“Very well, go down and do it.”

Leon asked Svija to go down and prepare, and then summoned the four apostles, and recently, because of the lack of his orders, after doing what Leon had ordered earlier, they could only participate in the defense of the kingdom of the people, and the four apostles were always on the front line, competing with evolutionists of various abilities.

It has to be said that the four apostles are indeed very powerful, and they have led the leading troops to defend, so that the counter-offensive head of the United States is directly frustrated, and it has persisted until now.

Compared with a month ago, the four of them have also obviously changed in their respective bodies, the ability to corrupt has become more and more mysterious, the killing body is spreading killing machines all the time, the ability to distort has been enhanced, and it has begun to evolve in a non-human direction, while the Fall seems to have more characteristics of the first three and has also strengthened it.

The four apostles all had different degrees of ability improvement, which was caused by the accumulation of battles during this time, and Leon was very satisfied and happy to see it, but he did not intend to just let the four apostles do this, what he had to do was to increase the strength of the four apostles.

He must possess overwhelming power over the United Kingdom, and this power is not his own, but also his own help, just like the number of soldiers and the ability of the four apostles.

“The host.”

As soon as the four apostles appeared, they spoke in unison, and then they knelt on one knee together, they were under the control of Leon, who had shaped personality and self-knowledge for them, and they were one of the products of Leon’s ability, and there would be no betrayal of him, unless they were self-denial, and it was the most complete kind of self-denial, the kind that completely destroyed the existing personality, the kind that completely formatted.

But according to the current situation, it is obviously impossible to do this, because as their abilities evolve and improve, their personality and self-perception will only become more and more stable.

“Very good, I am satisfied with your changes, but in order to cope with the pressure and changes that will come in the future, your ability will be further increased.”

Li Ang bowed his head slightly, and looked at the four people’s eyes with a faint reddish light, and then a trace of fire rose from his body, which was a phoenix flame completely condensed by the power of the phoenix, a complete expression of energy, and pure energy.

He held out his hand and palmed it at the four men, and then the four of them slowly floated up uncontrollably, arranged in four directions around Leon’s body.

In the face of this change, the four people will not have the slightest nervousness and uneasiness, because these things will not exist in their personalities, especially in the face of Li Ang, who behaves extremely calm.

The phoenix power on Li Ang’s body condensed in the next moment into the form of a firebird, which was a phoenix form, wanting to spread its wings and soar, and the sound of birds could be faintly heard around it.

The eyes of the four people were attracted by this phoenix, and everything in front of them had disappeared, leaving only the proud figure of the phoenix in their eyes.

Even the four apostles, at this time, had a vague feeling from the inside, only to feel that they were facing a god, a true god, and they were all exuding a kind of surrender from the inside out.

Leon’s eyes became ethereal, became light, the feeling disappeared from his eyes at this moment, and his gaze entered another perspective, he looked directly at the phoenix egg stuck in the cosmic apocalypse, and the real phoenix in it, the phoenix was him, and there was exactly the same breath as him. He can change in various forms according to his mind.

At this moment, I saw the phoenix in the egg spread its wings, and then the flames around it, in the burst of fire, the body shrunk, and then directly transformed into a human form, the person’s appearance was Li Ang.

Then this Leon opened his eyes, and his gaze was projected through the void on the four apostles.

I saw this Li Ang smile slightly and stretch out his hand, and four small birds condensed in his palm, looking like little birds, beating happily in his palm.

“Go for it.”

Leon’s voice sounded, the same ethereal and noble, and when the words fell, the four birds in his hands thought of him kowtowing, and then spread their wings together and flew up, and then disappeared.

By the time they reappeared, four little birds had already appeared in front of the four apostles, one in front of each of them, gently flapping their wings and levitating in front of their respective foreheads, and were singing happily.

At this time, Li Ang opened his eyes, the essence of his eyes overflowed, the corners of his mouth were slightly cocked, and he said: “Go.” ”

The four birds roared at him cheerfully, and then each of them plunged their heads directly into the foreheads of the four apostles.

In the next instant, the four of them erupted into a fiery flame, which was reddish and composed of pure energy, condensing the phoenix form behind each other, and changing their appearance.

Corruption, killing, distortion and depravity, the four people have the same appearance, but the temperament is different, but now there are similar changes on the body, and on each person’s chest, there is a phoenix that has always been vivid, and the phoenix comes alive and vivid, shrinking their chests up and down, as if to fly with wings.


The space behind the four people rippled, like a wave of water, and then there was a terrifying pressure on the four people, which was a condensation of breath, thick as substance, but they were bound by their respective phoenix forces in a small space, unable to pass them out.

Looking at the past from the perspective of ordinary people, you can only see the space around the four people distorting and surging, like water waves, making the bodies of several people stretch and shorten, so surging and so on.

The power of the phoenix was enhancing the power of the four apostles, and it was also changing their respective body structures and structures, causing them to make amazing changes, but this change was not visible from the outside.

If it is really to be described, it is that their inner changes have become more in line with the Phoenix Force, and all four of them have become the best carriers of the Phoenix Force at this moment.

Li Ang quietly watched all this, he dispersed a trace of power from the phoenix body, and this little bird was divided into four points, this little bird each represented a phoenix power, the phoenix power obtained by the four people can only be regarded as the energy that escapes from the phoenix body, just like the phoenix power on the qin, it can become one in itself, but it is subject to the control of the phoenix body.

“The four apostles of the phoenix, formed.”

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