He didn’t know how this strange aura appeared, it seemed to become more and more condensed and heavy with his “death” again and again, and now he didn’t need to feel it at all, he could already appreciate the strangeness of this strange atmosphere.

“What does this breath represent? Why did this purple potato essence become so violent? It was like eating spinach. Li Ang was extremely confused in his heart.

When Thanos saw him recover here, he didn’t seem to show much surprise, but only roared, “Why did you appear on him!” Tell me why! ”

No one answered his question, and Leon suddenly frowned after hearing Thanos’s roar, and he had a guess.


He was suspicious.

Hearing Leon’s words, Thanos was like a poked honeycomb, and it exploded in an instant.

“Damn, I won’t allow you to call her by what!”

Li Ang looked strange, and he subconsciously looked around, but he didn’t see anything wrong, but the strange breath was a real existence.

“Or is it really a dead woman?” This is Thanos’ forbidden neck, although this purple potato essence has never had the heart to get death, and it has always been wishful thinking, but is this a green him? ”

His divergent thinking made him think a lot in this moment, and when he knew the truth of the matter, his face also became very strange, and he looked at Thanos, and there was a pity in his eyes.

And it was this trace of pity that deeply touched Thanos’s resolute heart, in this instant, he condensed all his energy in his right hand, and suddenly all the divine power surged up, quickly condensing on his right hand, making his entire right hand look brilliant!

“Give me death”

Thanos roared angrily, and then the divine light condensed from this whole body energy struck Li Ang away fiercely.


The shock was no longer enough to credit this attack, it was a groundbreaking energy suspension system, and the terrifying pressure and strange gravity generated by it were rapidly spreading, and then this energy had already impacted in front of Li Ang.

“So strong!”

Li Ang’s brow jumped, and in the face of such a terrible blow, he couldn’t help but feel some scalp tingling.

The next moment, the energy quickly slammed into his body, and the punch condensed by all the remaining divine power of Thanos was like a fierce wind, forming a vortex of energy directly in front of him, rolling him in the middle, and wearing down his body inch by inch.

Visible to the naked eye, the phoenix shadow outside his body began to disintegrate, and under this tide of energy, it quickly disappeared.

At the same time, his flesh was also rapidly worn out under the whirlwind storm formed by this energy tide, leaving his body to quickly turn into powder particles and drift away with the energy storm.

He struggled to resist, mobilizing all his strength to fight against the wear and tear of the energy storm, but because he had consumed too much energy before, the current resistance seemed unintentional.

“Sleeper! If I go on like this, I’m going to be killed.” ”

Li Ang was shocked, this was the first time he had changed his face in this battle, because his face had become very bad at this time.

Even if he tried to block it, he still couldn’t resist the dissipation of the flesh, he could only watch his body, starting from his hands, little by little into dusty pieces, floating with the energy storm.

This feeling is very bad, even if you know that you can eventually come back to life, but there is still a strange feeling of watching your own death.

“You can’t be tied up like this!”

Li Ang didn’t want to open his mouth, and then inhaled violently, and the energy vortex in front of him suddenly seemed to be pulled by some kind of pull, directly escaping some energy and being swallowed into his body.

As has been said before, the power of the phoenix can swallow and absorb cosmic energy, whether it is free energy in the starry sky or energy aggregates like stars, he can swallow it.

The phoenix power in Li Ang’s body now was at the tail end of the third level, only the last step could be promoted to the fourth level, and in the third level, it was already able to manipulate external energy, so even if Thanos hit this critical hit energy, he could deprive a part of it.

But this energy was too powerful, and even now Li Ang could only strip a small part of it, less than one-tenth of the entire energy vortex.

But it is this level of energy that is the key to breaking this balance.

Li Ang’s body quickly dissipated, shattering into extremely tiny powders, floating little by little in the cosmic void, and the speed was extremely fast, and soon his entire body was worn away except for his head.

At this moment, he only had one head, and he was still alone.

His head remained, and he was using the last part of his energy to resist the invasion of the energy vortex, and the balance was broken at this energy.

The vortex of energy that was supposed to wipe out his entire body was finally resisted by him, and he was not completely destroyed, that is, he did not die in an instant, and then wait for rebirth.

He kept his head, and with the remnants of his body, he was able to continue to use his recovery powers.

The energy vortex finally dissipated, and after reaching the peak, it collapsed directly, and Li Ang was somewhat glad that he had survived under the final outbreak of Thanos, so under one thought, the powder formed by his body instantly returned to the same way, just like the dissolved spring snow was reversed, and quickly condensed into his original body.

“Give me death!”

Thanos roared in anger at this moment, lifted the last trace of energy and strength on his body, and instantly rushed to Li Ang and punched him in the head.

Li Ang tilted his head and followed with a punch.


Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and Leon and Thanos’ bodies were pressed together, without any movement.

After a moment, Thanos’ face showed a look of pain, and he turned his head and looked at Leon in disbelief.

“Why?” His voice became extremely weak in this matter.

Leon retracted his hand, and in his hand he grasped a heart that was beating strongly.

“Some people will hammer your chest even if they erupt, but I will not be like him, I will directly crush your heart.” 」


The heart shattered and was annihilated into powder by the power of the phoenix.

Thanos trembled and turned his head again, this time looking behind Li Ang, where a faint shadow appeared, which was very graceful.

The fire of life in his eyes was also gradually extinguished at this time.

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