
At this time, Li Ang suddenly discovered his own abnormality, not what kind of ability appeared, but… All his own abilities have been enhanced, and this improvement is very exaggerated and terrifying.

For now, he had just put his mind on the ability of lightning to control it, and then he discovered that this ability was different from the past.

This ability had changed and become extremely powerful, if he had only mastered the thunder power of the natural world before, then what he had mastered now was the thunder power of the starry sky level.

This may not be more appropriate, but it is also a good metaphor, whether it is the ability to control lightning, or the intensity of the thunder and lightning, it is many times stronger than before.

In terms of magnetic control, in the past, he could sense at most outside the solar system’s asteroid belt less than the orbit of Mars, but now… He can sense magnetic changes throughout the solar system, and even expand outward, sensing magnetic changes farther away.

In the past, asteroids with a magnetic force could pull up thousands of meters in diameter, and now, with any thought, he can make the entire moon fall, so that the speed of enhancement, if it is passed out, there will definitely be countless people shocked.

Not only that, but in terms of his other abilities, the improvement is also extremely amazing, like new telepathy, a little divergent thought, it is already able to envelop the world, he is a little more common, and countless people’s words, all kinds of languages, all kinds of ideas, noisy than the wet market and countless times louder.

Li Ang was a spirit, feeling that it was better to use this ability less, and if he had used it, he could not spread his thoughts to the whole world, because it would be too easy to schizophrenic.

But the mere telepathic faculties of the ability he could use to create a religion and even go further and become a true God if he wanted to.

Indeed, in his current capacity, he can almost already be regarded as a true god, which is not delusional.

Looking at other abilities, Li Ang came to a conclusion that his current self was more than a hundred times more powerful than before he opened the x gene lock!

“This change is really terrible.”

“But what is my mother’s ability?”

Li Ang took advantage of this gap to sense the power of the phoenix, and when his mind sank into himself, he found the difference, he only felt that his thoughts were divided into two parts, one in his body, and the other… It is in a place so far away that it is impossible to measure, in a huge confined space.

“Phoenix body?”

Li Ang froze, and his other thought was in a body, which was now curled up, spreading out little by little with his thoughts, and then spreading his wings and chirping.


For an instant, he only felt his heart trembling, and the cry seemed to penetrate the soul, and under this cry, he clearly sensed that in the room above his head, at the top, a powerful phoenix force also exploded.

It was the qin, and it was actually with his phoenix power at this moment again

“What does this mean?”

Li Ang was puzzled, he actually controlled the phoenix body, and even as long as the thought moved, he could let the phoenix rush out of the egg, with endless power, across the universe.

But he knew it was an illusion, because there was not only a super life form of the phoenix in this universe, but also a few real gods, even the Court of Life and the Oaa, which was a world.

Although the power of the phoenix is powerful, it is not invincible now.

“Be calm, be calm!”

Li Ang took two deep breaths to suppress the impulse in his heart to let the power of the phoenix burn through the universe, he was no longer a brother in the eyes of the cosmic gods, but in the entire universe, he was just a big brother.

It is indeed necessary to calm down, and the impulse is easy to die early.

After suppressing the impulse, Svija also took the data of the experimental process, and Li Ang had a thought, all the tubes linked to his body fell off, the clothes were automatically put on, and a flash came to the terrace on the top floor.

Lying down on the recliner, Li Ang carefully looked through the information.

The experimental data is very normal, all his own data is also very stable, there is no prominent, the numerical changes are within his expectations, and they are not brilliant.

But it was because of this that he couldn’t figure out what abilities he had acquired.

“Is it true that I am born an incompetent?”

Leon scratched his head a little, but it was impossible to think about it.

Because all the people in this world are born with the x gene, strong or weak, more or less, people who do not have the x gene do not exist at all.

I am a soul wearer, not a flesh wear, this body was born in this world, the x gene does exist, there is no doubt about this, then since the x gene lock is opened, then the mutant ability must also exist.

“Where did his ability go?” Could it be some kind of ability that he has already fused into? But no, just now I have obviously looked at all the abilities, the changes are indeed quite strong, but the growth of the power is also the reason for the growth of the phoenix power, and the overlap of the ability itself has nothing to do with it. ”


Li Ang really scratched his head, and he found that he couldn’t find any extra ability in his body, as if he hadn’t appeared, which was extremely strange.


Li Ang put down the information in his hand, suddenly got up, and then thought of something.

“I shouldn’t just think about some of the special abilities that exist in nature, what kind of discharge and fire control and so on, there are too many such abilities, but there are some more peculiar abilities, such as the healing factors of Wolverine and the Steel-toothed Tiger, as well as immortality and even immortality, or within the extraordinary body.” 」

“Will your own ability be one of them?”

Leon thought about it, appeared in the lab again, and ordered, “Svija, bring in a few copies of the x gene, and I’m going to start a new experiment.” ”

“Yes, sir.”

Leon went to another room in the lab, and soon Svija was ready to send what he needed, a total of 100 x genes, and the abilities contained in it were also various.

“Let’s get started.”

Li Ang thought so, and put his energy into the work at hand.

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