As time went on, this advantage became more and more obvious, and Li Ang’s expression was serious, enduring the sharp pain of tearing in his body again and again, directly focusing on Thanos and fighting with it.

Thanos obviously noticed this as well, but his face did not show any uneasiness, but on the contrary, he became more and more courageous, and there was only perseverance on his face, even if he was covered in blood, he still did not slow down your attack on Leon.

One punch, he exploded Li Ang’s head, after all, in terms of physical strength alone, Li Ang could not compare with a person like Thanos who had experienced hundreds of battles, his fist was countless times more terrifying than steel, hard as if it was the material on the white dwarf, which was simply not something that ordinary people could bear.

And every punch and kick of Li Ang is at most to make him break his bones and tendons, but Thanos’ blow can blow him up.

Leon’s spirit and thoughts were in a trance at this moment, but recovered in the next moment, and for him, this experience had been experienced countless times, and he was very familiar with it, and there was no worry at all.

Then he fought back again, just as he scarred Thanos, and the two were like two tireless machines, with only one belief in each other, that is, to completely destroy each other and achieve victory in this battle.

The two men thought so, and indeed did so, at this time, any person weaker than the two appeared in the center of the struggle between the two, and would be torn into powder by the aftermath of the fight in an instant.

It had almost become the most dangerous place in the entire universe, and the two were unaware of it.

Perhaps in Thanos’ view, the forces he has developed, as well as the abilities he has mastered, are not as important as this battle, perhaps it can be said that he was born a warrior for fighting, and only in the battle of life and death can he experience the happiness of life and death, and can he experience the happiness of the Shenwei warrior.

But Leon did not have this kind of experience and understanding of him, for him, what he saw was a strong enemy that must be destroyed, it was a roadblock under his feet, if he was not broken, then he would always stand in front of him.

Therefore, he also showed extreme courage, without any retreat, even if he was broken every time, he did not know how many times he had experienced death, but he was still fierce and fearless to rush to Thanos.

Experiencing death again and again, he gradually felt a strange breath pervading his body, and his sense was extremely sharp, and this small change was also detected by him.

On the other hand, Thanos on the other side was that while he felt the breath, his face changed slightly, and emotions appeared in his eyes for the first time.

It was anger, extreme anger, as if his treasures had been tarnished, as if his self-esteem had been hurt.


Thanos roared wildly, somehow, looking at Li Ang’s eyes revealed a thick hatred, that kind of hatred was like substance, it was the kind that was eager to slash Li Ang with a thousand knives, so that Li Ang was very confused, and he had no idea why.

And Thanos has also become more crazy and rushes in again and again. The strength is obviously higher than that of Fang Cai.

At this moment, the pressure that Li Ang faced was even more terrifying, although he was extremely confused, but the blow he suffered was real.

He resisted with all his might, but he felt a different pressure than before.

“This purple potato essence, even left some strength before?” Wrong! Not because of the residual strength, but because of anger and hatred, it broke out directly in the total combat effectiveness. ”

“Fuck, this is open hanging ah sleeper!” Don’t bring such a playful person. Leon flashed Alexander.

He resisted with all his strength for hours, and the real person finally became only subconsciously able to resist Thanos’ attack.


Finally, Li Ang’s entire body was cracked, bursting open at once, turning into countless tiny pieces of flesh and blood, directly jumping away and bursting into all directions.

This is Thanos has not known how many times to burst Li Ang’s body, this time more thoroughly than before, and Thanos is because of the outbreak, began to breathe in the positive air environment, he breathes not gas, but the energy of the universe itself, the cosmic energy for him, now is the nourishment, is the root cause of his ability to continue to support.

He looked at Li Ang’s disintegrated body, which had been transformed into flesh and blood, and his face clearly showed a hint of happiness, and then he looked at the strange breath that was wrapped around Li Ang’s shattered flesh, and his face was gloomy again.


He yelled!

The voice was full of reluctance and anger, he thought that he had killed Leon, but he did not know why this strange aura had not dissipated, and this breath was extremely foreign to Leon, but to Thanos, it was familiar and could not be more familiar.

“Why are you here!!!”

Thanos’ voice shook all around, and under his roar, a storm of energy rolled up all around him, sweeping all around, and the divine power in his body had already turned into a real flame, burning around him.

The next moment, the flesh of Li Ang’s flesh that had originally collapsed was suddenly and eerily still, and the next moment, just like the flow of time, those flesh and blood instantly retreated at a speed that Thanos could not detect, and then condensed together again, condensing Li Ang’s body again.

At this time, Li Ang looked pale and weak, as if he was terminally ill, and the phoenix power on his body was much thinner, and he looked at Thanos with palpitations in his heart and let out a deep breath.

“The one hundred and thirty-ninth time I was hit, this experience of my mother is really uncomfortable, and the energy in my body has been consumed too much, so if I go on like this, I can only run.”

Li Ang’s thoughts turned instantly, and the pressure in the face of Thanos became even greater, he had already experienced the horror and difficulty of Thanos, which had been fought for an unknown amount of time, he was hit again and again, and he recovered again and again, which is equivalent to the fact that he has died more than a hundred times, this feeling is really a bit of a collapse.

Even if his sanity was as strong as his, he was already feeling tired.

But at the same time, he was aware of the strange aura that was wrapped around him, and it became more and more condensed.

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