Ebony throat did not return, not that he did not want to look back, but he did not dare, he was afraid of facing Li Ang, showing flaws under fear, so that he was likely not even able to lift the heart to escape, even now, with his back to Li Ang’s gaze, he also felt that his back was cold, and his whole body seemed to be frozen, that kind of sense, just like when facing Thanos.

“No, no, no!!!”

He roared in anger, trying to get rid of the fear in his heart, and the control of his mind was fully launched, and the space around him rippled like a wave of water, and he stepped on the tip of this wave and began to surge forward rapidly in the flow of space, more than twice as fast as before.


Li Ang raised his eyebrows slightly after seeing this scene, he did not expect that Ebony Throat still had such a hand, which was enough to show that his achievements in mind control and spatial understanding were really not bad.

“But is that enough?”

Li Ang saw the limit of the ebony throat, and then felt a little bored, perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, the ebony throat is extremely powerful and terrifying, but in front of him, this person is always just a small role, or a very inconspicuous kind.

Li Ang smiled slightly, his body instantly disappeared from the spot, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared next to Ebony Throat, walking with him on the tip of the ripples of space.

Ebony throat body trembled, turned his head and looked at him incredulously, this method of moving forward in the trajectory of half a space fluctuation has always been his unique technique of ebony throat, and it is even more difficult to escape, because when the ripples of space are flooded, it is the most unstable time in space, at this time space is disturbed, if someone chases him, it is likely to be thrown by the folds of space to the contrary place.

In this way, he can easily escape the recourse, and it is precisely because of such a one-handed kung fu that he can survive countless battles.

But now what he had to face was that Li Ang, such a space master, playing with space in front of him was the real Ban Men axe, and this little means had no ability to resist in front of Li Ang.

“Where are you going?” Leon asked.

His voice was transmitted directly in the void to Ebony’s ear, and the latter’s face changed again, and by this time his face had revealed panic, where there was still contempt when they met.

“Who the hell are you?” Ebony or angry road.

“Me? An ordinary passerby on Earth, tell me, what are you trying to conquer the Earth for? Is it to find the Space Gem? Leon asked.

As he spoke, a little blue brilliance appeared on Li Ang’s forehead, and this brilliance was quickly revealed, gradually forming a crystal clear blue gem, which was the original body of the space gem.

After Ebony saw this scene, his face changed again, it became very ugly, and his heart did not stop sinking, and suddenly his scalp became numb.

“Do you want this thing?” Leon laughed.

Ebony Throat was silent, then turned sharply and fled in the other direction again.

Li Ang smiled, folded his body, and then followed him and appeared directly next to him, just like a cat and mouse, without any intention of moving.

Ebony Throat naturally did not want to be tied up like this, so naturally he wanted to escape, he turned around again, and fled in another direction, and Li Ang naturally followed, did not move, just followed.

Then the situation became very funny, one escaped and one chased, Ebony Throat changed direction several times, using the ability of mind control to increase the intensity of disturbing space, making the ripples more intense, and his speed also became extremely rapid between space disturbances, but even so, Leon was still firmly following him, and the speed did not weaken half a bit.

Ebony Throat was already terrified, he sensed Li Ang’s intentions, and his heart became very angry, and then at a certain moment, he finally couldn’t stand it and launched an attack on Li Ang.

In an instant, the tide-like mind control fluctuations struck Li Ang, and the space cracked, as if to cut Li Ang’s body into pieces.


Li Ang just smiled slightly, casually blew out a breath, and in a surge of magical energy, he smoothed out the space crack, and then quietly waited for this next wave of attack.

He was indeed teasing this man, just to see how far the attack of Ebony Throat could reach.

Ebony Throat struck again, the space became extremely unstable, and under the interference of powerful mind control and spiritual force, the space around Li Ang began to collapse, centering on him and squeezing towards him.

“It’s still a bit of a trick.”

Li Ang smiled slightly, just standing in the void and not understanding, letting the surrounding space fluctuations act on his body, making his figure produce a series of distortions, looking like reflections in the water, affected by ripples and becoming distorted.

During this period, his body broke several times under the ripples of space, but in fact, it was only a fluctuation caused by the ripples of space, and his body still did not change half a point, and even the corners of his clothes did not move for half a minute.

“That’s all?” Leon continued sarcastically.

Ebony Throat clenched his hands and looked at Li Ang with gritted teeth, but then suddenly said, “I don’t know who you are, but I can trade with you!” ”

“Deals? What deal? Leon said curiously.

“I can be your subordinate, your slave, as long as you spare my life.” Ebony throat deep voice.

Li Ang raised an eyebrow, looked at him carefully, Ebony Throat’s face was very sincere, there was no sign of lying, if it was an ordinary person, it was really possible to be fooled by him.

But Li Ang was familiar with the original work, how could he be persuaded by his three or two sentences, and he just laughed and said, “Okay, then you come here.” ”

Ebony Throat looked at Li Ang with a smile and squinting, with uneasiness in his heart, but in the end he gritted his teeth and approached Li Ang.

At this moment, Li Ang’s voice suddenly sounded behind him.

“Thanos believes in you so much, if he knew you betrayed him, would you say he would be sad?” I’m curious. ”


The spirit of Li Ang in front of Ebony Throat gradually dissipated into fluorescence, and he turned around and saw Li Ang standing in front of him.

“So, in order to keep him from being sad, I think it’s better that you die!”

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