Li Ang let out a deep laugh, he already had an idea the first time he discovered the change in Death’s body, and then pretended to be defenseless and let her steal his power, at the same time, he also infused his will attribute into his own power, hidden very cleverly, even the gods could not find such a small means.

In this way, as he said, the more power death gets from him, the more fragments of will he gets, and these fragments of will will always exist in death, and quantitative changes will cause qualitative changes, and when a certain degree is reached, the will of power will appear in the body of death, and then he will be able to directly control death with his own will, making her his subordinate and slave.

It is impossible to imagine how much benefit a creator god in the universe would gain as a subordinate and slave in order to have a universe in this way.

Even if his mind diverged, he could use similar abilities to seduce the other four creation gods.

Well, of course, it wasn’t the method of copulation, that method was used on the other four creation gods, and he thought it was all a chill.

All this was done in a premeditated situation by him, and death knew nothing about it, and Leon could understand her thoughts, apparently in order to steal the authority in her body, to strengthen herself, and to wait until some point, apparently to use this power against herself.

Now, under Li Ang’s own premeditation, the corresponding strategy of the two people has been reversed, so that he has prepared in advance, so that when that time comes, the death will definitely look good.

On the other hand, in the past half a month, because of the relationship between Li Ang’s orders, the production line of soldiers has been expanded by nearly a hundred, the number of soldiers produced every day is no less than 100,000, and the number of soldiers who have joined the battlefield in half a month has exceeded one million.

With so many soldiers all mobilized at once, the United Nations side can imagine what kind of pressure it has suffered, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a total collapse.

Africa was occupied by all the warring soldiers in half a month, Europe had also fallen, South America was also occupied, and the rest of the world was part of Asia, parts of North America, and some parts of the Middle East that were not occupied by warmen.

The situation in the whole world had begun to tilt toward Li Ang’s side, and it seemed that the human side of the United Nations had no longer the ability to resist.

But at this time, there was a little change that made Li Ang care, because the United States of Man was already cornered by Li Ang, and in the face of this situation, they had already started many experiments ten days ago.

These experiments include cosmic wear, determined to seek help in parallel universes, as well as ability fusion plans to produce super-capable people, and warrior analysis plans, imitating soldiers to create super war weapons.

There are no less than thirty total plans for zero-zero, and each one of them is proceeding at a rapid pace, and it has to be said that under great external pressure, human beings are extremely close, and at this time most of the resources within the whole country are used to produce evolutionists, and the rest of the resources are used to carry out these experiments.

Not to mention, the people who were forced by Li Ang to send the United Kingdom really produced some results in these experiments, just take the analysis plan of the soldiers, and really let them come up with a rough idea.

More than twenty days after the war, the first anti-soldier robot appeared, this robot has a very similar ability to the soldier, but slightly weaker than the soldier in ability, but every anti-soldier robot has an intelligent program similar to the soldier, and Leon does not have to think about it to know that this intelligent program must come from Tony’s intelligent butler Svija.

In this way, under sufficient resources, the anti-soldier robot quickly began to produce, although the initial number could not compete with the number of soldiers, but thanks to the resources held by the United States, with the passage of time, the number of anti-soldier robots also increased, and gradually, the human union side had a trump card that could compete with Li Ang.

Of course, the other side of Li Ang is not only that, the human union side has not relaxed the production plan for the evolutionists, and countless evolutionists are appearing within the human union every moment, and the advanced beings among these evolutionaries will be thrown into the battlefield at the first time they appear.

On the one hand, these evolutionists need to be sharpened, on the other hand, the main combat strength of their anti-war soldiers in a short period of time can only be these evolutionaries.

Because of Li Ang’s persecution, people all over the world are united, and everyone is contributing their own strength, so the resistance against Li Ang is also extremely resolute.

Because of the emergence of anti-warrior robots, with the passage of time, although the two could not reach a balance in terms of numbers, because of the help of evolutionists, the human union side finally broke the balance of victory back hard, and let the United States and Li Ang once again stand on the same running line.

Of course, this is only a temporary situation, the United Nations side is making all-out efforts to produce anti-soldier robots, and Li Ang’s side will naturally not be idle, continue to put pressure on the other side, and continue to expand the number of soldier production lines.

The two sides seem to be about to fall into a tug-of-war, but in fact, both sides know that the longer the time drags on, the more powerful it will be to Li Ang, especially the United Kingdom of Man is composed of many individuals combined, and Li Ang is only one person and an intelligent life, and the productive forces represented by him alone are even stronger than the whole United States.

In this way, after waiting for a long time, the number of soldiers will eventually overwhelm the anti-soldier robots once again, and when the number of soldiers reaches the order of tens of millions, that is, the time when the United Nations is destroyed.

Both sides know this very well, so the United Nations is always looking for a breakthrough.

And this breakthrough is to see those experiments, and in the subsequent time, the second experiment also has a breakthrough, that is, there is a power fusion plan, and the super ability is directly produced.

The appearance of the first super-powered person did not surprise Leon, because he was a saber-toothed tiger.

Oh no, it should be given to be called a steel-toothed tiger.

(Please order it all!) )

(Please order it all!) )

(Please order it all!) )

(Please order it all!) )_

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