“As a sign of respect for you, I have decided to come to you personally and kill you with my own hands.”

When Thanos said this, the smile on his face became three points more vicious, and with his ugly face, it looked extremely terrifying, coupled with the momentum, it was even more frightening.

Panic is compared to the others, Leon faces Thanos, but more is just excitement and novelty, and there is no fear, and the words are grinning.

“Then come, I’m waiting for you.”

Li Ang has self-confidence, just two collisions, just two small phoenix power outbursts, not his full strength, and in the face of Thanos, his expectations are getting stronger and stronger.

The next moment, I saw Thanos suddenly clench his fist, and on his clenched fist, a dazzling light burst out, which was very gorgeous, just like the sun in the palm of my hand.

As he clenched his fist, the space around him turned into a water-like existence, ripples shook, cracks sprang up, and then a glow erupted around him, the light was extremely intense and brilliant, and the powerful energy drew gravity, and once again as Fang Cai did, directly in the three-dimensional space, opening a wormhole at a very long distance.

This wormhole stands in front of Li Ang at this time, and the three-dimensional wormhole represents a hole in two-dimensional space, but in three-dimensional space, it shows a round ball.

This sphere is not very large, only a dozen meters in diameter, but like a bubble in space, distorting the surrounding light and the starry sky background, then the impulse flutters slightly twice, and then slowly dissipates.

At the same time, a deep valley-like breath appeared in front of Li Ang, he felt the existence of a person, he stepped out of the starry sky background of the universe, and appeared in front of Li Ang so suddenly, covered with golden and brilliant armor, he was majestic and extraordinary, and the thick and substance-like breath made Li Ang feel as magnificent as a mountain in front of him.

Thanos still had a smile on his face, but this smile was full of war, and he looked at Li Ang’s gaze with amazing anger.

It is difficult to believe that such a person has a deep valley-like breath on his body, and if this breath is here with ordinary people, it will definitely be crushed into powder by this breath.

It’s like substance, not just talking.

Even the reddish light on Li Ang’s body trembled slightly under this breath.

The bear battle intention condensed in the chests of the two people, and neither of them opened their mouths at this time, because they knew that what followed was a battle of life and death, and at their level, they either did not fight, but if they encountered an opponent of equal strength, then it would be absolutely desperate to move their hands.


Li Ang let out a deep breath, and there was not shallow energy in his breath, which instantly turned into a ball of light.

Thanos, on the other hand, did not move, and seemed to be waiting.

When the light dissipated, the next moment, moved at the same time.

At this time, Li Ang would no longer stand and let Thanos fight like he had just done, he already knew the depth of Thanos, very strong, extremely terrifying strong, so that he was all heartbroken.

So, he took the initiative.

The phoenix power that surrounds the body once again condenses into the form of the phoenix, and in this form, the electric light is swirling, the fire is overflowing, and all kinds of strange forces are intertwined, making the phoenix power no longer pure, but the energy contained in it is extremely terrifying.

Li Ang broke out, this is a real outbreak, under this burst of explosion, his momentum climbed to the peak in an instant, steadily competing with the breath of Thanos, the two seemed to be equally divided into heaven and earth, and no one retreated half a bit.

The figures of the two disappeared in an instant, and when they reappeared, they were already facing each other.

Thanos is very strong, which is not only to show his breath, but also his body, whose body is much taller than Leon, but also a lot thicker, compared to him, Leon is like a minor child.

At this moment, the two faced each other, rushed together, and then punched out a punch together, and the two of them both punched with a fierce killing intent.

The divine power was wavering, the divine radiance was pervasive, and the energy was as cathartic as if they did not want money, at the same time, the fists of the two collided together.

The terrifying waves are not enough to describe this collision, and the power brought up can only see the space that has just been repaired by the universe itself, and it collapses again in an instant.

The aftershocks and vibrations generated by the collision instantly tore apart the spatial structure, this time more intense and terrifying than Fangcai, compared with Thanos, the three Loki were like babies who had not grown up, without the slightest backhand power.

But Li Ang’s punch was an equal match with Thanos, countless rays of light sprinkled, and he and Thanos’ bodies flew out into the distance together, and everything along the way was destroyed.

The space collapsed, and then it was repaired again, and after the energy aftermath dissipated, Leon and Thanos raised their heads at each other at the same time, the war will in their eyes could no longer be suppressed, and then they both rushed out.

Thanos is the veteran cosmic power in the Marvel Universe, the real king, the kind of person who loves to conquer the universe, so his belligerence is beyond imagination.

Li Ang saw him rushing again, did not hurry to shake his fist, and also rushed out, the two directly launched an onslaught at each other, Li Ang was erupting, and Thanos was not like this at this time.

Through the contact and collision just now, Thanos already knew that Leon’s difficult birth and bad coping were not a person who could be kneaded by him, so even another collision of people was two absolute outbreaks.

The armor on Thanos’ body was overflowing with energy, and the divine power was surging and surging and surging and surging.

Li Ang seemed to have a calm face, but in the face of Thanos, he had to play a spirit of twelve thousand points and deal with it carefully.


Countless substances were thrown out, and with matter as the medium, the sound was naturally transmitted and fell into Li Ang’s ear, which was a thunderbolt of support.

The little bit on Li Ang’s body is slow and intense, the fire is brilliant, the terrifying energy erupts, both of them are fierce fighters, so shaken, Li Ang does not know how long to fight, but Li Ang is worried, he has enough confidence, even now he can not directly kill Thanos, but Thanos wants to kill him, it is impossible.

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