“The four apostles of the phoenix, formed.”

There was a slight hint of joy in the two voices, but there was no longer the ethereal and noble before, and he returned to his original appearance, his expression was flat, he could not see joy, but there was a trace of satisfaction in his eyes.

The infusion of the Phoenix Force brought a huge amount of energy to the four people, and also caused their bodies to change indescribably from within, if before they were the product of experiments, from the aberrations produced by the experiment, then now they are completely independent individuals, because of the Phoenix Power, and in this world has produced a real independent existence.

They were given their souls by the phoenix, they no longer have the difference between the ontology and the doppelganger, each of them is an independent individual, and their existence itself, on the contrary, will become a relationship similar to that of brothers and sisters because of the relationship of the phoenix, but because of their own unique relationship, they can merge with each other to form a more powerful individual.

This is the transformation that Li Ang brought to them with the power of the phoenix, so that they can retain their respective characteristics at the same time, but also be able to fuse together because of the power of the phoenix, Li Ang can also be regarded as a painstaking effort.

In the original plot of Marvel, there were five apostles of the phoenix, although they were called the five apostles, but there were actually six people, namely Namo, the White Queen, the Laser Eye, Hope, the Steel Lux and the Secret Guest.

However, Hope is the orthodox owner of the Phoenix Power, and the identity of the other five people similar to the Qin is because of the infusion of the Phoenix Power, and what Leon is doing now is to imitate the original plot and inject the Phoenix Power into the four people to make them Phoenix Apostles.

If they become phoenix apostles, their original abilities will be preserved, and their abilities will be enhanced, and what is even more valuable is that they have the power of the phoenix, which is itself a kind of improvement in the life level, so that they become half-human and half-god beings, and they can use the power of the phoenix’s power.

Such as telepathy and teleportation, as well as mind control.

This is the most primitive application of the Phoenix Force, and it is also the basis of the Phoenix Force, and then it is the energy devouring, or the interference of time and space, which is directly given by Li Ang.

In addition, they can also have the ability to decompose and manipulate cell-level matter, which is extremely powerful, Li Ang can control subatomic matter, decompose all tangible matter, although they can’t do this, but the cell-level manipulation ability, looking at the entire universe, is also the kind of top-notch existence.

With the help of the four apostles of the phoenix, in the face of the counterattack of the United States, Li Ang’s side will have a more absolute advantage.

At this time, the transformation of the Phoenix Force to the four people is still continuing, Li Ang is not in a hurry, quietly waiting, time passes by minute by minute, the flames on the four people have not shrunk with the passage of time, but have become stronger and stronger, which shows that the fusion of the four people and the Phoenix Force is also becoming smoother, and the transformation of the Phoenix Force on their bodies is also more perfect.

They were born because of experiments, even if there was Leon’s previous infusion of personality and transformation, but in terms of existence itself, there were still loopholes, what kind of loopholes were in their own bodies, the body itself existed, and the transformation of the phoenix force on them was to eliminate these loopholes and make them change.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and within this half hour, people closed their eyes, as if they had fallen into a deep sleep, and there was no reaction to the outside world, but the bodies of the four people were two times from time to time, or there were several unobjectionable actions, which were the positive when the transformation was carried out.

Half an hour later, the four people opened their eyes at the same time, and the eyes of the four people burst out a burst of reddish light, at this time their eye sockets were full of the light produced by the phoenix, and they could no longer see the eyeballs.

In the future, they will always maintain this state of energy emergence, because of the relationship between the phoenix power, they can absorb energy from all sides all the time, and this state will always be maintained.

Looking at it again, the four people at this time have a faint phoenix pattern on their foreheads, which is a little above the center of the eyebrow, which is not too eye-catching, but it also makes the four people look a sense of strangeness.

On the four people’s bodies, there was a fiery luster unique to the power of the phoenix, and the pale red light filled the whole body, and more light on each person’s body was vaguely condensed into a phoenix form, but it seemed very vague.

The four have regained their thinking, and after a series of transformations, the temperament of the four has changed dramatically.

“The host!”

The first thing the four of them did after they fell was to get down on one knee again and offer their loyalty to Leon.

“Good value for money”

Li Ang nodded and waved his hand, “Go, go to the battlefield, hunt down those who resist me, bring fear and death to them, let them know my existence, and let them know my nobility!” This will be your only mission. ”

“Yes! My host! ”

Although the four of them have become separate individuals, the tacit understanding between them has been retained, and they are also in touch with each other, and they can understand each other’s thoughts and thoughts without using their abilities.

The four of them glanced at each other, did not show any emotion, and then nodded their heads in unison, and the next moment, they disappeared from Li Ang together.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Li Ang’s face, and he was looking forward to seeing the four apostles of the Phoenix appear in the world, and the reaction of the human kingdom.

He reached out slightly, and because of the transformation of the four people, a trace of disordered space was smoothed out by his hand, as if everything had not happened, and he was idle at once.

At the same time, the sword-shaped building and the surrounding underground gushed out countless warriors, extremely numerous, like a tide, following four pale red figures, scattered in groups in all directions.

Li Ang naturally discovered this, and his eyes always followed them, seeing that the four apostles were leading four teams of warriors, each with no less than 100,000 soldiers, flying rapidly in all directions.

The place they were going to was the battlefield where the United States and the warriors were fighting, and because they had not received orders from Leon, Svija could only take a defensive posture, and now he wanted to make the United States fearful.

(Please order it all!) )

(Please order it all!) )

(Please order it all!) )

(Please order it all!) )

(Please order it all!) )_

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