“Not !!!”

Ebony Throat roared in horror, but Li Ang held out his hand to him unswervingly, and his hand directly pressed on the Heavenly Spirit of Ebony Throat, who was naturally struggling madly, but the more he struggled, the more he felt the blockade of the space around him, becoming more and more intense.

It was as if there were chains tied to his body, and as he struggled, the sense of space bondage became more and more terrifying, he struggled for more than ten seconds, his body had begun to deform, and in a crunching sound, his legs were broken by that sense of bondage, and at this moment, even if he was frightened, he did not dare to struggle harder.

Now he finally reacted, Li Ang was completely trying to tease him, such a terrifying space control ability, which he could not compare and resist at all.


Overwhelming despair!

“Who the hell are you?” Why? Ebony Throat roared angrily.

“Actually, it is not for anything, you are originally fighting all around, conquering other planets, destroying other planets, I am just doing the same thing as you, if there is a reason, it is that you have disrupted my experiments, the earth is my testing ground, and I will not allow anyone to disrupt my experiments.” And you, by chance, happened to appear in front of me, so that my experiment would not be disturbed, so I could only ask you to die. Leon shrugged.

“Why are you so powerful, but I’ve never heard of you in the universe?” Ebony throat is extremely unwilling to the Tao.

“Because I am now just a passerby in the whole universe, but don’t worry, I will soon become the protagonist of the universe, and I forgot to tell you that Thanos is also my experimental material, but you can’t see it behind you.” 」

Li Ang is still a smiling and squinting look, it is this look, but it makes Ebony Throat extremely unwilling, he has great remorse in his heart, regretting why he came to invade the earth, he thought that the earth is just an ordinary planet, the civilization above can be allowed to knead him, but he did not expect that in such an ordinary planet, but there is such a big crocodile as Li Ang hidden.

If time could be turned back, he would have run as far as he could.

Time can indeed be turned back, and Li Ang has this means, but Ebony Throat can’t see it.

“Having told you so much, I just want you to understand one thing.”

“What?” Ebony’s throat contorted.

“Stand up when you are beaten!”

When Leon finished speaking, he held out his hand to him, and then his five fingers gradually tightened.

“Not !!!”

Ebony Throat became terrified, and he instantly thought of Fang Cai, the planetary fortress of the Chitauri people was broken into countless pieces under this blow, and the scene of TheOther was also direct.

He struggled hard, but he was horrified to find that small spatial cracks had appeared on the space constraints around him, acting on him, some piercing his skin, some cutting his flesh.

“Please, forgive me! I am willing to give my everything! My body, my soul! Don’t kill me! Ebony Throat roared in horror.

“Sorry, I don’t need to, but that tells you why, because you’re ugly.”

As a pure appearance animal, in Li Ang’s view, looking ugly is the original sin, and it is absolutely impossible to want to live if you want to live if you want to live if you want to be an ugly player like Ebony Throat.

“Damn! No!!! ”

Ebony Throat roared again, and the mind power controlled the full force to erupt, but it only eased slightly, the sense of spatial constraint around him, and in the next moment, this explosion was squeezed by the huge pressure, and it collapsed.

Then the crack became more and more, and in an instant it sparkled with the blood of his cut, and by this time Ebony Throat was speechless, because half of his neck had been cut off, and his body had become torn and bloody.


Finally, Ebony Throat’s body was cut into countless parts by the space crack, and in an instant it collapsed and dispersed, and at this moment, Li Ang’s palm was squeezed into a fist.


Countless bursts of flesh and blood were suddenly squeezed together by the huge space pressure, becoming a small mass of matter, and then this mass of matter began to burn out of thin air, and the energy contained in it was ignited by Li Ang and turned into an extremely brilliant light in the starry sky.

After doing all this, he clapped his hands, then turned his head and cast his eyes on Loki in the distance.

Loki had been pinned to the distance, he had used all his methods, and he could not break free from the control set by Leon, he saw the whole process of Ebony Throat’s death, and when he saw Leon’s gaze projected, he couldn’t help but feel a tingling in his scalp.

He struggled madly, but no matter how he struggled, the shackles that applied to him did not relax at all.

Leon appeared in his face the next moment, looking at him carefully, the gaze with scrutiny and curiosity, but the occasional flicker of cold from his eyes made Loki’s scalp tingle.

He tried to show a harmless appearance and showed a slight smirk to Leon, hoping that Leon would forgive him, he wanted to speak, but he was bound by magic and could not speak at all.

“Want me to spare you?” Leon laughed.

Loki nodded wildly, his body trembling so badly that in the face of real death, even he, the god of lies, could do nothing, because he felt that Leon could easily see into his heart, so that his previous methods were not at all useless.

“Why should I forgive you?” Do you think you’re useful to me? Leon asked again.

He was smiling and squinting at this time, and looked at Loki carefully, and found that he was not much different from the original, and the cunning of the occasional flash of his eyes showed that this person was indeed a person who was good at deceiving others and was not worth believing.

Loki nodded again, the smile on his face growing stronger, trying to express to Leon a sense of harmlessness through his expression.

Unfortunately, Leon did not know anything about him, on the contrary, he knew Loki’s true personality and would not choose to believe him at all.

So Li Ang sighed and shook his head, “Unfortunately, I also want to believe you, but unfortunately my sixth sense tells me that you are not trustworthy, so, as a companion of Ebony Throat, you still go to hell to accompany him.” ”


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