
Infinite energy erupted, indescribable brilliance bloomed, and in this light, both of them abandoned other methods of attack, just like two murderers standing in the ring, each attacking each other with their fists and feet, in order to make the other die.

The attack of the two people, even if it is a seemingly ordinary punch, is also carrying enough energy to make the planet collapse, because both of them are not ordinary people, they have terrifying energy on their bodies, and casual punches are all catharsis of energy, and that power is more than the nuclear explosion.

Therefore, for the two people, the external ability is not a help, but a very cumbersome thing, when they really want to fight, only fists and feet are the best way to represent the combat effectiveness of the two.

The two bodies are as small as a child facing an adult, but in his body, there is a terrifying energy gathering all the time, and the phoenix power can easily swallow all kinds of energy at his current stage, control the subatomic realm, and decompose any substance.

Under such his own ability, Thanos’ majestic body is not an advantage, so every time he punches, he can hit Thanos with flesh and blood.

And Thanos is also powerful to the horror, his hands can easily tear apart the stars, which is not as bad as shown in the movie, after all, the film is to go through artistic processing, can not show his real combat effectiveness.

With his terrifying flesh and the terrifying energy contained in himself, his unpunched body could make Li Ang’s bones break and his flesh and blood splash.

The bodies of the two are carriers of energy, and both have a terrifying and exaggerated recovery ability, but if you really want to calculate it, it is actually Li Ang’s own recovery ability, which is stronger than Thanos, after all, Li Ang himself has a self-healing factor, and this ability has also evolved with the improvement of the phoenix’s power.

To really describe it, he is now as if the time on the body has solidified, even if Thanos punches half of his body apart, the organs are damaged, can be restored in a blink of an eye, even if the body is beaten into two sections, it can be restored in an instant.

This was his advantage, as long as it wasn’t a huge amount of energy that directly destroyed his entire person from the inside out into fly ash, then he couldn’t die.

And the reason why Leon dares to be so tough with Thanos, in fact, there is another point, that is, he can be resurrected.

He holds the complete Phoenix Force and the Phoenix Power Entity, and even if the Phoenix Force is destroyed in the universe, it will still be condensed and resurrected in the egg of the cosmic wall membrane, which is the Phoenix Nirvana, and it is also where his true strength lies.

On the other hand, Thanos, under Li Ang’s fighting style, every time he will be beaten by the skin and flesh, although it can also recover quickly, but the recovery speed is obviously unable to keep up with Li Ang, the two can see a big gap at a glance in the recovery ability.

Under such circumstances, Li Ang fought more and more courageously, and let out a roar, which sounded like thunder, like thunder and thunder, with infinite energy, and Thanos was hard to shake, every punch and every kick could make a lot of blood.

Such consumption is actually beneficial to Leon.


At a certain moment, Li Ang was interrupted by Thanos’ lumbar spine, the whole body was strangely folded into an exaggerated angle, and then his body swinged, it had recovered as before, and then a kick out, just like a giant axe, directly broke the bones of Thanos’ shoulder pedals, and the blood flowed, and then saw Thanos’ body recover quickly, but the lost blood would not return to his body.

Li Ang is not, even if the body collapses, it will still quickly condense, which is mainly the reason for the power of the phoenix, to be correct, Li Ang’s body has almost some energy, so it can be restored so rapidly, and then by the self-healing factors in the body, it will soon be able to recover as before.

The two were fighting in the dark, the sea of stars was lightless, bursts of energy erupted, and they fought and killed each other again and again, so that the mental state of the two people was rapidly condensed, and there was no kung fu to care about external objects.

And neither of them noticed that because of the reason for the two fighting, the energy escaped violently, and the energy aftershocks that spread out were quickly transformed into matter, and then these aftershocks were quickly pulled by the gravitational pull of the battlefield and quickly condensed together.

Immediately after, the brilliant stars were ignited, and then quickly pushed outward by the terrifying energy aftershocks, some of which could not withstand the devastation of the energy aftershocks and directly exploded, while others were pushed out and left the battlefield at a faster speed.

Counting down, there are more than twenty stars produced because of the two people, nearly half of which have been destroyed, and the rest have been proudly retained.

That is to say, because the two people fought for energy, they directly created so many stars, and it is clear that the struggle represents destruction, but in this destruction, there is a new existence born, which is really surprising.

“Not enough enough! Again! ”

Thanos’s body was full of blood, his cheeks had been damaged, and at the crack of flesh and blood, he could already see the bright red bones inside, but he was unconscious, and the expression on his face revealed a kind of madness and satisfaction.

No one could appreciate his loneliness, a man had dominated the universe for too long, not even a decent opponent could be found, and Leon’s appearance was extremely gratifying.

In this way, his enthusiasm for fighting seems even more fanatical, the kind that is difficult for ordinary people to understand.


In the void, a violent storm of energy swept around, calling out one after another of the realmless space, as if leaving scars on the universe itself, although these scars could be repaired in a short time, but they could not withstand the destruction of the two people.

So in the place where the two fought, the cosmic space was shattered, leaving only the Domainless.

And Li Ang and Thanos are fighting in this state of nothingness, fighting to see who loses first, who can’t make it first, then who will definitely die first.

Li Ang has an advantage, he has been absorbing cosmic energy, although he can’t keep up with his own consumption rate, but as long as he faces Thanos, this is indeed a rare advantage.

Therefore, it seems that Li Ang is fighting more and more and more and gradually has the upper hand.

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