Li Ang then said, “Then let it be, but we will meet one day.” ”

He didn’t want to bother with death any more, he just wanted to eat clean and wipe his mouth away, but now death didn’t intend to let him just leave.

She said, “I will follow you and see with my own eyes the day you die.” ”

“Well, are you sure you want to do that?” Leon asked in surprise, while also glancing at Thanos.

In order to let Thanos have an intuitive feeling, he also thoughtfully passed this conversation into Thanos’s mind with the situation of recording.

Death then said, “Yes, you deceived me, and death will be with you at all times.” ”

Leon shrugged, “So whatever, but I still have to confirm with you, about Thanos, are you really going to abandon it?” ”

Death didn’t look at Thanos as well, but his voice said coldly, “You are a better choice than him, I have a better choice, then he will naturally be abandoned by me.” ”

Leon looked at Thanos sympathetically, and the pity in his eyes seemed to say, See, this is a woman, with a better choice, you will be abandoned at any time.

And Thanos heard the conversation between the two, at this time his eyes had become red, no longer stuck in the slightest variegation, his anger had washed over his entire brain, at this moment, he had no other thoughts except anger and hatred.

“Well, that’s up to you, but it’s a pity that Thanos’ generation is the boss.”

Leon shrugged his shoulders, he didn’t care if Death would follow him, because it wasn’t a big problem for him, he wanted this effect, forcing Thanos to be the kind he wanted, and now looking at Thanos, he felt that his provocation was successful.

Thinking like this, he snapped his fingers, and after snapping, the time and space that blocked Thanos were lifted, and the moment the ban was lifted, Thanos’s body ignited an infinite demonic flame, which directly burned the space, so that the existence of the space itself became the nourishment to help it burn under this strange flame.

The next moment, Thanos did not hesitate for half a minute to directly pounce on Li Ang, bringing up a monstrous momentum, two pairs of blood tears gushed out of his eyes, and the entire lilac face was also permeated with a different kind of viciousness.


An outburst brought a panic, and the strange flames on Thanos’ body burst out, turning the surrounding radius of millions of kilometers into a sea of fire, and the flames naturally wrapped Li Ang and death in it.

Thanos is obviously irrational now, under the anger and hatred, some are still crazy, but even if the brain is dominated by madness, he still seems to maintain that kind of love.

Li Ang could see at a glance that he and Death were destroyed by the area, because around the body of death, there was no flame at all, but on the contrary, it was his own body, the fierce stack of fierceness.

This kind of flame is very strange, it seems to be able to burn people’s consciousness and emotions, Li Ang with his current powerful ability, will not be affected by this flame, but he can clearly feel the horror in this flame.

In a blink of an eye, Thanos has rushed to the front of the body, and now Thanos, because of the relationship between anger, this outbreak is extremely shocking, if the previous Thanos outbreak is one, then the current Thanos outbreak can be connected to twenty-thirty.

Dozens of times the growth, this is completely unreserved outbreak, what Leon did, successfully ignited the anger of Thanos, and Thanos also exploded all his potential under this anger.

In an instant, the space shattered into powder, and this piece became an absolute nothingness, as if a piece had been ripped off in the universe, which seemed extremely abrupt.

Li Ang’s face did not change much, he just raised his hand faintly.

As before, Thanos’ terrifying outburst was so easily defused by him, and then he just gently extended his other hand and gently flicked his finger at Thanos.


Everything in front of his eyes disappeared, the strange color of the flames disappeared as if it had been erased out of thin air, and Thanos’s forehead exploded in an instant, bones and flesh splashed out, and his body was also knocked down by this blow and flew out, like a meteor, instantly disappearing without a trace.

“Well, this Thanos is really worthy of being a big boss-level figure in the Marvel Universe, if such an outbreak is replaced by the previous me, it is estimated that it will be killed into slag in an instant, fortunately, his phoenix power has increased at a critical moment, otherwise this Thanos is really difficult to deal with.”

He hit Thanos’ head with one blow, but did not kill Thanos, and with Thanos’ strength, such injuries will recover quickly, and when he recovers, he will also calm down, and at that time, Thanos is the Thanos that Li Ang wants.

Thinking of this, Li Ang looked at the death next to him, and did not say much, the figure disappeared directly from the same place, and the death followed the trajectory of his departure at the moment of his departure, and the two disappeared almost at the same time.

Leon did not care about the death of the follower, because it was not a big deal for him, when the two left, the void space was naturally repaired by the power of the universe, and soon returned to normal.

The universe is lonely, and in the darkness it does not know how many matter and planets exist, let alone how many lives there are, and these beings obviously do not know what is happening here, and they do not know what kind of changes will occur to the Zhennagongge universe.

Thanos was transformed into what he is now by Leon, and when he wakes up, he will become a murderous demon king who does not blink.

At this time, Thanos was quietly floating in the cosmic void, seemingly floating in the same place, but in fact it was thinking of speeding away at a very fast speed, but this speed was placed in the vast background of the universe, but it seemed to be stationary.

At this time, his head exploded, brain tissue and blood spilled into the cosmic void, and his body was stained with blood, looking like a corpse, without half a consciousness.

However, in such an injury, it was repairing at a very fast speed, and I don’t know how long it took, his hand shook slightly…

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