In the end, Li Ang can only attribute this to the strong restraint and driving force of the plot, but now that there are cosmic forces interfering, it is suddenly much easier for the defense work of the United Nations to become a lot easier, at least in the people of the United States, Li Ang wants to deal with the alien attack, how to be busy and chaotic.

But the result was beyond their expectations, and Leon was still pushing sideways, facing the attack of the Chitauri people, without any decline.

You must know that this is not as simple as it is played in the movie, not a few spaceships with thousands of Chitauri invaded, but a film of Chitauri, riding a small shuttle directly into the earth, in just three minutes, into the skies over New York and the city of Chitauri, has exceeded a million.

This is a very frightening number, if a normal human country faces such a level of invasion, even the United States will not be able to organize an effective resistance and counterattack.

But Leon is different, the combat strength of the soldiers is amazing, any one of them is comparable to the strength of the alpha-level evolutionary, and it is even more able to compete with the Omega-level evolutionary, such an ability to deal with even the Chitauri who are armed to the teeth, it is also very easy.

Not to mention that the number of soldiers sent out has exceeded 10,000, and in front of such a number of soldiers, no matter how many Chitauri people appear, they will be sent to death.

Not only in the face of Leon, even in the face of the current human unification, the Chitauri people can only be regarded as brothers and brothers, and they want to invade, which is obviously in the wrong direction.

So this resulted in the fact that Chitari’s momentum to invade Earth was blocked, and he was directly hit by Leon’s head-on blow.

The whole of New York City was instantly reduced to a battlefield, and in the battlefield at this time, all kinds of energy eruptions, all kinds of abilities that only existed in nature, such as soaring fire, thunder and lightning that spread to half the city, and the winds that rolled up, and the waves stirred, all of which showed the extraordinary nature of the soldiers.

The Chitauri are indeed a race that is good at conquering and invading, and all are soldiers, but no matter how ferocious they are, they always have a degree, compared with the soldiers, they are like unarmed children, in the face of heavily armed warriors, they will naturally be crushed from all aspects, and crushed extremely thoroughly.

But Chitauri was born with no fear of death, and seemed to have no idea what fear was, as long as the order did not stop, then their attack momentum would not stop, which also made Leon slightly surprised, these Chitauri people are indeed a race in the universe that is naturally suitable for cannon fodder.

Moreover, Chitari’s aggression was extremely crazy, a complete race, and every individual of their race was a soldier, a being who could be used for aggression and war.

Moreover, the number is extremely large, not so small at all, even if the vanguard troops have suffered a devastating blow at the beginning, the number of followers has always been small.

In fact, ten minutes have passed since the beginning of the invasion, and the Qi people have been wiped out by tens of thousands of soldiers, but even so, the number of Chitauri people in the whole New York City has exceeded three million, and this number is still increasing.

“Well, there is.”

Leon thought like this, and suddenly said, “Svija, you should also enter the battlefield, form a battle formation with your subordinates, wipe out all the Chitauri, and fix the space passage and determine the coordinates there.” ”

“Okay sir.” Svija responded calmly and then led the order away.

There are two outcomes of Svija’s joining and not having him, he is like a central processing unit, can make the most perfect arrangement of all the soldiers’ capabilities, can maximize the combat strength, and can also do the best to grasp the entire battle situation in his hands.

Therefore, as soon as Svija appeared, it made a huge change in the entire battlefield, and many soldiers combined to exert the same ability, stacking the lethality of this ability to the maximum, reaching the point where it could shake the earth in one fell swoop.

Just like the ability to control fire, dozens of soldiers are used together, and Svija provides super computing power, and its ability is not as simple as one plus one equals two, but the power is multiplied geometrically.

From a distance, you can see that in the whole of New York City, most of the urban area has set off a monstrous flame, and this flame is majestic, straight to the sky, burning violently, and also consuming a huge amount of oxygen, forming a hurricane that can destroy the mountain peaks in the distance.

The wind fuels the fire, and the fire rises with the wind, to such a degree, it is really catastrophic, covering most of the urban area in one fell swoop, and reflecting the white clouds in the sky red.

Under such a terrible flame, most of the urban area was burned to the ground, and the hundreds of thousands of Chitauri people who were wrapped in it did not even scream, and they directly turned into fly ash.

At the same time, another urban area set off a monstrous wave out of thin air, and this huge wave fell from the sky, because a huge space crack spanning several kilometers appeared in the sky, and endless sea water flowed out of it, just like the sky cracked open a huge opening, and the water of the Heavenly River rolled down.


The sound of rumbling and shaking resounded all around, the earth was trembling, and half of the city of New York City, which was lined with tall buildings, was hit by such a huge wave, and I don’t know how many buildings were destroyed, and those Chitauri, under such a natural disaster, were even more powerless to resist, and suddenly countless Chitauri people were swept into it, swept up by the terrible torrent.

Subsequently, this huge wave was instantly frozen, and the sea water flowing from the crack was also frozen, and the space crack disappeared, leaving a terrifying ice peak of 10,000 meters high in place.

At this moment, it seems that the entire New York City is really in the middle of the two heavens of ice and fire, and the Chitauri people in it are all wiped out in one fell swoop, and millions of people are dead.

It was supposed that seeing such a terrible level of counterattack, the Chitauri people would definitely be afraid and retreat, but the fact once again surprised Leon slightly, because the Chitauri did not retreat at all, but more like killing the red eye, and in an instant, more Chitauri people poured out of the space passage, like locusts.

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