Li Ang waited for half a moment, and the phoenix body in front of him did not have half a point of communication with him, only the eyes between the two were intersecting, but the phoenix’s eyes were still indifferent, without any emotion, it seemed to be like a cold stone.

He looked at the phoenix, half speechless, and finally sighed: “Also, you are a collection of cosmic energy, and you may have the ability to affect only biological emotions, but there is certainly no wisdom in yourself, so let me see what you really are.” ”

Li Ang said and approached the phoenix, and then extended his hand to the phoenix, at this time the phoenix was only three meters long, not yet Li Ang, his hand was on the phoenix’s head, the latter did not react at all, allowing him to move like this.

At the moment when the two came into contact, Li Ang’s eyes flashed a series of pictures, and a loud noise came from his head, and Zhen’s heart trembled.


In his line of sight was eternal darkness, but in this darkness, there was a very subtle bright spot, but it was this bright spot that exploded in the next moment, emitting thousands of lights, and the infinite brilliance instantly dispelled the darkness in front of him.

Light and heat filled every corner of his vision, infinite energy erupted, like a storm of energy as terrifying, and this energy storm is the creation level, is a collection of ultra-high temperature, ultra-high energy, ultra-high magnitude, even if he knows that this is an illusory scene, Li Ang still can’t help but tremble when facing such a scene, if he has a body here, that body will definitely be unable to do it because of fear.

Yes, fear!

This is an emotion that Leon has not experienced for a long time, and in the face of such a creation scene, even if it is as strong as the other, it will also have fear, which is a shock that is difficult to describe in words, its existence itself, that is, the concept of existence itself, that is, the concept of existence itself that makes nothingness appear.

Li Ang’s scalp was tingling, and looking at everything in front of him, he saw that the ultra-high temperature, ultra-high energy, and ultra-high magnitude of the collection spread rapidly, and the place that spread through had the concept of space and time, physical constants, and many mysterious changes.

Heat flow and matter are converging, light is flying around, and vortexes are formed, forming a primitive and intense progenitor star and black hole, and the formation of these things will go through trillions of years of evolution, but in Li Ang’s eyes, it is already formed in an instant.

“This is the beginning of the universe.” Leon thought silently.

Then he saw a strange place, when the cosmic singularity exploded, a wisp of different energy splashed out, stuck in the boundary of the explosion to dispel nothingness, pushed away by the aftermath of the explosion, away from the center of the explosion, and all the way forward.

The explosion never stopped, or rather, to this day, the explosion is still continuing, the process of expansion of the universe, that is, the process of pushing and expanding the aftermath of the explosion outward, that is, even in the era in which Leon is now, the universe is still in the process of exploding expansion.

At this stage, the cosmic wall film, the strange energy is finally stuck in the cosmic wall film, and gradually forms a huge egg, which is extremely large, too large to be described by physical constants.

The formation of this egg is the cause of the initial energy of the universe, in other words, this thing has the energy of the same personality as the universe, is the product of the energy of the creation level, and is in the same line as the universe.

And with the passage of time, in this huge egg, hatched a being, a big red bird, it has no consciousness, no wisdom, just like some embodiment of the rules of the universe itself, so that it has a form, but it is stuck between the tangible and the invisible.

Because it is stuck in the cosmic wall film, on the one hand, it has the property of “being”, and there is a physical constant of the birth of the universe itself, while on the other side it has the property of “nothing”, unfathomable and unknowable, and the existence itself has been buried by nothing.

Leon continued to watch the expansion of the universe, from the original Ancestor Cosmic Period, all the way to the stage when the galaxy was about to form, he did not know how long time had passed, as if time had no secrets here.

But suddenly, at some point, the cosmic wall film suddenly shook, and he looked at the place where the giant egg of the cosmic wall film was located, and then his eyes rolled round.

As his gaze drew closer, he saw a man appear outside the dome, it was a man, with a red body, brown hair, handsome features, with the beauty of mixed blood, and then approached the outer wall of the dome, and then he saw the man touch the dome with his hand, and then enter it.

“This… This is? Li Ang’s heart was shaken, somewhat incredulous.

Immediately after, he saw a familiar scene, the person who was originally as small as smoke and dust, after entering the giant dome, his body grew rapidly, and finally changed into a giant that was three points larger than the phoenix god bird.

“How long have you been asleep here?” Was it here at the beginning of the universe? And what are you here for? Are you a living being? ”

The man asked such a question, which made Li Ang open his mouth in shock.

“Is this me? What did I just do? No, when I entered the river, it was the middle stage of the expansion of the universe, the galaxy had taken shape, intelligent life had branched out in the universe, and now it was only the beginning of the formation of the universe, and even the galaxy had not yet taken shape. Leon was extremely puzzled.

Looking further down, he saw that the giant he had transformed into had touched the head of the phoenix with his hand, and then the giant’s body had turned into a phoenix-like being, becoming another divine bird, and when it spread its wings, it disappeared from the giant egg, and when it reappeared, it was already in the universe, flying towards a galaxy that was about to take shape, and then plunging into it and disappearing.

“This… Is this the process of my reincarnation? Leon was incredibly surprised.

Then he saw something again, because he opened the wall of the giant egg, and the stars formed by the power of the phoenix that were stirred up were transformed into phoenixes at the same time as he turned into a phoenix, and flew with him to the galaxy that was about to take shape.

“The power of the trumpet’s phoenix?” He was confused.

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