There was silence in the universe, even if it was such an explosion, there was still no sound, but the complete collapse of that space was shocking, Li Ang’s face was flat, but his heart was dark, he used the power of the phoenix, which could be called a small explosion of his, but even so, it was just a draw with Thanos’ extremely long-distance attack.

Although this was not the limit of his combat strength, Leon was indeed serious about facing Thanos, and such a result surprised him.


Yes, he was not afraid, but found it interesting, his eyes became bright at this time, he was already invincible on the earth, in fact, he had always been eager to see an opponent who made him do his best.

And now, this purple potato essence appeared just right.

“Come again!”

Li Ang’s voice was transmitted directly to Thanos’s mind through the psychic power, which made him feel a slight chill, and then a smile appeared on his face.


Thanos doesn’t say much, and he prefers to express his heart with practical actions.

Seeing Thanos’ smile burst out of a domineering and crazy way, he directly punched Li Ang in the distance, and this punch, falling in Li Ang’s eyes, was as if a black hole was rushing towards him.

Everything in front of you is distorted, whether it is light or space itself, even the aftermath of a collision just now, it is also distorted and deformed in this punch.

This punch, hit the energy tide, hooked the gravity, as we all know, gravity is the only existence that can cross the dimension, the universe is already regarded as a plane, and Thanos punched a punch at a certain point in this plane, this force through the gravity stimulated by the energy tide, directly appeared an impulsive channel, through this impulse transmitted to Leon’s face.

At this moment, a huge tide of energy appeared in front of Li Ang, and this tide struck like a huge wave, destroying the remaining space structure in an instant, and suddenly destroying this place into a state similar to the state of nothingness outside the universe, and Li Ang was the only existence in this state.

In the face of the energy caused by this punch, Li Ang sensed a terrifying threat, and the energy of this punch was enough to destroy the entire solar system several times.

Li Ang’s face became serious, and the phoenix shadow on his body did not have any unnecessary movements, but just violently shook his wings, and a pair of wings drove countless reddish lights, which were pure phoenix power, like flames, towards the energy tide.

The two collided once again in the cosmic void, and the combat strength of the two was cosmic level, even if the two were far apart, but such a serious fight, the movement created could make a galaxy tremble for it.

The phoenix power brought up by the wings of the phoenix, colliding with the tide, immediately emitted countless brilliance, all kinds of brilliant brilliance in the void produced and extinguished, from a very far distance, it is a star explosion, infinite brilliance stirs out of it, and then it is spread out in all directions.

Li Ang’s body in this torrent, like a ship in a huge wave, looks like it may be overturned at any time, but in fact, it really wants to be a metaphor, the stubborn stone in his huge wave, let this huge wave how terrible, he does not move!

But the consumption of the Phoenix Force is amazing, this punch is really terrifying, the Phoenix Force that he has accumulated for so long has gone to 20% in an instant, you must know that he is now in the late stage of the third level of the Phoenix Force, he can decompose any matter and control the subatomic level of matter, but in the face of this pure energy attack, these means have little effect.

Moreover, under the confrontation of this energy, Li Ang also knew the true combat power of Thanos.

Thanos is a complete cosmic-level combat power, the kind of existence that can mobilize cosmic energy as an attack carrier, and in terms of energy control, it is a bit dumber than he, a person with the power of bugs.


Li Ang was very impressed, this Thanos was actually much more powerful than he imagined, which was really surprising.

And when his thoughts turned, the energy aftershocks of the collision between the two also spread, instantly stirring into a huge torrent, pushing and stacking towards the surroundings, where they passed, the space was shattered, the space structure itself was erased, dispelling the underlying information of the universe, and beating this place into a boundless place, becoming a Jedi in the universe.

Such a battle is not the 1ow explosion in the original plot of the Marvel movie, this is a real cosmic strong battle, one side is Leon, who has the power of a complete phoenix, and the other side is the overlord of the universe, a long-established strongman.

The storm caused by the intersection between the two is extremely terrifying.

Fortunately, the universe itself has a strong ability to repair, this piece of space structure is damaged, and then there are other places of space like flowing water, quickly filling the holes, the two people fight to destroy the place, in three seconds to repair the place.

But the aftermath of the collision continues to push away in the distance, even in the center of the domainless, with the reconstruction of the underlying information of the universe, the energy of the aftermath of the collision between the two is intertwined, and the energy is entangled with the power of the information level as space repairs, the energy is transformed into matter, and a planet is quickly ignited.

Yes, the collision of the two, directly at the center of the battle, produced a star.

This is a small star, but it has everything that a star should have, brightness, heat, nuclear fusion, solar wind, everything appears at this time, and quickly stabilizes.

Space and time have never been inseparable from each other, and the collapse of space itself has naturally led to the collapse of time in this area, in absolute nothingness, and because of the collision of the energy of the two people, coupled with the entanglement of cosmic information, it has contributed to the emergence of this star.

The reason why this star was ignited so quickly is because the time disorder in this space allows it to go through the road that can only be completed in hundreds of millions of years in an instant.

Li Ang’s heart shook slightly, looking at the ignited star in front of him silently.

“You’re strong.”

Leon’s words rang in Thanos’ mind, and Thanos laughed and said a word.

“You’re a good opponent!”

Compared to his laughter, Li Ang’s expression was much calmer.

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