This day is a day that can be recorded in the annals of history for the whole country, because on this day, Li Ang’s warrior team directly appeared in the sky and landed in the battlefield of Binhai City.

Originally, the situation on the battlefield was that the soldiers on Li Ang’s side were in a defensive situation, while the Renhe side was on the attacking side, and the two sides had a fiery battle between them, but since the fall and the appearance of 100,000 soldiers, this situation has changed in an instant.

One hundred thousand warriors can shake the heavens and the earth, each of them has used the combat power of an alpha-level evolutionary, and it is even more invincible to an old mutant like Magneto, such a number of warrior teams is enough to change the occupation of this side.

The war had already begun at the moment of the fall, and the combined forces of the people, who had already occupied most of the coastal city, immediately suffered the blow of the name, and a hundred thousand soldiers descended, each of which was a monstrous existence of combat strength, and such a combat force was even more than 100,000, and the ability to burst out in an instant could destroy the entire coastal city.

Suddenly, the coastal city rolled up monstrous fire, infinite thunder and earthquakes, and countless strange scenes, such as space shattering, void leakage, etc., and the soldiers used various abilities to cause huge damage in the coastal city.

The Renhe side, after a short period of confusion, also reacted quickly, stopped the resistance in the shortest possible time, and wanted to resist the attack of the other side.

But contrary to their wishes, no matter how fiercely the people on the United States side resisted, in the face of the absolute gap, they still only had the road of defeat and retreat.

And the result is also the same, in just half an hour, the Fall led the warrior team, directly defeated the resistance forces of Binhai City, and set off a killing here, tens of thousands of high-level evolutionists did not exist one.

As a last resort, the Renhe side could only temporarily abandon Binhai City, and the commander led the remnants of the Evolvers to retreat from the battlefield.

The whole battle did not last more than half an hour, and the battle losses on the side of the soldiers were even less than three thousand, and the battle losses of more than 100,000 soldiers were less than three thousand, and such a loss rate was already extremely small.

Not to mention the fall that led them, as one of the four apostles of the phoenix, the fall was already the absolute top of the earth in terms of combat effectiveness, and in the universe, it could also be called the level of a strong party.

Of course, this is a relationship that does not include Leon.

Let the depravity lead the team to China, it is enough to see the importance that Li Ang attaches to China, among the other three, the distortion took more than 100,000 soldiers to Europe, the corruption took more than 100,000 to Africa, and the rest were led by the killer, and the battlefield was placed on the American mainland.

The soldiers are divided into four roads, basically including four of the five continents of the world, as for Australia, the kind of poor and remote place, Leon directly let Svija lead the team.

At this point, Leon has stopped speaking out and has begun with the act of war against the whole world, and the pattern of the whole world will change because of his ideas.

On the European side, the Ying state had almost fallen when Leon left before he left, although after the reinforcements within the United States, it also succeeded in recovering many occupied areas for a period of time, but now, with the distortion of more than 100,000 soldiers past, the entire war situation changed at once

Just like the coastal city of China, all the rebellions were suppressed in a short period of time, and in less than half a day, the entire Ying country fell, and it is not known how many people were killed and injured in this war, whether it was evolutionists, soldiers or civilians, all suffered a devastating blow in this war.

This is not so much a war as a one-sided massacre, the slaughter of the weak by the soldiers, who have no mercy, but only the orders of the loyal enforcer Leon, so that any dare to resist their existence will be destroyed by them.

The other African side, on the other hand, was the weakest side, and even during the time when Leon left, there was no decent resistance, so it was not to mention the recapture of the occupied zone, even within the United States, it did not give too many reinforcements at that time.

Therefore, as soon as the more than 100,000 soldiers led by the corruption appeared here, they marched directly inland with lightning speed, and their speed was also the most rapid, and in just one day, the south coast of Africa was completely occupied.

Of course, it is not appropriate to say that occupation is not appropriate, because Leon does not need these lands, and the things on earth are only small things for him, and no amount of land is of any use to him.

These occupied areas, in real terms, can only be called destroyed areas, because where the soldiers pass, they bring only death, and anyone who stands in their way, they will mercilessly raise their butcher knives, causing a large number of casualties, and directly eliminating the resistance forces in the places they pass.

In just three days, most of Africa fell, and some countries in the west coast of Europe directly fell, including developed countries such as Ying, Spain, Portugal and France.

These countries are also the second echelon participants in the United Nations Alliance, providing a lot of financial and technical support for the formation of the United States, and even more providing a lot of resources.

But in just three days, these countries were directly destroyed by the soldiers, the regime was overthrown, the social order was destroyed, and all the known beauty disappeared here, leaving only the devastation after the war.

War has always been cruel and without any luck, and everyone in the United Kingdom knows this, they are very aware of Leon’s threat, but the current situation does not allow them to think about it too much, because the whole world will face a threat from Leon.

Leon was the most terrifying threat of all of them, the kind of person who had never been seen before.

And Leon also expressed basic satisfaction with the momentum of the soldiers, he wanted to let the world know his threat, but also to use this method to force the whole world to burst out the most favorable potential and resistance.

It was the biggest experiment he had done so far.

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