Leon was happy, Svija was now in his hands, and success had become a man, a flesh and blood human being, which filled him with a sense of accomplishment, and there was nothing more fulfilling than creating a real human being, and Leon did it.

His current means, just like the gods and gods, can create human beings, can freely give other people abilities, and can also deprive others of their lives at will, no different from the gods.

“Yes sir, I can feel what you are saying, and I will try to learn this feeling and become a real person according to your requirements.”

Svija’s answer was very crisp, and there was a glint of joy in his eyes, and from this point alone, he could already see that he was becoming more and more human.

“Well, let’s do it first, then you need to familiarize yourself with your own abilities and then lead your subordinates to make a difference in the world.” Leon said again.

“Yes, sir!”

Svija promised to be crisp, he did have the most basic things of man, feelings and five senses, but now he lacked the same human characteristics, that is, to distinguish between good and evil, yes, Svija did not yet have the ability to distinguish between good and evil.

In other words, he himself does not raise the concept of good and evil, because Leon did not instill these things in him, and even if he distinguishes between good and evil in the future, it will only be from Leon’s point of view, anything that is beneficial to Leon will be good in his view, and anything harmful to Leon will be evil in his view.

It was as simple as that, whoever let him have everything was given by Leon, and in the depths of his mind, paying Leon’s orders represented his existence itself.

Therefore, he would not disobey Li Ang’s orders in the slightest, so Li Ang was also ten thousand assured of him.

“Good value for money”

Li Ang said, “That’s it first.” ”

After saying this, he left the laboratory and appeared in space, in the void of the earth’s low-Earth orbit, surrounded by cold and lonely darkness, only the huge blue earth of the earth in front of him, and the clouds floating high in the sky.

Leon was going to experiment with his abilities here, because he didn’t know how strong he really was now, and he knew he was getting stronger now, but he didn’t have a concrete idea yet.

As soon as he reached out, a flame condensed in the palm of his hand, burning in the anaerobic environment of space, and then as soon as his mind moved, this flame grew stronger, and in his hand it became a large fireball with a diameter of six or seven meters.

Then the fireball compresses, continuously until it compresses into a small dot, a dot the size of a fingernail.

This was a pure fire control ability, but because of his terrifying control over the energy itself, the energy compression of the entire fireball condensed into this almost solid existence.

With a snap of his fingers, the little dot flew out rapidly, straight to the moon, and immediately smashed on the surface of the moon, the void was silent, but in the place where the moon was facing him, a small piece of fire appeared.

This small piece of fire was very small at his distance, but it was actually a huge fire mass that stretched for tens of kilometers, and on the surface of the moon was like a meteor impact, which instantly produced an explosion, and the fluctuation of the terrible explosion caused a lot of lunar material to be thrown into space.

“Well… A degree of one-percent power suppression can cause such a movement on the moon, and if the ability is fully open, I can now condense a fire at will, and I can detonate the entire moon. ”

“Sigh, I’m so good.” Li Ang smiled.

He was not complacent, because such a degree of thing may seem terrifying to others, but in front of the cosmic gods, it is not enough to see.

“However, it is enough to deal with ordinary threats, just like this, I have not yet entered the fourth level of the Phoenix Force, and you can imagine how exaggerated the complete state of the Phoenix Force is.”

“I’m experimenting with other abilities.”

Leon thought so, and his body left the low-Earth orbit and went farther away.

Between the orbits of Earth and Mars, there is an asteroid belt that should have had a planet, but for various reasons, the planet eventually disintegrated, diverging into countless parts, large and small, floating quietly in the cold estimated void.

Leon was going to use his abilities to the fullest, so it seemed inappropriate in Earth’s low Earth orbit, and when he came here, he unleashed.

For a time, a huge lightning bolt spreading millions of kilometers in length and width swept through the asteroid belt, turning countless asteroids into powder, or endless firelight suddenly gushing out, burning those asteroids into a liquid state, and when the flames disappeared, the asteroids had rapid condensation.

At some point, a huge gravitational force was created here, and the surrounding asteroids that gravitationally disturbed came madly.

“Whew, it’s dangerous.”

Leon hurriedly dispersed the basketball-sized black hole in his hand, which was a microscopic black hole forged by his ability, this black hole was frantically evaporating because of its own mass relationship, but with the material supplement of the asteroid belt, it is likely to eventually evolve into a terrifying existence that devours the entire solar system.

If he hadn’t seen the wrong opportunity and hurriedly erased the matter of the black hole, otherwise the gravitational force would have been enough to cause the entire solar system to collapse.

“It’s not that yet, I can’t use this kind of thing for the time being.”

With this thought, his figure disappeared from the same place, and now, it was the third day in his space.

His figure appeared on the terrace on the upper floor of the sword-shaped building, summoning Yvonne, who, after spending all these hours together, had a much less fear of Leon, and knew his own situation, knowing that as long as he did not do something contrary to Leon’s orders, his life would not be in danger.

But somewhat, there is still some discomfort in her heart, after all, she was coerced to come, this time has come, sometimes she is also quite cruel to her own cowardice, in order to live to beg Li Ang, think of her are a little uncomfortable, but now that the matter has come to this, everything is night.

On the thief ship, but not so good, especially Li Ang’s car is still one-way, no one knows where the end is, Ivani feels that she may rush into the universe with Li Ang, or it is possible to turn a corner and go straight to hell.

Li Ang did not greet her much during this time, she and Lorna got along very well, at least there were many topics to talk about between the two, but it was very strange to Qin, because Qin was too cold, even Lorna did not have much contact, except when she was in bed.

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