The two sides seemed to be in a stalemate like this, on the one hand, the color was plain, on the other hand, the color was solemn, as if they were wrestling, more than twenty people against one person, still feeling extremely difficult.

The space around Li Ang was repaired after it was broken, and when it was repaired, it shattered again, so back and forth, directly into a stalemate.

Li Ang understated it, those twenty people were red-faced, and there were many things that needed to be consumed to exert their ability, energy, physical strength, and some of the energy that was already retained in the body, and the rapid loss of these things made them all become a little depressed.

In the blink of an eye, more than a minute has passed, and in this more than a minute of time, these more than twenty people have used all their abilities, space shuttle, space cutting, space annihilation, and space distortion, all the means that can be used have been exhausted, but Leon is like a mountain, so that people can’t shake him at all.

“Too weak, or too weak.”

Li Ang was a little disappointed, he himself did not have half a bit of damage, not even the strength was wasted, and the space around him was stable like a waterhole in late autumn, and it seemed that there was no wave in the ancient well.

But farther away from him, the wall was cut into pieces, irregular but extremely standard, with straight cross-sections and smooth, mirror-like cuts.

The reason why the space ability is powerful is mainly manifested in its own space control, arbitrarily splitting space, can cut the object from the extremely small microscopic level, that is, the space ability can split the molecules or atoms, like a knife.

However, this is only the result of ability, not that these spatial ability evolutionists themselves have a microscopic level of control, and it is almost impossible to reach this level.

He shook his head slightly, raised his hand and prepared to put an end to these people, but at this moment, in the ruins of the collapsed wall next to him, there was a sudden gush of fire, and with a loud roar, it was like a large ball of fire, with a shocking and terrifying hot energy, crashing into his body.

It was not surprising that this flame actually ignored the disorder of space and directly fell on Li Ang’s body, although the order of space was disrupted, but there was still a connection between them.

This is like from point a to point b, originally along the straight line to reach, but now the spatial order between the two points is disrupted, the original straight line has become a maze, but the two points are connected, and this flame is directly into the maze, bursting out infinite fire, and then the hot energy will instantly bombard Li Ang along the maze route.

This energy is extremely condensed, although the appearance looks like a flame, but it is actually a pure plasma energy body, the temperature has reached an astonishing more than seven thousand degrees, not to mention the horror of the energy itself, so that this thermal energy is already comparable to a small nuclear bomb.

“Fire control?”

Li Ang shook his head slightly.

“No, it should be an energy riot.” Li Ang immediately analyzed this flame clearly.

Because he found that this flame is not a flame in the true sense, but is compressed by an extremely violent energy cluster, not only the ultra-high temperature of the flame, but also the destructive power of the bomb, this group of energy is extremely compressed and controlled, if all the explosion is broken, the energy contained in it can indeed be the same as a tiny yield nuclear bomb.

“Good ability!”

Leon admired.

At this moment, this energy had already exploded around him, wrapped in a violent torrent of energy, and began to wash over his body, the intense heat, as if it was going to melt him away.

He was in the center of the explosion, replaced by someone else, even if Magneto was there, he would definitely be blown up, but he was different.

As for Li Ang, who had already swallowed the energy of a nuclear bomb when the Phoenix Force was still at the second level, this explosion was like someone putting a firecracker on the sole of his thick shoe, or the kind of cannon.

He directly and gently blew a breath, and the energy dissipated into invisibility like spring snow, and this understatement was calm to the extreme.

The violent energy simply disappeared as if it had never existed, a means of erasing it essentially from energy, and no one but Leon could understand what was going on.


Not far away, there was an exclamation, it was a woman’s voice, Li Ang turned his eyes, a blonde and blue-eyed Yanke was looking at you with great surprise, and there were two clusters of light condensed on her hands, which were two extremely condensed energy balls.

Obviously, the blow just now was what she had delivered, but she had no idea that Leon would be so terrible.

Behind him, there were several others, each of them looking surprised and shocked.

No matter how close these people are, their duty is to guard this place, so even if they are afraid of Leon, they still blatantly move.

Someone can control electricity, as if they have mastered the rules of lightning, and the electric glow that bursts out of their bodies presents a strange lilac, which is very charming.

There was more than one person with such ability, six or seven people discharged together, and all the electric light gathered on the first person, and a dark purple thunder ball instantly condensed in front of him.

Ball lightning!

With a roar, but without a half-point of breaking the air, everywhere it passed, the air was burned out of the scorched marks, like rushing thunder, rushing to the scene.


A thunderous vibration resounded through most of the underground space.

The thunder ball exploded, stirring out thousands of rays of light, and countless electric snakes gathered along the surrounding area towards Li Ang, and everywhere they passed, everything turned into powder.

At the same time, there were also violent energy clusters that followed, and there were several other abilities mixed in.

There is ice, vibration, and even gravity.

These three abilities, any of which have reached a high and deep level, have the terrifying power to change the operation of the universe, but now they are only superficial destructive forces, and they have not reached the level that affects the operation of the universe at all.

Li Ang saw the frantic and terrifying shock and destructive power around him, and a smile appeared on his face.

“It’s really eye-opening, human potential is indeed infinite, just in such a short period of time, you have made so many evolutionaries, and so many of them are infinite potential abilities, amazing!”

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