Asia, Huaxia, Binhai City.

As the most economically prosperous city in China, the financial center of Asia, and the science and technology center of Asia, it has always been bustling and lively, but this kind of bustle no longer exists a month ago.

Because the terrible enemy appeared a month ago, they first used thunderous means to directly destroy the whole of Japan, causing several volcanic eruptions on the Japanese islands, and even more destroying the entire structure of the continental shelf of Japan, so that Japan was directly engulfed by the tsunami in a short period of time, and Japan has been removed from the earth.

The culprit that caused all this was naturally the warrior troops, and then these soldiers marched all the way to the northwest, first landing from the Southern Dynasty, directly destroying the resistance forces of the entire Southern Dynasty with a sweeping momentum, and then destroying the entire country and the main body of the regime, so that the Southern Dynasty, like Japan, was removed from the earth.

Then all the way into the Northern Dynasty, the same blow, and the Northern Dynasty did not last long, fell within a day, and then the entire Korean Peninsula became a scorched earth and battlefield, I don’t know how many people were killed and injured.

Then these soldiers did not stop for a moment, leaving only a very small part of them to continue to sweep through the territory of the two dynasties to hang those remaining rebels, and most of the rest went directly into the territory of China.

As soon as they entered China, these soldiers suffered a head-on blow, and the momentum of the charge was also instantly frustrated.

It has to be said that with the establishment of the United States, Huaxia has become the main component of the entire United States, and it is also the most important force among them.

All kinds of resources are inclined to Huaxia, whether it is science and technology or materials, they have been concentrated in the territory of Huaxia in a short period of time, which has made the overall strength of Huaxia have undergone earth-shaking changes.

There is a reason for this, and the reason for this is because of the huge and terrifying population base of Huaxia.

Because of the relationship between cracking the x gene lock, the huge population of Huaxia instantly became an absolute dividend, and the evolutionists produced became the absolute main force against Li Ang’s forces.

At this point, some people may say that the population in India is also very large, and it will surpass China in a short period of time, so why not put all the resources on India?

The reason is also obvious, that is, the quality of the population of the two countries, as well as the speed of the regime’s orders, Huaxia is absolutely hanging India in any aspect.

In terms of population quality, China is an absolutely civilized country, while India is always in the third world, the quality of the population is not high, and the physical quality of individuals cannot be compared with that of China.

As for the speed of the execution of orders, no country in the world can compare with Huaxia, especially the soldiers in Huaxia, and there is no doubt in the implementation of orders.

These are not to be debated, and they are also facts.

In this way, a phenomenon was created, and Huaxia suddenly became the main force of Ang’s power, basically assuming the role of half a savior.

It is also true that because of this, Huaxia had a very large number of evolutionaries in a short period of time, so the vanguard of the warriors was directly blocked, which surprised Li that these evolutionists could actually block the soldiers.

In the following time, there was another team of warriors, who appeared from the sea and directly landed in Binhai City, turning it into a battlefield, so that the originally prosperous international metropolis was directly reduced to a battlefield, and the economic losses were naturally great.

And China is not unprepared, as early as Africa and Europe appeared in the war soldiers, the main scientific research force and material of Binhai City has begun to transfer, of course, at the same time the transfer of population.

Therefore, after the soldiers landed, this place was basically an empty city, and then the war occurred, the damage was all the buildings and facilities, the two sides regarded this place as a battlefield, Huaxia did not have any pain and calculation, for them, it was already precious to be able to resist the soldiers.

In the following time, Leon did not appear, and no new orders were given, so the soldiers continued to land and did not expand further.

I have to say that in this way, it did leave time for China and the whole country to breathe, and they began to expand the scope of producing evolutionists, doubling the number of evolutionists several times in a short period of time, and gradually crushing the number of soldiers.

And it is precisely in this way that Huaxia persisted, and as time went on, the number of evolutionists increased, and the advantages formed against the warrior team became greater and greater.

This situation continued until the seventh day after the two departures, and on the seventh day, the United Nations decided to counterattack, which was comprehensive and worldwide counterattack.

It was Huaxia who started out, and the horn of counterattack was sounded from the coastal city, and then other countries invaded by the soldiers were also supported at the first time, because the continuous and uninterrupted production of evolutionists, with the passage of time, the number also increased, and the number of soldiers was crushed.

As a result, the soldiers could no longer continue to attack, and Svija had to take a defensive posture, and they had been anxious about each other until now.

Because Leon’s order was to attack, but there was a limit on the number of soldiers at the beginning, Svija could only send reinforcements every time because of the order, and could not directly send a large number of soldiers.

It is precisely because of this that the Renhe Kingdom has a great chance to breathe, and they have also seized such an opportunity to directly produce evolutionists at the fastest speed within the United States, further increasing in number.

This is like a violent soldier, the first violent soldier on the side of the United States, and the violent soldier until now.

The stalemate between the two sides has also continued until now, and at this moment this situation is to be broken, because under the orders of Leon, the large army of warriors has set out, accompanied by the four apostles of the phoenix.

This is the power that will shake the world, and this power will be revealed to people for the first time.

More than ten minutes after the departure of the warrior team, one of the teams had already arrived in Huaxia Binhai City, led by the fall, he was surrounded by phoenix flames, burning the surrounding space distortion, surging power shook the entire battlefield, more than 100,000 soldiers scattered around him, the big war was about to start.

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