But in the end, Yvonne is still quite afraid of Leon, especially when she thinks of getting close to him in the future, she has a strong sense of fear in her heart, and she has a pessimistic mood for the future of her life for no reason.

Even with Lorna’s comfort, she still did not change her mind, and all these three days were enough for her to suffer, and there was a feeling of waiting for the trial.

And today, the judgment has come.

She appeared on the terrace like a fate, closed her eyes and did not dare to look at Li Ang, and Li Ang looked at her quite funny, and it was also quite interesting to see her look of death.

“Come here.” Leon Road.

Yi Wenni’s body trembled slightly, forced herself to suppress the fear in her heart, secretly opened her eyes, and saw Li Ang looking at her with a smile, and immediately frightened her body, and then took a deep breath and slowly moved to stand in front of Li Ang.

“How? Why are you so afraid of me? Leon asked amusedly.

Iveni suffered for three days, and the fear of him would not be dispelled by his few words, especially after experiencing the process of his companion, in front of his eyes, being easily obliterated by the man in front of him, and turning into powder, this feeling of fear was even worse.

“Sit down.” Leon Road.

Yvonne sat down in front of him in a confessional manner, because of the panic, her body trembled slightly, and with the delicacy on her face, it seemed pitiful.

“Sit here.” Li Ang patted the empty seat next to him.

Yvonne’s body trembled again, and then she took a deep breath and sat down next to him, her bare arm touching Leon’s arm, and her body trembled even more.

“What’s wrong? Afraid I’ll eat you? Leon asked with a pun.

“I don’t know… I do not know. ”

Yvonne’s voice sounded as if she was about to cry, and there had never been a moment of fear in her life like today, even if she was in the laboratory that day, and although she was afraid, it was the fear of death.

But now… But it is to face the fear of strange and unknown, this kind of suffering is enough to make a normal person crazy, Li Ang did not use telepathic ability, so he did not know anything about her thoughts.

In his opinion, telepathic ability, when not necessary, can not be used as much as possible not to use as good as possible, the reason why people are people, is because people have thoughts, self-awareness and feelings, if he will be in front of the Ivani with telepathy control, it will undoubtedly be a lot less fun to contact.

Yes, he brought Eveni back, he did not have any good intentions in himself, just like a person who travels and always has to bring some local souvenirs, Leon goes to the Washington laboratory to harvest, naturally bringing back his own booty, after all, the winner has everything, and the loser has nothing.

“Want to be stronger?” Leon asked suddenly.

Yvonne was a little confused, not knowing that Leon was going to ask such a question, but still nodded honestly, and then remained silent.

“Reach out.” Leon said again.

Yvonne behaved extremely obediently, and the psychological pressure given by Leon was unimaginably terrifying, and she did not have the idea and idea of resisting, because it was extremely unrealistic, and it might even provoke Leon to be angry, and the consequences…

Yvonne couldn’t imagine that it was already very good to be able to, and after three days, she had actually confessed her fate.

So, she obediently held out her hand, and then saw Leon cover her hand.

Li Ang felt the trembling of her body, and without saying much, the ability was launched, and a certain ability within herself was copied and transmitted to her body.

This ability is nothing but a healing factor.

Then in Yvonne’s frightened look, he took out a small knife and cut her palm, and the blood immediately gushed out, Iwini endured without screaming, thinking that she was about to suffer some abuse, but Leon just cut her hand, and then there was no other action.

The tingling sensation in the palm of the hand soon disappeared, and the wound on the back hand was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“See?” Leon asked.

Ivenne nodded subconsciously, then suddenly looked up at Leon and opened her mouth.

“Do you want to ask why this is the case?” Leon asked again.

“Yes.” This time Ivenne spoke.

Li Ang let go of her hand, opened the red wine on the table next to her, took two cups, poured some red wine and handed her a cup, and then said: “Very simple, because I have given you other abilities, which are healing factors, which can consume a certain amount of energy and the ability to recover from injuries very quickly.” ”

This is another application of Leon’s ability, which is to be able to return the copied ability.

Speaking and still in a state of shock, Ivenne touched a cup and said, “To show you this, I just want you to know that if you want to become stronger and grow, you can only turn to me, from now on, I will not only control your destiny, but also your body, and everything about you, including your soul.” And you will belong to me completely, understand? ”

Iveni nodded stupidly, and then said with some loss of soul, “I can’t escape your control for the rest of my life, right?” ”


Li Ang nodded indifferently, and then said: “Although it is a little unpleasant to say this, it is true, from now on, you are the person who followed me all the way, in the eyes of outsiders, you will be my accomplice, even if I let you go, there will be no place for you in this world, so you will have no other place to go except to follow me.” ”

“Why are you doing this?” Yvonne asked what she had been thinking for many days.

“It’s simple.”

Li Ang took another sip of wine and said, “Because you look good, the world will always be more kind to beautiful people, right?” ”

Yvonne didn’t know whether to be happy or miserable, but she also understood Leon’s words, and she could only follow Leon after the light, and from the moment she went with Leon for her life, it was all doomed.

“So, what do you call me?” Li Ang suddenly raised an eyebrow and smiled.

“The host…”

Yvonne opened her mouth with trembling lips.

Li Ang put down the cup in his hand, hugged his arm, and said, “Yes, my little slave girl, so what should you do to your master?” After all, I gave you such a power. ”

I don’t know what to think, maybe it was the depression of many days that broke out at this moment, Ivani took a sip of the wine in the glass, and then directly sat across the body of Leon and kissed it.

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