
Li Ang smiled lightly, “Who am I, don’t you know?” ”

Ebony throat’s face was flat, even cold, and his uniquely shaped face did not show any expression that a human being should have, because this cargo was not a human being at all, but just another race of life in the universe.

“Kill him!”

This time it was the leader of the Chitauri people, TheOther, who gave people a very terrifying and gloomy feeling, but how could he not be an ordinary weak person, just by being exposed to the cosmic vacuum in such a way, it was already very telling, but Leon did not know what kind of power he had.

“Sir, I am willing to unite with you, how about we occupy the earth together?”

The last to speak was Loki, but as soon as he said it, it made TheOther and Ebony look sideways, and the two did not understand why Loki said this.

“You know him? Tell me, who is he? Ebony throat said coldly.

The Other also set his puzzled eyes on Loki, waiting for his reply.

“He’s Leon! The scariest people on earth. “Rocky Road.

“Ahem! It’s just the natives of the earth, the uncivilized primitive species, why should you unite with him? Don’t forget Lord Thanos’ orders! ”

Ebony Throat didn’t care who Leon was, in his opinion, no matter how strong the human race on Earth was, because he had led another vanguard army under Thanos, and he didn’t know how many planets more powerful than Earth had been conquered and destroyed.

“Kill him!” TheOther said cruelly.

Loki’s face became very ugly, these two people did not know Leon’s terror, but he knew something, a person who could force his father to hand over the Cosmic Cube and the Eternal Fire and the magic inheritance, how could he be a weak person!

“No! Calm down! He’s not as weak as you think! Loki hurriedly said.

Seeing that the three of them seemed to be arguing because of Li Ang, at this time Li Ang opened his mouth, and he said, “I said, have you forgotten me as a party?” Or do you feel that, in your power, I am like an ant in front of you? ”

He felt quite amused now, how could he be comfortable being looked down upon by Heyang.

Loki’s face changed again, and he couldn’t help but secretly put a layer of energy protection on himself, in fact, he didn’t know how strong Leon really was, this time he was just like in the original plot, and the Chitauri people were in the same stream, but the purpose of going to the earth was somewhat different from the original plot, he was looking for the real space gem.

But he forgot a little, the current earth is not the earth in the original plot at all, after being destroyed by Li Ang several times, all human countries have united not to mention, the means of cracking the x gene lock is now in the process of national evolution.

Now on the earth, everyone is British, even without Leon, these Swiss people will fall into the quagmire of war in a short period of time, and the final result will only be a field.

It’s just that Leon has advanced this process, the earth is his testing ground, he will not allow other forces to intervene, Thanos can’t.

So at this moment, he decided to give a few people a small meeting gift.

Saying that he stretched out his hand, the palm of his hand was red, the vacuum trembled because of his power, and the space also cracked because of him, and the extreme terror of this crack was only a small piece at first, and then it began to spread from his palm, rapidly expanding to an extremely large extent.

As the most powerful person among them, Ebony Throat felt a sense of horror in an instant, and he sensed the change in the space around him, the extremely unstable feeling, like a knife on his neck, making his back cold.

Without thinking about it, he instantly left from the same place and broke away from the space that was about to collapse.

And then Loki also reacted, he already had a response early, so after seeing Leon’s actions and the strong sense of crisis around him, he also didn’t want to stay away.

As for TheOther, he didn’t have such good luck, he seemed to have some hindsight, because he was the weakest of the three, and when he reacted and sensed the horror crisis, it was already night, and the space crack had wrapped him up.

“Playing with space in front of me? Loki, where do you guys get your confidence? ”

When the words fell, the palm of his hand shrank violently, and the next moment, the space crack exploded.


TheOther screamed in time to be issued, and his body was instantly cut open by countless spatial cracks, turning into pieces of broken flesh, and those who died directly could no longer die.

And that’s not the main thing, the death of TheOther is just the product of the aftermath of the collapse of space, and what Leon really wants to show them is his terrifying control over his spatial ability.

The space crack expanded rapidly, instantly expanding to an uncountable length, densely enveloping a starry sky, and in this space, the planet fortress of Chitauri was also included, so the planet fortress was immediately split into thousands of copies by the dense space crack.

A huge planet, in the kung fu of Li Ang’s fist, directly disintegrated and collapsed, and everything that existed on it naturally disappeared.

One hit! Just this gentle fist made the Chitauri people who were rampaging the universe extinct, which was what Leon wanted to show them, but unfortunately TheOther did not have the opportunity to see this scene.

And Loki and Ebony Throat, who saw this scene, their faces changed in an instant, how could they not have imagined that Leon would be so terrible, this ability was simply beyond their imagination.

The ebony throat that originally had his hands behind his back instantly assumed a fighting posture, and his first thought when facing Li Ang was not to attack, but to flee.

So in the next instant, his figure quickly disappeared in front of Li Ang and rushed into the distance as a streamer.

Loki did the same thing, except that Loki was obviously smarter, and the place where he fled was the space passage.

Li Ang’s figure flickered, disappeared directly from the spot, and when it appeared, it was already in front of Ebony Throat.

“I said, are you going to leave without saying hello?” He smiled and groaned.

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