according to the current name within the United States, it can no longer be turned into mutants, but evolutionists, and the United States of Humanity gives the mutants their names in the form of a constitution, calling these mutants evolutionists, because they are people who are at the forefront of human evolution, and they are the forerunners who lead human evolution.

Although the social atmosphere cannot be changed in a very short period of time, because of the government’s decree, many people have begun to face up to mutants, and no longer regard them as an outlier in human society, and gradually developed an evolutionary worship psychology.

It is that everyone knows that things must be reversed, and such a crazy push for the status of a race that is too high is bound to affect the stability of the entire human society and may cause a new privileged class, but at this critical moment of human life and death, this point of human society obviously bears the consequences.

Leon was also watching the matter, and he found that humans were much more tenacious than he had imagined, and that such changes were faster than he had imagined.

In just over a month, there were already more than seven million evolutionists in human society, which was a number that surprised him, knowing that this was only a short period of one month, and there were already so many people with powerful mutant abilities, and if one did not handle it well, it would cause social turmoil.

But fortunately, because of his existence, because of the tremendous pressure he gives, everyone in human society is not so stupid to ask for something stupid.

Even the mutant brotherhood led by Magneto has been eliminated in this torrent of change, and now it is not known which national organization has been incorporated, and the X Academy is the same, Li Ang has searched for a long time and has not found.

With more than seven million terror number of evolutionists, naturally not everyone can be powerful, the most of them is the Delta level, or the kind of existence that cannot fully grasp the ability, but thanks to the base number of terror, there will always be powerful evolutionaries coming out.

Of the seven million terrifying numbers, the total number of evolutionists with alpha-level combat power also exceeded 30,000!

Yes, thirty thousand!

More than the sum of mutants at any time in human history, this is not thirty thousand mutants, but thirty thousand alpha-level combat power, as for the mutated omega-level in the alpha level, there has not been one so far, but with thirty thousand alpha-level combat strength, for human society, there are many more security guarantees at once.

Some of these people’s abilities are even more strange, some can master all kinds of things in nature, some can manipulate people’s hearts, and there are various attribute types of abilities, in short, there are countless of them, but there are also many repetitive abilities.

For example, the ability to control electricity, as well as magnetic control, people with such abilities have become very many, and the name of Magneto may not be taken off at some point.

And the United Nations is even ambitious, creating an all-human evolution plan, that is, by opening the X gene lock, so that every human being becomes an evolutionary, so as to enhance the resistance and combat strength of the entire human world as a whole.

When Leon learned of this, he was not half worried, on the contrary, he was very excited, because he had a lot more things to study.

And now his main thing to do is to get a way to open the secret of the x gene lock from the United States, which he is equally curious about.

“Sure enough, after the human race united, the power that erupted was shocking, and the x gene lock was broken, such a thing was impossible to do in the past, even if I relied on my own scientific research ability, if I wanted to study it, it would take a long time.”

Leon affirmed the ability of human beings, which is the result of his best efforts, he needs the unity of the human world, so that he can show him a lot of different things, all kinds of novel abilities, which is what he wants to see most.

As for how to get the method of cracking the x gene lock, it is actually very simple, as long as he goes to the United Kingdom for a walk.

There is no doubt about Svija’s strength, and for more than a month he has not done nothing, but has been gathering all kinds of intelligence and finally determining the main test sites of the United States.

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