
A call full of emotions appeared in the ear of the qin, although the qin seemed to be emotionally indifferent, but it was not that there was no sense of the outside world, she looked at the sound, and her brow was not easy to detect a slight wrinkle.

There were three people coming, the first one was dressed in a fiery red tights, which set off his strong body to the fullest, full of a sense of strength, and his head was also wrapped in a special material cloth that was close-fitting, revealing only his nose and mouth, and in the position of his eyes, there was a dark x sign.


Qin subconsciously said the name, and then all the memories of Scott appeared in her mind, and her brow wrinkled because of these memories, because she found that at this moment, the master personality that had been erased in her body had trembled at this moment.

It is not the revival of the master personality, because the master personality has been destroyed and erased, which is equivalent to directly killing the original phoenix woman, and the current phoenix woman is Qin Grey, and the reason why the heart of the qin will have some slight throbbing is because of the fragment of the master personality, so that she has a trace of emotional fluctuations in the moment she sees Scott, which is extremely rare for the current qin.

“Lyre! It’s me! I’m Scott! You okay? ”

Scott is a man who has always been deeply in love with the piano, in the original plot, he once became each other’s partner with the qin, although he is now green, he still loves the qin, even before this, he has not given up paying attention to all the news about the qin.

He wanted to look for the piano, but he knew it was impossible, and the violin was taken with him by the horrible man, and the place where the man was located was the most dangerous part of the world.

So all he could do for so long was to wait silently, waiting for the piano to appear, and now, the piano finally appeared in front of him, which made him, a man full of hurt, a little out of control for a moment.

He subconsciously wanted to go forward, but he was pulled down by two people around him, one of them was two meters tall and sixty-seven, his body was amazingly strong, and his body surface was glowing with a slight silver light, as if it was cast in steel and iron.

He is also the product of the fusion plan, and is a member of the original X Academy, known as Steel Lux.

The other one is small, each is relatively short, with the appearance of an ordinary man, but his entire eyes are black, dark as ink, there is no half of the white, he is the blue devil, just because of the fusion plan to let him regain the appearance of a human.

The two of them pulled Scott together, and Steel Lux said, “Calm down, she is no longer the original piano, she is now the accomplice of the man, our enemy.” ”

“Yes man, you have to calm down, she has destroyed nearly ninety thousand anti-soldier robots from the time she appeared to now, and our resistance here has been greatly reduced, and if we continue like this, we will abandon here and retreat, so we have to stop her, do you understand?”

Both of them were very loud, but even such a voice could only make Scott’s body tremble slightly, he clenched his teeth, his eyes were fixed on the piano, and the expression on his face gradually became distorted.

“Ah! Why! ”

He roared with great reluctance, and no matter who was unwilling in his heart.

“That’s fate, man, you have to recognize reality, now, are you here?” Blue Devil Road.

Scott gasped like an ox and breathed heavily, but he was no longer willing, and in this situation where the survival of mankind was at stake, he could only forcibly calm down, and there was nothing else he could do.

“Lyre! You okay? He could finally ask again reluctantly.

Qin shook her head slightly, not to express whether she was good or not, but that she recovered from the influence of the master personality fragment, and the original frown calmed down, looking at the three people in front of her plainly, and finally making a sound.

“I’m fine.”

“Yes, that’s fine.” Scott murmured.

The Blue Devil and Steel Lux frowned, knowing that their companions were in a very bad state at this time, they didn’t know why Scott was like this, but if Leon was here, they could see at a glance what Scott’s state was.

“Leon asked me to bring you a word if I met you.” Qin said suddenly.


Scott looked up in disbelief, he didn’t expect Qin to take the initiative to respond to him, and he didn’t expect her to say this.

“What words?” Scott Road.

Qin was silent slightly, as if he was moaning, and then said, “He said, please don’t be a dog licker?” ”


A big question mark popped up on Scott’s head, and he didn’t understand what it meant, but just then, the Steel Lux and the Blue Devil spoke at the same time. 、

“Be careful!”

Because the two had already seen the qin holding out their hands to them, and then the three of them suddenly sensed a strange force that pervaded their bodies, and the space around them was also under this strange force, as if it had been frozen.


The Blue Devil and Steel Lux didn’t want to think about it, so they directly resisted this terrible pressure and disappeared from the same place in an instant, only Scott reacted slowly because he was still thinking about that sentence, and was directly frozen in space.


Steel Lux roared angrily, his body was flooded with silver light, and the whole person swelled up at this moment, turning into a giant more than ten meters high, and above his body surface, the silver light was also mixed with a brilliant ghostly light, and he waved his hand at the position where Scott was.

A huge gravitational force erupted from his hand, gravity can destroy the space structure, under this huge gravitational force, the space structure that was originally blocked and trapped by Scott was immediately destroyed, and Scott who was in it also reflected in time, and instantly broke away from it with combat experience.

“I saved your life, man, you have to be serious!” Steel Lix roared at him.


Scott didn’t have time to think about what that sentence really meant, and he couldn’t allow him to think much in front of him, even if it was his love for the piano, at this time he could only press it in his heart.

“Let’s strike together, defeat her first, and finally take her captive!” Scott Road.

The Steel Lux and the Blue Devil glanced at each other and nodded together.


(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )_

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