The X gene samples transferred by Li Ang are as many as hundreds of thousands of copies, and Li Ang still does not know how many variant abilities there are in these x gene samples, but it should not be less.

After doing this, there was naturally no attraction to him here, and when he came out, he said to the electric light woman, “Let’s go.” ”


The electric light woman Ivenne Temple’s body trembled, revealing a cry, and the expression on her face became more and more frightened, and she did not dare to think about what kind of suffering she would face in the future.

In her mind, Leon was a man, still a man of good character, and he was a woman, or a rather beautiful woman, was he going to become a slave in the future? Or the kind of bed slave?

I have to say that women sometimes think too much about things, Li Ang did not think so much, he directly stepped forward, a hand on the waist of Iwini, the latter wearing a tight combat suit, her bumpy figure, set off to the fullest, feel quite good.

After Li Ang put his hand up, the electric light woman’s body was shaking again, the tear marks were continuous, and it looked like they were about to collapse, but how straight the two were, it was not too much to call it An Tie straight man, and did not think about why the other party was like this, only thought that the other party was afraid.


He let out a soft sigh, and then the figures of the two suddenly disappeared from the spot, leaving only a little space to surge the aftermath, leaving very suddenly.

At this time, the four people in the room reacted, looking at each other, and at this time they didn’t know what to say.

“Damn, it really made him work!” One man said angrily.

“Well… In that case, do we still have to self-destruct the base? Someone followed.

“fuck! He also self-destructed a fart, he took everything he wanted to take, how do you think there is anything here that will be coveted by him? Damn it! ”

“Heck, how strong is he?” Why are so many alpha-level evolutionists unable to do anything about him? “Some people are extremely angry.


Then one of them sighed and said, “It’s no longer safe here, the data and x gene samples are missing, we have lost our leading position in this regard, it seems that we can only speed up the evolution of the whole people.” ”

“That’s right, hurry up and report this matter, as for how the people above will deal with it, it depends on the people above.” One person said helplessly.

“Transfer, only give up here.” Someone followed,


Li Ang didn’t care what happened after he left, he had already returned to the headquarters with the electric light woman at this time, the electric light woman was shaking badly at this time, she could already predict what she was going to face.

“Woohoo… Master don’t kill me willing to do everything you want. The Electric Light Woman collapsed.


Li Ang looked at her strangely, only to find that her inner drama was so full, for a while he only felt quite funny, and he couldn’t help but tease her thoughts.

“Really willing to do anything?” Li Ang seemed to be smiling.

The Electric Light Woman quickly nodded, the two were now in the top floor room of the sword-shaped building, next to the large sofa, the computer light woman’s face changed slightly, and then she shook her hands and began to undress.

Leon’s face became more and more strange, and he felt that he was overplaying, but because he was bored, he wanted to continue watching.

“Cough, him, look at it first and then say, I’m going to see what I’m going to do with women.” Leon made an excuse for himself.

And he poured himself a glass of red wine with his own ability, and sat down on the sofa in another place to watch for a while.

When the electric light woman saw him like this, her face changed slightly, and the last trace of luck in her heart disappeared, and she could only weep silently, and her trembling hand opened the zipper of her combat suit, revealing the small vest and lining inside.


Li Ang took a sip of wine, with an inexplicable smile on his face, and continued to look down.

The electric light woman is very beautiful, it is true, in terms of appearance, she can already be equal to Lorna, and her figure is also hot, at least from Li Ang’s point of view, bumpy, white skin, very attractive.

I don’t know what the electric light woman thought, she shook her body while changing off, and the fear on her face gradually turned into a temptation, sometimes stroking her jaw, sometimes shaking her lips, and her eyes were confused from time to time to glance at Li Ang, and she almost said that sentence with a small mouth.


The smile on Li Ang’s face became more and more intense, and when he saw the electric light woman’s movement, he didn’t say anything, and kept his own state, to make her think more, to make her misunderstand…

“Honey, you’re back?”

At this time, Miss Polaris appeared, and she was very happy to see Li Ang return, and she was about to take three or two steps to pounce on her, but she stopped in an instant when she took a step, because she saw the electric light woman.

At this time, the electric light girl looked quite frightened, her body was still trembling, and looking at the red wine in Li Ang’s hand, Lorna’s brow frowned.

“Who is she?” Miss Polaris frowned and asked.

She can tolerate that Li Ang and Qin have a relationship, that is because the two of them can become stronger, and she can also be urged by what he has, but she can’t stand someone to share Li Ang again.

Li Ang shrugged, took a sip of wine to hide his embarrassment, and then said, “This is my captive, brought back from the outside, and will be my men in the future.” ”

“Prisoners? Are you abusive to suits? Or is it… Do you like to play games like this? Lorna smiled.

“Cough, it’s okay, mainly bored to tease her, who knows she is so unfunny, if I don’t sit here and watch, she will probably be scared to death by her own wild thoughts.”

After Li Ang explained it, he directly changed the subject: “By the way, his name is Ivenne Temple, I gave her a name called Electric Light Girl, ability is to control the thunder and lightning in nature, this ability is very practical, and it is also very powerful.” ”

Lorna looked strange, not knowing that Leon was diverting the subject, but seeing him like this, her attention was successfully transferred to Yvonne.

At this time, the electric light woman, eager to find a seam to drill into, crouched in an indescribable movement, and the color of shame had gathered to the peak.

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