This moment was like poking a honeycomb, the Chitauri planetary fortress in the cosmic starry sky, from which countless Chitauri people suddenly poured out, even more crazy than before, it was the kind of rush that did not care about the consequences at all, from the space passage suddenly poured in, the clear-eyed people could see at a glance that this was a war of the whole clan.

The number of Chitauri in New York City rose sharply, and they didn’t care about the ice and flames in front of them, even if they knew that coming in was to die, they still didn’t flinch a little, which made Leon a little confused, completely confused about what they were for, and they were ordered to do so.

“Is it Thanos?” Or the two or five boys of Loki in the original plot? ”

Li Ang is a little lower ang does not understand, the inertia of the plot is really so strong?

He didn’t bother to rub himself slowly with these Chitauri again, and directly asked Svija to kill these Chitauri as soon as possible, and then counterattack back.

Yes, Leon was definitely going to counterattack, he originally wanted to solve the things on the earth and then step into the universe, but now it seems that some people are itchy and can’t wait to jump out to find death, then they can’t blame him.

Svija’s orders to Leon have always been meticulously executed, and they are naturally done with all their strength, and this time, it is not Leon who stabbed the honeycomb of the Chiritas, but the Chitaurites who stabbed the honeycomb of Leon.

In this instant, the abilities of the soldiers sent out by Leon were all linked through Svija, tens of thousands of soldiers comparable to the alpha-level evolutionists, with a variety of abilities, but the abilities of each individual were the same, and they could naturally unite all abilities through Svija’s terrifying computing power.

Quantitative change causes qualitative change, never just talk, when the ability of all the soldiers present is linked together, the movement caused by it, even if it is reasonable, must be treated squarely.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the whole of New York City changed, the ice peaks that had originally soared into the sky collapsed, and the flames that swept through most of the city had dissipated, and the two turned into pure energy currents at this moment, spreading throughout New York City.

In the sky, filled with countless brilliant lights, like an aurora hovering in New York City, this is pure energy, a combination of all kinds of energy, some cold, some hot, some eerie, some majestic.

At this moment, there is no concrete form of energy expression, no ice, no flame, no wind, only pure energy torrents begin to accumulate and stir, just like the tide of the tide, setting off terrifying waves.

Tens of thousands of cold ice abilities amassed together, and through Svija’s calculations, formed a terrifying tidal wave of energy that enveloped the entire New York City, stirring up all sorts of energies and producing terrifying destructive powers.

As soon as this tide of energy was formed, it had a terrifying destructive power, and in a flash, the whole of New York City, except for a few places, was all included.


The rumbling vibration sound was frequently heard, and the high-frequency vibration, like a shock wave, spread outward in bursts.

In the tide of energy, high-rise buildings are powdered in an instant, steel is separated into powder, buildings and streets become fly ash, and everything becomes debris under the torrent of energy.

Under this kind of terrifying power, even if Qi had more people, it was not enough to fill in it, and it was really how much to destroy.

Suddenly, all the Chitauri in New York City, as well as their terrible war beasts, were crushed into powder under this tide of energy, and those who died in an instant could no longer die.

The energy tide did not dissipate because the Chitauri did not know whether they were crazy or not, and even so, they still did not dispel their intention to invade the earth, and there were still many Chitauri rushing in from the space passage at every moment.

“What a hell!”

Leon scratched his head a little, he really lost his temper with these aliens, not that he couldn’t get rid of the Chitauri, but… These locust-like individuals have no fear at all, and they trample to death and stubble to emerge, endlessly.

It’s like a person facing a nest of ants, killing a piece, and in the blink of an eye, a piece will emerge, how can not die, although he will not be good, but there will always be trouble.

“Forget it, run it yourself.”

Leon contacted Svija, “Is the space passage fixed?” ”

“It’s fixed, sir, through the analysis I found that this space channel is built with some kind of magical energy, but the magic runes I got from your side, I have now fully mastered, the human body can let me drive this energy, as well as the magic inheritance obtained from Asgard, I have also entered the database, this ability to fix the stability of the space channel, I now have a very thorough grasp of it, there will be no problem.” Svija responded.

Li Ang bowed his head slightly, and said, “Then fix the coordinates of the Chitauri Planet Fortress, and you don’t have to worry about the rest of the things, just wipe out the Chitauri people on the earth.” ”

“Okay sir, it’s easy.” Svija Road.

After asking these questions, Li Ang directly set off, and his body disappeared from the same place in a flash, without taking the three daughters with him, and walked into the space passage alone.

As Svija said, this space passage is indeed built with the situation of magic, the magic array is quite exquisite, the area is also very huge, without a strong magic achievement, it is impossible to support such a large space passage cast, then behind this force, there must be a powerful and proficient magician.

He stepped directly over and instantly appeared in a strange starry sky, and Li Ang instantly mastered the spatial coordinates of this place, so that even if the space passage behind him disappeared, he would not be lost in the starry sky.

In front of him, there was still an endless stream of Chitauri battleship beasts and individuals, rushing towards the space passage like a tide, without the slightest fear at all.

Li Ang shook his head slightly, and then waved his hand directly, and the reddish energy burst out of his body, like a flame, pushing forward like a tide.

In the universe, sound could not be transmitted, but those Chitauri battleship beasts and individuals were directly turned into powder under this energy.

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