Purple potato essence, oh no, is the breath leaked out of Thanos’s body, which is an extremely solid, substance-like breath, giving people the feeling of facing the deep space background of the universe, and it is the existence of the breath of the universe itself.

This is a real world, not as shown in the movie, Thanos beat people with fists, after so long, if Leon does not understand the power of the world’s strong, it is really in vain.

Although Thanos is not the most powerful existence in the Marvel Universe, it can also be regarded as the top five beings, and if you count those gods and the ultimate existence oaa, then Thanos can only rank in the top ten.

But this does not mean that Thanos is not strong, on the contrary, his real combat power is in its heyday, but he can press a god like the Devouring Star to the ground and rub it, which is enough to explain a lot of problems.

In the face of Thanos, Leon did not take it lightly, but there was no fear or nervousness, just a secret guard.

His current combat strength, if it really erupts with full force, it is definitely the level of the universe’s strongest, but if he really wants to fight with Thanos, it is still somewhat powerless, but if he wants to save his life, it is very easy.

This is where Leon’s confidence lies, so even in the face of Thanos, he did not show any discomfort.

Thanos heard the words, but he was still expressionless, perhaps in his opinion, even if he died, even his subordinates, it was still irrelevant, he just looked at Li Ang with curiosity at this time, and his face was extremely calm.

He didn’t know how long he had been sitting on the throne alone, as if he were about to merge with the universe, his breath was strong, like a calm sea, and no one knew what kind of wild waves were hidden under this calm exterior.

“What planet are you from?” Thanos’ voice came out again.

Li Ang still had a smile on his face and said in a flat voice, “You guess? ”

He naturally does not take the initiative to say his origins, and now in the face of Thanos, it is better to be more careful, this is Marvel’s first fierce man, before he is fully sure, Leon also has to avoid contact with him a little.

“I sent Ebony Throat to Asgard to find the Space Gem, but I was told that the Space Gem was on Earth and Ebony Throat was dead, so there was only one possibility, you were an Earthling.” Thanos.

Li Ang shrugged and did not speak, as if it were a tacit acquiescence, after all, the problem of his origin was obvious.

“Very well, you deserve my full strength.” Thanos.

Li Ang’s face was inconvenient, but after hearing the words, he was secretly vigilant, and the next moment, he saw Thanos standing up from the throne, and the golden armor of his body bloomed with thousands of divine lights, and the divine light surged as if it were a rising star, and at this moment, this divine light filled Li Ang’s entire vision.


The space around Li Ang suddenly surged up, and countless spatial fines suddenly appeared in his emptiness, and then he sensed a trace of divine power that penetrated from the tiny space cracks.

Then, in his astonished gaze, the brilliance gathered together, and in an instant it turned into a large hand that had been covering the sky and the earth, and the big hand was huge, as thick as a planet.

This big hand has the aura of being generally strong, the five fingers are wide open, the divine power above it is flowing, the vibration is endless, the space that is triggered is trembling and shattering, and the originally extremely stable space, under this great force, begins to crack like a mirror.


Li Ang raised an eyebrow, looking very surprised, he did not expect that Thanos actually had the ability to send the attack to him countless light years apart, which was obviously already mastered by the deep rule information, and could easily attack according to the deep information of the universe.

Such a method surprised Li Ang.

The huge palm was right in front of him, and compared to it, Li Ang’s body was so small that it didn’t even count as dust, and at this moment, the big hand had begun to slowly gather and contract.

Li Ang wanted to dodge, but he was surprised to find that the space around him had actually been locked, and the structure of the space itself had been disrupted, even if he could not dodge directly through the space at this time.


Li Ang was not half afraid, looking at the giant hand that was slowly closing in front of him, but he was full of interest, and he also wanted to see what Thanos’ combat strength really was.

As soon as his mind moved, a pale red light oozed out of his body, compared to the majesty of the giant hand’s divine power, the pale red light on his body revealed a vastness of meaning, and compared with the cosmic thickness of Thanos, he appeared even more vast.

The pale red light directly soared, and in a blink of an eye, the shape changed, the sides were elongated, and the long tail feathers were dragged out behind it, and the sides became wide wings, and the head of the bird appeared in front of it.


A bird song shook the universe and spread through the cosmic void, and at the same time, Leon was already surrounded by a huge bird transformed by a pale red light.

It was the shape of the phoenix, exactly the same as what Li Ang saw, its size was even larger than that of the giant hand, and the size of the two at this time was adjusted, but the phoenix outside Li Ang’s body was larger than the giant hand.

Li Ang had a smile on his face, his mind moved, the phoenix spread its wings, and the space around it instantly trembled, its frequency was more exaggerated than before, as its wings unfolded, the space shattered more completely, and in an instant a space storm rolled up, like a torrent.

The giant hand continued to converge, but the phoenix wings had already hit the giant hand directly.

The void was silent, and all that could appear was an inexplicable vibration, the contraction of the five fingers of the giant hand suddenly began to collapse, the phoenix held its head high, like substance, and in those eyes, there was a spiritual brilliance.

Space collapses, torrents rage, and the space in which the two are located is suddenly directly scattered, and the deep information of the universe can no longer play a role here, because the structure of space itself has been completely destroyed.

Where the two collided, a torrent of emptiness suddenly appeared, erupting into indescribable energy, which burst out enough to easily extinguish a star.

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