I don’t know how long later, the terrible injury on Thanos’ head has recovered, and his eyes are still floating with his eyes closed, but his body twitches once or twice from time to time, obviously he will wake up soon.

Indeed, after a moment, Thanos’s eyelids fluttered, and then he opened directly, and in this instant, there was a radiance in his eyes, illuminating a large void.


He woke up from his trance state and instantly let out a roar, which directly broke through the limit of the vacuum’s inability to transmit sound waves, causing ripples throughout the space.

He was furious!

He hates!

He suffers!

He remembered what had just happened, he still wanted to go to Li Ang for revenge, and infinite flames appeared on him, and strange flames burned everything around him, and his eyes gradually turned red, and he began to search for Li Ang’s figure.

Thanos felt that the breath of the two was rapidly weakening, and he did not want to think about it and rushed towards the location where the two breaths were, but it was still a vast void in his eyes, and the figures of the two had long disappeared.

When he arrived here, even the green breath had just disappeared, and he took a step forward.


Another unspeakable roar, Thanos was furious, this roar lasted for three minutes, and finally Thanos stopped, and at this time, the crimson color in Thanos’ eyes was also rapidly fading.

He seemed to have calmed down, but from the red color in the depths of his eyes, he could see that his anger had not disappeared, but had been suppressed by his life in his heart and restrained.

“I’ll find you!” I will definitely find you! I’m going to screw off your head, I’m going to beat your soul to hell and make you face suffering forever!” ”

Thanos’ voice was like the cold ice that had never melted for thousands of years, and the inexplicable breath was revealed, so that the space around him was frozen in a large area, Thanos was angry in hatred, but also in anger, he thought about everything that had just happened, everything Leon had done to death, and the betrayal that death had discarded him without hesitation, all made him feel an unspeakable despair.

“I’m going to kill you!” I’m going to kill everyone!” I want the whole universe to sink, and I want death to know that I am the best choice. ”

If Leon was still here at this time, hearing Thanos’ words, he would definitely make an evaluation.

Lick the dog!

Thanos is a licking dog!

And Thanos, after taking a deep look at the void, immediately tore through the space, directly stepped into it and disappeared from the spot, where he went no one knows, but Leon knows that he will bring immeasurable pain to the entire universe, and he looks forward to that day.

And Leon left, naturally returned to the earth, his figure on the top floor of the headquarters of the sword-shaped building on the terrace, at this time the time is midnight, the sky is dim, silent, everything seems to be that silent, all the Chitauri invaders in the whole New York City, obviously have long been destroyed, but also destroyed a lot, many high-rise buildings have collapsed.

Leon didn’t have the kung fu to fix it, so now the whole of New York City looks very dilapidated.

Before he could sigh, he was already aware of the unique aura beside him, and when he turned his head, death had appeared beside him at an unknown time.

“I really followed it directly.”

Li Ang muttered a word, did not say anything more, and did not overreact to death, this god was willing to follow, especially very indifferent.

Death has no sense of external objects, he just follows Li Ang and keeps a few positions away from him, that kind of death breath envelops him all the time, but unfortunately Li Ang has stolen the authority of death, in essence, there is no essential difference between him and death, but the only difference is that he still has the power of time and space brought by the power of the phoenix.

After Li Ang returned, the first thing he noticed was Qin, and her figure instantly appeared in front of Li Ang, her face was calm, but after seeing Li Ang, her face changed slightly.

“What did you bring back?”

Qin was puzzled, she did not see death, she saw only Li Ang alone in her vision, but she felt a coldness from Li Ang’s surroundings.

Li Ang pointed to death, “Can’t you see her?” ”


Qin looked in the direction of Leon’s finger, where there was nothing, so she was silent, waiting for Leon to answer.

As soon as Li Ang patted his head, he thought of the death of Thanos since he was a child in the original book, it seems that only Thanos can see it, so he has been seducing him, and in the perspective of others, he can’t see the existence of death, unless it is a dead person.

Although death and normal beings are in the same universe, the two are at different levels, in other words, they can be said to be in different worlds, and if the level of life does not reach a certain level, it is naturally impossible to see the existence of death.

Although Qin was very strong and possessed the power of a phoenix, in terms of her current life level, she was obviously not yet able to see death directly, so it was inevitable that she could not see the existence of death.

“What’s there?” Qin asked.

“A deity.”

Li Ang calmly explained to her, “I brought back the goddess of death in this world. ”

By the way, he also gave her a science about what death was, and after listening to it, Qin’s face was obviously surprised, and she was surprised: “There really are gods in this world?” ”

“Yes, the gods have always existed, and there is more than one.”

Li Ang explained to her what the five creation gods were, and also talked about the existence of the other four gods themselves, which gave Qin a kind of intuitive understanding.

Then he found out how long he had left Earth.

“It’s been a month?”

Li Ang was surprised that he had only experienced about two days or so since he left, but a month had passed on this side of the earth, which was enough to surprise him.

“Yes, I made a miniature black hole, because of the relationship of terrifying gravity, it interfered with the time flow rate of the space I was in at that time, so that the time outside world was naturally faster than next to the black hole.”

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