The atmosphere was a little awkward, no, it should be said that it was very awkward, the person who was embarrassed was not Leon, nor Miss Polaris, but the electric light woman Ivani, just as she herself thought, her current posture is very turbulent, almost like a Ji girl shaking her head and wagging her tail.


She buried her head deep between her arms, shrunk down and cried silently, this crying voice with despair, but also with helplessness and shame, that trace of embarrassment could not be erased.


Lorna was a little dumbfounded, looking at her look, and then looked at Li Ang who was the old god, and suddenly said, “You forced her?” ”

The two shook their heads, “It’s not a compulsion, I killed all her companions, saw that she was beautiful and left her alive, and then said to follow me, and then she was like this.” ”

Lorna frowned slightly, snorted, stepped forward and took off her coat and draped it over Ivani, comfortingly: “Well, you don’t have to worry, no one here will force you, but since you brought you back, you have to listen to him, understand?” ”

Lorna did a good job at this point, there was no jealousy or small nature, very sensible, slightly comforted Ivani, watched her mental state gradually recover, and then said to Leon: “Go and take care of you, I will take good care of her, if you really want to, I will accompany her with you at night.” ”


Li Ang suddenly had a smile on his face, and then nodded: “Good, take her around, she will be our side of the people in the future, let her know that this is an opportunity.” ”

With that he got up and ignored it.

Leon went to the laboratory, where he had just teleported the gene bank to the underlying laboratory, and the rest of the matter needed to be handled by himself.

After he left, Lorna comforted Ivenne, she is not good at comforting people, it can be said that she does not communicate much, so the comforting words are also very rough, just to clarify the stakes for her, let her know what Li Ang is going to do, what problems she will face in the future, and even let her be mentally prepared to become Li Ang’s bedmate at any time.

Li Ang didn’t know this, if he knew, he couldn’t help but sigh, find a woman for his man, this girl’s heart is really big.

At this time, Li Ang’s attention was focused on those materials, as well as the X gene bank, he first checked the method of cracking the x gene lock, and then nodded after looking at it for half a moment.

“When it is really a fantastic idea, there must be evolutionists who have contributed to the ability to directly open the restriction on the x gene from the genetic level, so as to make people free to awaken, no.”

Li Ang felt that his trip was very cost-effective, and the biggest gain was of course, plus the x gene bank, because he knew from the copied data that the x gene bank – there are more than 70,000 x genes, have been sorted out in different categories.

Each of these x genes represents one ability, more than 70,000 copies, that is, more than 70,000 kinds of abilities.

Of course, in fact, there are not so many abilities planted, because in fact, the combined mutant abilities in the world are not necessarily as many as seventy thousand, and a considerable part of them are overlapping.

For example, the ability to deform, some x genes can complete the deformation of the ancestors, become Cretaceous dinosaurs, become sharks, become large birds, and then some deformation ability can only become mice and small squid.

Because each x gene is different, this is the difference between genes and genes, in fact, any individual, can not be genetically consistent with another individual, so the more than 70,000 x genes here, in fact, is more than 70,000 people’s mutant ability, if you really fight, the approximate ability is just more than twenty kinds.

Even so, he felt that he was very profitable, because so many abilities, most of which he did not have, fusion words, he could make him stronger.

More importantly, he has the power of the phoenix, but he has not awakened the x gene, so in fact, he is not actually a mutant evolutionary, and he can also stimulate his mutant ability through this method.

Seriously, he was really looking forward to it, and he wanted to know what he really had.

However, Li Ang did not take the initiative to do it, the preliminary preparation work had to be done, and this was four days, he adjusted his state to the peak, and after all the attributes were adjusted, he really began to prepare his own awakening plan.

This process is not complicated, and it has a little in common with the fusion method he developed before, that is, it is injected into the body with the external x gene, thereby stimulating its own x gene, and opening the x gene lock from the gene level by scientific means.

The process was not cumbersome, but meticulous, and after four days he was already lying on the test bench, and the test was carried out by Svija, meticulously completed according to Leon’s orders.

At this moment, Leon was lying naked on the cold test bench, covered with various instrument patches, and a thin tube inserted from his spine, with a reddish liquid injected into his body.

And his body was also wrapped in a pale red light, which was the power of the phoenix, which he used to protect himself, just in case, afraid of problems in the experiment, he would use the power of the phoenix to interrupt the experiment at any time.

However, the preliminary preparations have been done in great detail, and more than half an hour has passed since the beginning of the experiment, and everything is going well.

At this time, Svija has undergone several upgrades, his body has not seen the shape of the machine, it looks like an ordinary person, has the appearance of a normal person, the skin is fake and real, and it looks like an ordinary man of twenty or thirty years old.

However, if you look at its eyes, you can still see some differences, because his eyes are far brighter than normal people, and the electronic eyes still have a focus sound.

It was keeping an eye on the progress of the experiment, making some adjustments from time to time, faithfully carrying out Leon’s orders.

Time passed minute by minute, and Leon lay motionless, looking as if he were asleep, but in fact he could clearly perceive everything around him, and he was very awake.

“Sir, seventy percent of the experimental process has passed, and after two minutes you will experience a strong sense of pain, please bear with me.” Svija Road.

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