The phoenix is like an entity, its size is huge, with the explosion of Li Ang’s own phoenix power, it has now swelled to a stage the size of a planet, so under the spread of its wings, the energy is wildly rolled, bringing up thousands of wild waves, and the space around it is all damaged, and every inch is shattered, and it is no longer the same.

And the other side of the Thanos, at this time the body of the divine power steaming, as if rolling blood rumbling, obviously is the science fiction movie world of the strong, life to survive the mysterious style, the surrounding is the infinite divine power, the light like a wave like a surge, a burst of good is not shocking.

The two have been fighting against each other until now, they have already played the fire, Thanos is really strong, strong and amazing, even if Li Ang is in full force, it is also a huge pressure, but he is not taking him for nothing, Li Ang himself has multiple abilities, plus the power of the phoenix in the body, the same can fight with Thanos.

In the void, along the way of Li Ang and Thanos’ conquest, space collapsed, and the existence of space itself has been beaten into nothingness, and in this collision after collision, it has produced extremely amazing destruction.

And now, the two are also in the late stages of the battle, and the previous outbreaks and terrifying collisions represent only tentative attacks.

Don’t look at Thanos is a burly purple potato essence, really think that he has no brain, that is absolutely wrong, in fact, he can get to this step, although mainly by virtue of his heart and coldness, but the grasp of the current situation, is still extremely prominent, otherwise he would not have become a hegemon in the universe.

The confrontation between the two men stopped slightly, and after a burst of terrifying energy fluctuations, the two quickly retreated, and where they passed, the space collapsed, shattered into a torrent, and the body flew backwards out of the distance.

The same is true of Thanos, his body flies directly into the distance like a shooting star, the divine power on his body is amazing, but it cannot stop the consumption under such a shock, at this time, the divine power on his body is more than six points lower than before.

The two men were far apart, far apart, they had already shown some tiredness, and at their level, they were strong and their combat strength was amazing, and they wanted to distinguish between victory and defeat, which could not be completed overnight.

At this point, it was basically the late stage of the battle between the two people, both of them looked serious, and both regarded each other as the great enemy of life!

“You are very strong, really strong, I never imagined that there is still a strong person like you hidden in the universe, which makes my long-dormant heart begin to stir.” I’m going to kill you, stain my body with your blood, and carve marks on my body with your broken bones!. ”

Thanos’ voice was low, but in this voice, there was an extremely condensed breath, and there was also a sense of cruelty, that kind of war intention needless to say, Li Ang could naturally understand.

Thanos himself is an extremely belligerent and murderous person, facing an opponent like Leon, it is indeed too rare for him, as the victory or defeat of the battle of the strong, he will naturally use his own method to commemorate Leon, and the method of commemoration is what he said above.

The clothes on Li Ang’s body were somewhat torn, that is, when he was shaking with Thanos, the breath looked more disordered than Thanos, but he himself knew that if he really wanted to compete, with the bug-level ability of the Phoenix Power, it would definitely be him who won in the end.

“You are also very strong, I have become a strong opponent, meet the strongest opponent, in order to show respect for you, I will also kill you, I will tear off your head and treasure, and I will carefully study your body, your muscles, your blood and your genes, and then create thousands of you, so that these replicants will inherit your abilities.” 」

Li Ang was smiling, but the smile looked relatively flat, and there was no mood swing because of Thanos’ words, this fight was the first time he tried his best to do it, the consumption was naturally very large, but he also had a very intuitive understanding of his combat strength.

“I can kill him!”

That was Leon’s first thought.

Yes, fighting until now, Li Ang has basically figured out the strength of Thanos, not the kind of invincible strength, only because of the past prestige, as well as Li Ang’s innate subjective understanding, will feel that he is very powerful, in fact, the two have fought until now, but also a fight on an equal footing.

After all, the current Thanos is not the existence that has gathered all the Infinity Stones, it is not the real peak period, you must know that Thanos is at its peak, but it is the existence of the capable hand to tear the star.

“Very well, let’s see who can kill each other.”

Thanos roared, and the sound was eerily reverberated in the vacuum, causing those space debris to vibrate again and again, and then the divine power in his body suddenly exploded, just like the sudden explosion of the star, erupting into a huge amount of energy, under this energy, the starry sky seemed to be trembling.

At the same time, Li Ang also exploded his own energy with full force, the power of the phoenix was dazzling, and extremely condensed lines appeared around him, a huge phoenix wanted to spread its wings and soar, and the various abilities contained in his body also exploded at this moment.

Lightning, flames, ice, space warps, time disorder, etc., too many abilities are intertwined to make his side look far more chaotic and crazy than Thanos’ side.

The two of them had a tacit understanding at the same time at the same time, and then rushed to each other at the same time, startling the waves of the world, and the space shattered more completely, almost turning into powder, destroying everything along the way.

The two streams of light collided in the lonely space, and at this moment, an indescribable explosion of light and heat, countless energy aftershocks surged around like huge waves, and everything seemed extremely unstable.

As if it were a singularity explosion at the beginning of the universe, light and heat are the main themes here, energy is the main driving force that contributed to this explosion, and these huge amounts of energy spilled out, instantly igniting the entire starry sky.


The vibration is endless, the energy tide is rushing, and the horror scene that is difficult to describe in words appears, and the aftermath of such a collision can instantly extinguish a star, which is amazingly powerful.

And the moment the two collided together, they exhibited their own killing moves, both of which were methods of fighting for their lives.

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