This person’s face is beautiful, not a certain human race in the true sense, but a collection of excellent genes among yellow, black and white people, so his skin color presents a healthy wheat color, the height is one meter eighty-eight, like him is brown hair, the eyes are brown, but the appearance is more ordinary, and it does not look very handsome.

At this moment he opened his eyes, but there was no life in his eyes, as if he was in a state of absenteeism, and then gradually, his eyes began to have a focus, and then he looked at Li Ang sideways.

“How does it feel?” Leon asked.

The man opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but looking at his appearance, it seemed that he could not even control his tongue, but his lips were trembling, his vocal cords were hoarse, and he did not say a complete word.

Li Ang was not in a hurry, so he waited slowly, waiting for him to become familiar with this body, which was a real human body, but not a mechanical body, and the two had different structures and different methods of control.

This time of not being able to control the body lasted only a few minutes, and then Leon saw Svija propping up, although his arms were trembling badly, but the good villain could also do basic control.

Then he went to the ground, threw a fall, and then struggled several times before finally standing up on the test bench.

Svija seemed to be extremely curious about his current body, and from time to time he would reach out his hand to examine it carefully, and Leon saw his eyes focus from time to time, and then carefully sniffed the smell in the air, and felt the touch of the object with his hand.

“This… Kind, feel… Very strange… Wonderful. ”

Svija’s voice was slow, almost a word would pause, and the pronunciation was not standard, listening to him, there was a feeling of stuttering and stuttering.

Li Ang smiled and patted his arm, but because of this small force, he directly slapped Svija on a toe, and when he stood up hard, he said: “This is a real human body, not a mechanical body, if you want to control this body, you have to rely on feelings, not in the past to rely on a signal to transmit and control the entire body, first slowly familiarize, familiar with the novel experience brought to you by human perspectives and senses.” ”

“Well… Yes, sir. ”

Svija’s voice was slightly fluent for three points, and although he still stuttered, his pronunciation was much more normal.

Leon didn’t urge again, he waited quietly, there was plenty of time, and he also wanted to see what specific performance Svija could do after mastering his body.

You must know that Li Ang gave this body, but he has gathered a lot of abilities, and if these abilities are successfully mastered by Svija, then the two subordinates will definitely have an extremely powerful boost in the future.

Soon half an hour passed, and Svija experienced the initial discomfort, and as time went on, he became more and more comfortable with his body.

I saw Svija start in the lab, then speed up, turn into a trot, and then get faster and faster as he became more and more skilled in controlling his body.

Run, jump, stomp on the wall and churn, roll in place, he did the same, and even punched a military body fist in front of Li Ang, which was quite powerful.

“Sir, I’m already basic.” Svija said calmly to Leon.

Leon saw the look of joy in his eyes, indeed joy, which was an emotion, and although the latter did not really appreciate the specific meaning of emotion, he did already have the conceptual expression of emotion.

“Are you happy now?” Or rather, very happy? Leon asked suddenly.

Svija shook slightly, although his expression was still very stereotypical, but also a little vivid, slightly able to see some doubtful expressions, and then said: “I don’t know, sir, I don’t know if this feeling is excitement, I can tell that the body secretes dopamine, it is this nerve conductive substance, so that I now have a wonderful feeling.” ”

Leon smiled, then said, “That’s right, dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is a chemical used to help cells transmit impulses.” This cerebral endocrine is related to people’s lusts and feelings, it transmits a message of excitement and happiness, and now you are indeed in a state of excitement and happiness. ”

“You’d better be familiar with this feeling, because in the future, you will have the real emotions of human beings, except for the fact that you have no soul, you are no different from a normal person.” 」

Saying that Leon held out his hand, a space crack appeared next to his hand, and he took out something from it, which was a drink, and threw it to Svija, who did not pick up when he took it, and seemed to be a little busy.

“Drink it.” Leon Road.

Svija opened the drink and took a few sips, only to hear Leon suddenly say, “Drink slowly, take a sip and taste slowly.” ”

Svija did so, took a small sip, and then his expression changed, and after putting down the bottle in his hand, he closed his eyes and pondered for half a moment, and a smile appeared on his face.

Yes, it is indeed a smile, or a very harmonious kind, the five facial features change, combined to present a perfect shallow smile.

“How’s it going?” Leon asked.

“Sir… I’m happy, this feeling is so wonderful, is this the pleasure that taste brings to people? Svija asked.

Li Ang did not respond, quietly waiting for him to continue to understand.


Svija breathed a long sigh of relief, and then said: “I have experienced the concept of acid, but also experienced the concept of sweetness, these two kinds of taste and touch intertwined in my mouth, conveying a very strange signal to my brain.” ”

“Yes, that’s the sense of taste.”

Leon said, “Play music, Beethoven’s Symphony No. 3 in E major.” ”

The music came from the lab stereo, melodious and deep, and Svija was soon immersed in it.

“This is the sense of hearing, which can also evoke changes in people’s emotions with the change of music.” And, of course, there’s the sense of touch, which you can see for yourself. ”

“In addition, real people, as well as the expression of various emotions, now it seems that you fit in well with this body, except for the fact that there is no soul, you are no different from normal people, I believe that in the near future, you will be able to show what a normal person can show.” 」

Li Ang smiled brightly.

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