His gaze followed the phoenix he had incarnated incarnated, and the phoenix with the trumpet, crossing many galaxies to a truly forming galaxy, and then stopping at its periphery.

Then he saw the galaxy take shape rapidly, and the stars in it were uncertain, some stars were born, some stars died, turned into cosmic dust in a violent explosion, and then produced new stars in the dust.

The Sun is such a second-generation star, he was reborn from the ashes of the previous generation of stars, and the planets that surrounded it were also rapidly taking shape, forming the world that Leon knew in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterward, his eyes were set on the third planet around the sun, the Earth, and saw that the evolution of life had rapidly begun, from the lower creatures of antiquity to modern human society.

At a certain moment, the phoenix that followed Li Ang’s transformation into a phoenix took a step ahead of him and plunged into the earth, and his eyes drew closer, and Li Ang saw the little phoenix enter the body of a baby girl.

“Phoenix Lady’s Gray?” Li Ang looked slightly moved, as if he knew something.

Then in the next instant, the phoenix transformed by Li Ang penetrated into the body of a baby boy, the baby boy… Apparently it was himself.

At this time, Li Ang finally figured out the source of the phoenix power between himself and the qin, the phoenix power of the qin and his unity are the same origin, but it is the embodiment of a wisp of phoenix power that escapes from the phoenix body, and he himself is leading a phoenix, which can also be said to be another manifestation of the phoenix in the cosmic wall film.

It is no wonder that he can fully master the power of the phoenix and will not be affected by the energy in the power of the phoenix, while Qin is born of the second personality by the power of the phoenix.

“That’s the way it is.”

Li Ang sighed, but he still wondered in his heart, how did he cross into this world? It was too abrupt, he still had memories of his previous life, but as for how it came, he didn’t have a clue.

At this time, Li Ang saw clearly his growth trajectory on the earth, from another point of view, he found that the growth process of the phoenix power in his body, whenever he increased his strength, the phoenix in the cosmic wall film would gradually bring some spirituality, the more to the back, the more obvious this spirituality.

What made him particularly familiar was the kind of spirituality that was mixed with the breath of a creature, and that breath was himself.

“Is it that after the power of the phoenix in my body matures, the phoenix in the cosmic wall membrane will be incarnated as a human?” Become another me? ”

Leon thought carefully with such concerns, but then the scene he saw suddenly disappeared, and then his perspective returned to his body.

It wasn’t that he was in the body of the laboratory, but that he was stroking the phoenix’s forehead.

When he opened his eyes, he saw not a phoenix, but his own body, the red and fruity body, surrounded by a burning flame, still with his eyes closed.


Li Ang’s surprised voice should have been a soft sound, but the sound was birdsong.

“Is this the Phoenix body?” How did I run on it? ”

Leon looked up, saw him, and then pondered slightly, probably clarified.

“It seems that ‘I’ is myself, ‘phoenix’ is also myself, and yes, the two are one in themselves, I am the phoenix, and the phoenix is me, not because the power of the phoenix in my body is strong, and the phoenix has a spirituality, but my existence, so that the phoenix has a reason for existence.” 」

“In this way, it can be explained.”

Li Ang, who belonged to the phoenix, closed his eyes, and then his mind moved, and he opened his eyes again, this time seeing the phoenix body in front of him, counting his thoughts moving between the two individuals.

“That’s the way it is.”

With a smile on his face, Leon gently patted the phoenix’s head, who curled up because of a thought and fell into that deep sleep again.

“It’s time to go back, and I don’t know what my mutant abilities are and what’s going to be here.”

Thinking like this, everything he saw had disappeared, as if he had woken up from a dream, and the next moment he felt the coldness behind him, the cold test bench.

And in perception, he could see everything around him, he was in the laboratory, and next to the test bench stood Svija, who had a hint of doubt in his electronic eyes and was tilting his head.

“Sir, did you just leave?” Svija spoke out in doubt.

Li Ang’s eyes opened, the essence of his eyes flickered, and the reddish light that permeated the entire laboratory suddenly contracted into his body, and then there were countless flashes of electricity on the surface of his body, crackling for a while, and then following suit.

This was followed by a raging flame, which disappeared after a while, and a splash of water appeared in front of him, and then condensed into ice cubes.

One thing after another that is often found in nature appears and then disappears, and his previous ability to merge into the body is at this moment intimately integrated with himself, and is no longer part of each other.

It’s like an ordinary table, cut off a corner, and then installed a bright corner of the table, although the combination is still a whole, there will be no problem, but the corner is always foreign.

But now, because of the unlocking of his own x gene, the bright corner of the table has completely become the same material as the table itself, and the traces of the original existence have been erased, and these abilities have become his strength completely.

“But what exactly is my ability?”

Such a thought flashed in Leon’s mind, because he did not perceive that he had any extra abilities, what abilities he had before, and what were still what they were now, and there was no increase.

“Sir?” Svija asked again.

Li Ang replied, then propped himself up and asked, “Why do you ask that?” ”

“Because I just sensed that you seem to have a moment, leaving your body, not knowing where to go.” Svija Road.

Li Ang shook his head slightly, and then smiled: “Don’t care about this, the cracking of the x gene lock is very successful, call up the experimental data, I want to see what changes I have.” ”

“Okay sir.” Svija Road.

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