Time passed slowly, half an hour passed in the blink of an eye, during this period, Li Ang extracted a lot of abilities from these x genes, and did not venture to integrate them into his body, what he wanted to do was not these, but to create a new life form with his own ability.

He had a vague suspicion in his mind, but he just didn’t know if it was right or not.

The nutrient tank in front of him was filled with nutrient solution, and his mind was controlling the combination of extremely small cells, starting from chromosomes, slowly forming cells, and then dividing from cells.

Then the cells divide into embryos, the embryos begin to develop, and gradually grow into fetuses, and then Leon will speed up the time flow rate in the nutrient tank, so that the speed of fetal growth can be completed in half an hour.

Then, in the nutrition tank in front of him, there was a three-year-old baby, and then he controlled the rapid growth of this nutrition, and then after another two hours, the baby grew into a young man.

He did not get any brain for this individual, the male body in front of him was actually an empty shell, there was no brain tissue at all, but the body was implanted with more than ten abilities from his genes.

Some of these abilities coincide with Leon’s own abilities, and some are abilities that Leon does not have now.

Soon, with his thoughts, the nutrient solution in the nutrient trough was drained, and the man’s body lay quietly inside, breathing quietly, as if asleep.

Really, this being is not really a human being, he just has a human being, no brain, no thought, no characteristics that no one should have, just an empty shell.

But the ability in him is a real existence, like a newborn baby, but he has an adult physique.

He gently touched his hand on the chest of the person in front of him, and immediately he was aware of these abilities in the other person’s body, and then as soon as his mind moved, these abilities began to split, and then they were swallowed up by his hand, and those abilities all ran to Li Ang’s body.

Li Ang silently withdrew his hand, gently rubbed his fingertips, and a smile appeared on his face.

“Sure enough, I finally know what my ability is.”

Li Ang stretched out his hand again, and a flame appeared in his palm, this flame was an eerie blue, an extremely low temperature ice flame that could freeze the existence of a very large amount of matter itself.

“Ice Flame, I didn’t have the ability to fuse into my body before, but now I do, or I copy it from this body, and my ability is to copy and devour!”

Yes, copy and devour, when he just took the ability from this body, he can clearly feel the existence of the ability in the other party’s body, and as long as he wants, he can take away these abilities, but also leave the same ability for the other party, and if he does not want to leave the other party with the ability, he can deprive all of these abilities and directly devour it.

Therefore, his ability is to copy and devour, or to say copy and deprive, which is an extremely domineering ability.

Li Ang had a smile on his face, he wanted to understand, knowing his ability, he was very satisfied, in the future, if he wanted to obtain other abilities, he would no longer have to fuse other x genes, and directly find someone to copy.


Thinking like this, a smile appeared on Li Ang’s face.

He knew that there were other people in this world, and his similar abilities, such as the apocalypse that had long been hung up, had the ability to copy similarly, but there were many drawbacks, and his ability was undoubtedly too overbearing.

“Svija!” He suddenly made a sound.

“I’m in!”

Svija’s voice came.

“Come here, I’ll give you a different body, so that you really have a human body.” Leon said again.

“Okay sir.”

Not long after, Svija came to this room and quietly appeared beside Leon, waiting for his orders.

Leon turned to look at him, and the Svija in front of him had the exact same appearance as a human, but unfortunately he knew that this Svija was just using bionic skin, and the inside was still a mechanical existence, and there were still many differences with real people.

“Open your intellectual core.” Leon ordered.

“Yes, sir!”

Svija meticulously carried out Leon’s orders, standing still, but his head was split from the forehead, and the Celestial Spirit Cover flipped up, revealing the mechanical brain tissue inside.

This mechanical brain tissue has exactly the same structure as the normal brain, only flashing metallic, but in the metal, there are also some flesh and blood parts, and these flesh and blood parts are his emotional core, and those mechanical parts are his computing units.

As soon as Li Ang’s thoughts moved, the mechanical brain tissue slowly floated up from his brain cavity, bringing up some nutrient solution suspended in mid-air.

The mechanical part of the mechanical brain has a small light in some places, which is the thinking path, and each time it is lit, it represents the thinking that Svija is doing.

In fact, Svija was still there at this time, just like he was remotely controlling his body, closing the skull and silently retreating to the side, and then quietly watching Leon’s movements.

Leon’s other hand touched the head of the body on the test bench, and then the man’s skull was opened, bleeding out, revealing the empty brain cavity, and then Leon put the mechanical brain tissue into it.

Above the test bench there were tools hanging down, and Leon controlled them, combining the mechanical brain tissue with this body.

The process went smoothly, and after all this was over, Leon used his ability to repair his head.

The process is simple to describe, but in fact it is very complicated to operate, fortunately, Li Ang’s hands-on scientific research ability is extremely strong, which is just a small transformation process for him.

He’s now almost all-powerful, amazingly strong.

“Svija, awaken this body yourself.” Leon ordered.

“Okay sir!”

His voice came from the laboratory, and then the man in front of Leon opened his eyes.

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