Ebony Throat’s face changed wildly, becoming very ugly, if he really wanted to describe it, it was a shock mixed with three points of anger, and there was a little bit of disbelief, how could he not believe that Li Ang was so terrible.

One hit!

Just a single blow, let a planetary fortress collapse, but also let the Chitauri leader TheOther die instantly, and even the latter did not even have time to react, how powerful and terrifying is such a person?

In short, the moment Ebony Throat saw Li Ang’s means, he knew that he was definitely invincible, and such a powerful opponent brought him an indescribable sense of shock, and there was also a fear, which he was very familiar with, because in the past, when he faced Thanos, he also had a similar feeling.

“Damn, what are you going to do?”

Seeing Li Ang blocking the way, his first thought was not to fight back, but to think about how to escape from his hands.

Li Ang just smiled lightly, looking at the uncertain look on his face, but in his heart he felt quite funny, this ebony throat is also a well-known murderer in the universe, and he is also a lackey under Thanos, strong or not, it is naturally needless to say, but now facing him is like a mouse seeing a cat, and he does not dare to fight back at all.

Yes, the power of Li Ang’s blow had really made Ebony Throat feel afraid, and it produced a sense of fear of encountering heaven and earth, Ebony Throat was extremely powerful because of the powerful control of the mind, and the sixth sense was also extremely powerful, and the threat he felt in Li Ang was also extremely terrifying.

So after Leon blocked the road, he didn’t want to fly in the other direction.

Li Ang naturally did not let go of him, smiling slightly, and as his thoughts turned, the ability to control his mind power emanated like a tide, enveloping the extremely distant area around him, enveloping this space completely.

Suddenly, the whole space became as unbreakable as a copper wall and an iron wall, and Ebony Throat wanted to escape, but found itself as if he was stuck in a muddy swamp, and the surrounding space was a burst of pressure, and the space that was originally shaped became something like substance, with amazing pressure, squeezing towards him from all directions.

In this instant, the ebony throat even produced an illusion that he was about to be crushed, and his face instantly became more ugly, and the speed of the body that was originally shooting out of the distance suddenly decreased.


Ebony Throat roared, propped up the strength of his whole body, and tried to break through the blockade of this space, but under Li Ang’s great power, it was in vain, and then he exploded into the control of his mind, and he wanted to start fighting with Li Ang for control of this space.

The mind power controls the formless and immaterial, which is a very pure spiritual force, similar to the spiritual force, and is another manifestation of the spiritual force.

Ebony Throat is a long-established murderer in the universe, and he is extremely good at mind control, otherwise it would not be possible to subdue Doctor Strange so easily in the original plot, so under the outbreak, there is still a certain role.

I saw that the originally hard space, under the interference of his mind, centered on his body, produced a ripple that quickly spread around, and then the structure of this piece of emptiness suddenly changed.

At the same time, his body, which was originally tightly fixed in space, also began to accelerate, although this speed was still as slow as a snail’s crawl in Li Ang’s view, but it still had an effect in the end.


Li Ang raised an eyebrow, slightly surprised, and understood that this ebony throat still had some means, which also let him know how much combat strength Thanos’ murderers had.

Of course, this is just an inconspicuous little villain in the original work, no matter how strong it is, especially in the face of such a terrifying strong person as Li Ang, the spiritual power of Ebony Throat is simply not enough to see.

So Li Ang just looked at him with a smile, and in his angry eyes, he turned around directly and faced the side of the space passage.

With just a few moments of effort, Loki had already rushed into the Dao Space Passage, and if he really let him in, this cargo would definitely use his strange ability to hide himself among billions of people, and at that time, Li Ang would have to work hard to find him.

He ran over with great fanfare, but he didn’t let them all run away, so without saying a word, dozens of magic runes appeared around him, and these magic runes communicated with each other, quickly forming a powerful and terrifying magic array.

And this Fa Array rotation made the space collapse rapidly, and then the collapsed space was like a crack, rapidly spreading around, and the space passage was naturally shrouded inside.

Affected by this, the structure of the space channel is naturally disintegrated, and it collapses at a rapid speed visible to the naked eye.

“Not !!!”

Loki roared in anger, he was about to touch the space passage, the two were less than a hundred meters apart at this time, but in his eyes, the space passage originally formed by the space gem energy and the space magic he was proud of was rapidly collapsing and collapsing, and its speed was so fast that he could not expect.

He was speeding up here, but this speed was useless in the face of the speed at which the space channel collapsed.

Eighty meters!

Sixty meters!

Thirty meters!

At this juncture, the space passage collapsed, the kind that completely collapsed, and the structure of the space itself had been destroyed, making his control of the space channel disappear in an instant.


Loki’s face was frantic, and he turned around, his eyes fixed on Leon, with anger in his eyes and indescribable horror!

He and Ebony Throat are the famous two or five boys in the original plot of Marvel, and the two have the same characteristics, they are very afraid of death, understand compromise and betrayal, and naturally do not want to die here at this time.

“Your Excellency…”

Just as Loki was about to speak, he saw Leon snap his fingers at him, and then Loki’s face changed again, because he sensed the change in the space around him, becoming like substance, like steel, locking him firmly in it, letting him struggle and not loosening up a little.

The locking of the space made him feel a familiar breath from it, it was magical energy, and the technique was extremely exquisite, even he could not crack it.

“Damn it!”

He was furious, but he couldn’t break the shackles at all.

After Li Ang had done all this, he turned back again and smiled inexplicably at the ebony throat that was still fleeing.

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