The core defense force of this base laboratory is these newly emerged evolutionaries, and among these evolutionaries, the first to appear in front of Leon is naturally these space capabilities with extremely high mobility.

More than twenty people present launched their abilities at the same time, which immediately made the spatial attributes around Li Ang unbalanced, and even if he was there, it was inevitable to have a feeling of being upside down and upside down, and there was no distinction between inside and outside.

This feeling is very peculiar, obviously there seems to be no change around him, but the change of space has deviated his senses, making his sense of direction confused.

Visible to the naked eye, the spatial disorder around him was aggravated, the surrounding walls were neatly cut into pieces, and a series of spatial cracks also appeared, which were about to act on his body.

If it is an ordinary person, in the face of this scene, you can only tie your hands, and the body will definitely be folded and broken into countless pieces. Unless it is an evolutionary of the level of Magneto and Professor X, a person who can disrupt the balance of spatial abilities with electromagnetic force can disrupt their ability to perform.

The other one is more domineering, and direct psychic control can cancel this attack in an instant.

And Li Ang’s coping method is relatively crisp, he did not use telepathy, nor did he use teleportation, but most directly used the ability of mind to control, acting on the space around him, with an absolutely strong and domineering posture, the most direct deprivation of those people’s control over the space around him.

Visible to the naked eye, the fluctuations of the surrounding space quickly stabilized, and the ripples that had just appeared were quickly smoothed out, and the cracks in those spaces were also quickly eliminated, as if they had never appeared.

Li Ang’s ability to control the space hegemony made the attack that these people combined to perform was suddenly ineffective, as if a child with a knife was suddenly stripped of the blade in his hand, and in front of Li Ang, he completely turned into an ordinary person without the power of a chicken.

No, not even ordinary people!

Li Ang looked back and looked at these people with a smile, and this look immediately made the scalps of these people present tingle, they knew Li Ang’s terror, but they didn’t know what degree Li Ang’s terror really was.

And now after they really fought, they immediately had a sense of powerlessness from the depths of their hearts, facing Li Ang was like an ant facing a mountain, which was an obstacle that could not cross the past at all.

Alpha-level evolutionists, their own abilities are already extremely strong, a person is like a special operations force, can easily produce huge destructive power.

Especially this ability to travel through space arbitrarily, its attack methods are also strange and changeable, after all, in modern science and technology, there is no technology that can affect the stability of space, and there is almost no means of defense against this ability.

As soon as Li Ang moved in the New Year, he immediately calmed down the restless space, and he himself did not pay attention to these people, but just walked forward with his own care, strolling idly and looking relaxed.

His performance made others dare not act rashly at all, and these people became very hesitant for a while, thinking about whether to continue or not.

But their duty is to make it impossible for them to back down, and in order to protect this place, they must also do everything.

Li Ang did not know what the identity of these people was before they became evolutionists, but judging by their demeanor and temperament, it was expected that they should also be regular professional soldiers.

But this is just a thought turned around, Li Ang did not pay any attention to it, he is very interested in this place, planning to visit first and then say.

At this time, some of the more than twenty space capable people gritted their teeth and said, “No matter what, we must block him, this laboratory is our last resort against him, and we absolutely cannot let him destroy it here.” ”

Li Ang was quite amused to hear it, really talking about destruction, it seems that they are more destructive to this laboratory, right? If he hadn’t suppressed it just now, the space structure itself would have collapsed, and at least everything within forty or fifty meters around him would have been destroyed.

This underground space is large, but the structure is exquisite, and it involves the whole body, and these people seem to have no concept at all.

“If you want to stop me, then do something serious.” Leon laughed.

He was not in a hurry, he was silent for a long time and then appeared in front of the world again, he had plenty of time to play with these people, and the most important thing was that Leon needed to know how many evolutionary guards were in this laboratory, and what abilities these guards had.

By glancing at the whole leopard and knowing the allocation and abilities of the laboratory guards, he could at least infer some of the mainstream abilities of the evolutionists in human society, and even the coordination between them.

Now is not before, human beings have no power to fight back in front of him, with the means to crack the X gene, with the basis of this horror of human beings all over the world, he is still under a little pressure.

“Come on?”

He turned back and waved at these people, and Shi Shiran stood.

“Shot!” One person shouted.

Suddenly, everyone had activated their abilities again, and more than twenty alpha-level evolutionists struck together again, some of them began to compete with him for control of the space around him, and some of them directly destroyed the space itself, causing a brilliant brilliance around him.

This brilliance is like countless pieces of glass of different shapes, reflecting dazzling tubes under the light, as if a mirror surface is broken, and then various irregular changes appear.

But this change disappeared half a meter in front of his body, because in this area, Leon was the master of space, and even if the forces of these people were combined, they still could not shake this.

“It’s still too weak.”

Li Ang shook his head slightly, as time passed, his own ability became more and more powerful, because of the relationship with the distance between the Qin and the negative, this growth was still continuous, more than a month, enough to make him have earth-shaking changes in his physical ability.

Now he is stronger than more than a month ago, and he doesn’t know how much, and he doesn’t even have to work hard in the face of these people.

“Well, the movement caused by the combination of more than twenty spatial abilities cannot change my control of space at all.

Li Ang shook his head helplessly, only feeling his own strength, these people could not understand at all.

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