Leon was still lying calmly on the test bench, without a sound, as if he had not heard Svija’s words, and two minutes passed quickly, while at the same time, his originally relaxed body suddenly tensed up, and his hands were tightly clenched.

It hurts!


From every corner of his body, it was as if someone was slashing him with a thousand knives, and the pain was more painful than fusing other mutant abilities, and the pain was so deep that even he could not bear it.

“Sir, according to the requirements of the experiment, if you cannot bear this severe pain, I can anesthetize you.” Because ordinary people simply cannot bear this kind of severe pain, if the pain of the mental collapse, the ability to stimulate will also fail, and they will also be paralyzed because of the severe pain that destroys the nervous system. Svija said.

“No, I can bear it, you keep observing.”

A mechanical voice came out of the test bench under Li Ang’s body, and at this time, Li Ang had no way to open his mouth, but could only use telepathic ability to control the mechanical program to make a sound.

“Okay sir, I expect the experiment to be over in seventeen minutes, so please be patient.” Svija Road.

Leon didn’t say a word, he didn’t have time to pay attention to Svija, the pain now made his face become a little distorted, and the beads of sweat on his body rolled down, and before they dripped onto the test bench, they were evaporated by the power of the phoenix.

After a moment, his body began to tremble, not because of anything else, but because the pain was so intense that his body reacted involuntarily.

He had grown up to the present, and to be honest, this was the first time he had experienced this horrific pain, it was simply unbearable, the pain in every corner of the body, starting from the genetic level, tearing his body and changing himself.

What surprised him was that the power of the phoenix was growing wildly at this time, and as his genetic lock was opened little by little, the speed of growth became more and more rapid.


A red glow poured out from all around him, a brilliant red, as if it were wrapped in a substantial fire, shining brightly.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, another ten minutes passed, and at this time, the power of the phoenix that wrapped Li Ang appeared to be more and more condensed, and gradually condensed into a large bird image with wings spread above his body, that is, the phoenix, the image was vivid, the sharp beak was just against his brow, and both of them also had closed eyes.

Svija’s mechanical eyes flashed a few times, recording all these things in one fell swoop.

At this time, Li Ang gradually lost control of the outside world, and his mind sank into his body and saw a strange scene.

In the midst of a vast expanse of deep space, pitch black was the only hue here, and there was no other color than that, and he turned his head to look around, but in the far distance he saw a small dot, a tiny spot like candlelight.

He tried to get closer, and the thought moved, and he himself came to the dot, and then he saw the true face of the dot.

What is this little dot, when it comes near, this is completely a huge ball that seems to be boundless, the brilliant light can brighten the blind eyeballs, and everything in front of the eyes is brilliant.

And in this ball of light, he saw a thing that shrunk into a clump, red, with pieces of beautiful feathers, crystal clear, like a collection of all the beautiful things in the world.

It has the shape of a bird curled up in this round ball, its chest heaving and trembling slightly, as if it is asleep, and it seems to wake up at any moment.

Li Ang got closer and tried to reach out to touch it, but he was surprised to find that he had hands and feet here, and there was no shortage of anything, and as his thoughts moved, his hand also touched the outer wall of the ball of light.

The touch is warm, as if touching a hot towel, towards a kind of tide.

At this moment, the things inside the round ball were suddenly very open, and the huge eyes looked at Li Ang, there was only indifference in those eyes, there was no emotion, but Li Ang was not afraid at all, he already knew what he was.

This is the entity of the Phoenix Force, and the place where he is located is the deep part of the cosmic wall membrane, which is the almost nothingness of the zone, and the place where the intersection with the Being occurs.

There is the concept of space, but there is no passage of time, and everything exists because of the thing in front of us.

To dominate a place where the concept of nothingness exists, because there is a visible existence of the phoenix, and there is existence itself, and there are almost cosmic rules.

Li Ang smiled, and although the eyes in front of him were ruthless and indifferent, he felt a hint of emotion from them, which was the unique sense of the phoenix’s power negligence.

“Legend has it that the phoenix nirvana does not die, even after death, the participating energy can return here, and rebirth is born in the cosmic wall membrane, this ability and the legend of the Eastern legend, as well as the legend of the past life are very similar.”

“I am the one who has complete control over the power of the phoenix, not the carrier of the power of the phoenix, so… This belongs to me. ”

Leon’s voice was flat and eerie in this place of non-existence.

“So, open it for me!”

He said in a commanding tone.

As his voice fell, the huge orb really cracked an opening, revealing its presence to him.

The scorching flames emanated from the mouth, and a little bit of residual heat rolled out, forming a star in the far distance.

“Cosmic-level power is really powerful.” Leon sighed darkly, and then stepped into it, confronting the phoenix.

The phoenix’s shrunken body suddenly unfolded and turned into a huge creature like the sky, and compared to him, Li Ang did not even have the fine lines of his feathers, which looked extremely small.

But Leon just looked at it and at the Phoenix Force itself.

“Get smaller.”

Leon spoke again.

As his voice fell, the size of the phoenix quickly shrunk, along with the huge orb that wrapped the phoenix, and then the latter shrank to two or three meters long, and was even shorter than Li Ang.

Leon tried to reach out and touch it, but Phoenix’s reaction was flat, just hiding behind, but did not refuse.

“How long have you been asleep here?” Was it here at the beginning of the universe? And what are you here for? Are you a living being? ”

Li Ang asked several questions in a row, waiting for the phoenix’s answer.

The phoenix did not open her mouth, still quietly looking at Li Ang, and the indifference in her eyes did not change a little.

“Forget it, you just have to tell me why I’m here.”

Leon couldn’t get an answer, so he asked again.

But the phoenix remained silent.

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