The starry sky is cold and lonely, and darkness is the eternal hue here, but in this darkness, it is dotted with a brilliant background map by the stars, where every point of light is a star, and even the point of light in a more distant place is a river system.

The invisible light of the naked eye of the birthright person is clearly recognizable in Li Ang’s eyes, and the starry sky he sees, which is not seen by ordinary people or even scientific instruments, must be a hundred times clearer than a thousand times or even a thousand times.

In such a starry sky background map, there is a war fortress completely transformed from the planet, that is, the planetary fortress of the Chitauri, which was built after they had spaced their home planet.

The Chitauri are a race in the universe that is extremely good at conquering and fighting for supremacy, and there is no concept of courtesy, righteousness, shame and morality in their civilization, only conquest and destruction, and they are the most thorough cannon fodder race under Thanos.

They don’t care about enjoyment, no feelings, some are just the ultimate desire for destruction, just like a group of cosmic locusts, the place of transit is only destruction, they are with Thanos, do not know how much evil has been caused in the universe, and it is precisely because of them that Thanos’ fame has become synonymous with destruction in the universe.

But in the face of such a planetary fortress, Li Ang only showed a sneering smile on his face, he destroyed countless Chitauri with a wave of his hand, and the huge war beast in front of him was also fragile like an ant, without the ability to resist at all.

Then, he stepped out, the figure disappeared again, and when he appeared, he was already standing outside the fortress of the planet Chitari, where he could clearly see all kinds of things on that planet, stretching across the equatorial of the entire planet, almost dividing the entire planet in two, and the planet was left with only an empty shell, which had been hollowed out and turned into various war machines, towering over the planet.

And the buildings on the planet also look extremely rough, there is no beauty to speak of, some are just a very pure ugliness!

Yes, it is indeed ugly, and all kinds of things that Leon seems to be very unreasonably designed seem to be commonplace to the Tarry people.

Li Ang held out his hand to this planet, and his body suddenly burst out of the reddish light magnetic control, mind control, telepathy and other abilities launched together, all of which were acting on the planet in front of him.

In his senses, he could see countless Chitauris, no less than three billion, and under such a terrifying number, the Chitauris who had previously died in New York City seemed to be completely irrelevant.

It was no wonder that the Chitauri had no fear, because Leon had discovered that they were not relying on normal reproduction at all, but a possible technique that allowed them to cultivate a new individual in a very short period of time, and this time was very short, so short that Leon had some sideways eyes.

“Fourteen minutes to create a clone?” This race is really born to serve war. ”

Leon sighed quite a bit, because he did not feel the existence of half a thought from these Chitauri, they had no thoughts, no pain, and no desires of their own, but mechanically obeyed orders.

But this is not to say that all the Chitauri are devoid, Leon also feels that a group of Chitauri people have thoughts, but the number of people here is very small, only tens of thousands.

I think these people should be the Chitauri people, they control the entire Chitauri society has the right to speak and decide, perhaps these people are really Chitauri, the rest are just war cannon fodder.


Just as Leon was about to unleash his power to crush the entire fortress of the planet Chitauri, he noticed that someone had noticed him, and actually noticed that the person who noticed him was not one person, but three.

A man dressed in a strange robe, pale, with a pair of blue eyes, no nose, and the shape of a skeleton.

There was also a man curled up in a torn cloak, hiding his whole body under the cloak, looking like a dwarf, but the look in his cloak was deep evil.

The other was dressed in a robe with a brilliant golden helmet with two horns on it, and a long staff with a blue jewel embedded in it.

Although Li Ang had not seen these three people, he could see the identities of these three people at a glance.

“Chief Chitauri, Ebony Throat, and Two or Five Boys Loki.”

This is the real identity of the three people who appeared in front of Leon, the name of the leader of the Chitari is called TheOther, the translated name is called Change, his identity is also very mysterious, no one knows who he really is, and where he came from, it is very mysterious, but Li Ang does not pay much attention to it.

As for Ebony Throat, it is the most powerful of the Obsidian Five under Thanos, with strong mental and language control capabilities, as well as strong wisdom and powerful mind control ability, and he is also a famous Erwu Boy in the original book, and his two-five-boy degree and Loki’s two and five-two and five-boy are Marvel’s two and five-year-olds, which is enough to explain his cunning.

As for Loki, the original Frost Giant’s cub, adopted by Odin and transformed into the Prince of Asgard, now appears here, which also shows that the soul of the second and fifth boys in his body has exploded.

Leon glanced at the long staff in Loki’s hand and the azure sapphire on it, and then raised an eyebrow slightly, revealing a smile.

He knew exactly how the space passage behind him had arisen, and the reason appeared on the gem of the scepter, which was the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube!

To be precise, it is the energy of the cosmic cube that is rather concrete, not the cosmic cube itself, nor the embodiment of the space gem, but the energy of its energy aftershock, to put it simply, it is a unique thing formed by the space force extracted from the space gem, which is a multi-dimensional space gem defective product.

“That’s right!”

Leon nodded secretly.

At this time, the three people also focused on him, of which Loki’s eyes were obviously shrunk, and the other two were expressionless, obviously Loki had seen Leon’s identity, while the other two were unaware.

“Who are you?”

The opening was an ebony throat, and his voice was hoarse, as if someone had cut his vocal cords with a sharp weapon.

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