The figures of the three people disappeared in an instant, and the next moment they appeared around the qin, trapping her in the center in the form of three points, and then the three of them, each of them was filled with a special force, which was an extremely large and complex force, in which there was thunder and lightning flashing, fire and light crackling, water flowing and blowing, and fierce winds whistling.

All the forces that exist in nature are manifested here at this moment, and even this piece of space-time is disordered at this time, and if you look at it from the outside, it becomes a black field, because things like light have been frozen here.

The scene was very similar to what Qin had done in that city battlefield before, and the movement of the three of them working together was completely isolated from the outside world, as if it were another realm.

“Trap her!” Scott Road.

The Steel Lux and the Blue Devil continued to output the energy from their bodies, allowing these strange abilities to stir in the space, and gradually, under the terrifying abilities of the three people, a huge crack was created in the space, which was enough to engulf anyone into it, and from a distance it looked like an abyss mouth.

And this crack is just around the piano, as long as she has a little movement, this crack will hit her body, will make her directly break into two pieces from the spatial level.

But at this time, the qin did not have any movements, as if she also sensed danger from it, there was no change, but in the next moment, her body was a pale red light unique to the power of the phoenix, and the phoenix shadow condensed and formed, spreading its wings and chirping.


Under this ferocious cry, the pale red light expanded directly on her body, spreading out like a shock wave, stirring in the space that had been frozen in ice, producing a huge impact, and under this impact, the space structure that was originally as solid as iron was disrupted in an instant.

At this time, from a distance, the figure of the qin was stretched and shortened, and the space shook like a huge ripple on the surface of the water, as if it was about to shatter at any moment.

“Not bad! Can’t trap her! How could she be so strong? Even with the strength of the three of us, we can’t trap her, we need help! ”

“Quick! Let the remaining anti-soldier robots on the battlefield come over, let all the anti-soldier robots use space to give power, and we will shoot together to trap her. ”


Without too much hesitation, the three of them summoned the remaining anti-soldier robots on the battlefield directly through brainwave instructions, the number of these anti-soldier robots was less than five thousand, all of them appeared here through space movement ability, dispersed in an instant, and then wrapped the piano in the center according to the order.

The next moment, all the anti-warrior robots simultaneously displayed their spatial abilities, and their respective abilities were all used in this space, suppressing the movement caused by the qin in an instant.

From a distance, the ripples that were still raging were quickly smoothed out, and Qin, along with the phoenix shadow on her body, was directly frozen in it.

“Was it successful?” Steel Lux asked incredulously.

“I don’t know, but it seems to have succeeded.” Pull the devil way.

Scott looked at Chemo not far away, he wanted to go up, but the reality was not allowed, so he could only endure this urge.

But just when they thought they could breathe a sigh of relief, the three of them suddenly felt the pressure from space, as if there was a huge gravity squeezing around them, and the pressure on their bodies was extremely uncomfortable, and all their internal organs were in pain.

“Wrong! Not good! Steel Lux roared, trying to activate his spatial ability to escape this limitation, but was surprised to find that the space he had gone out of had shattered.

Pieces of space debris, wrapped around the body remains of anti-war robots, fluttered around his body, and the space of the three people was still intact within less than ten meters of their own surroundings, while the space elsewhere was already in tatters.

They are fixed and imprisoned in this space, and with their spatial capabilities, they can jump in a continuous space, but they cannot jump from one space debris to another.

Even if the pressure on their bodies disappeared, they could only be trapped in this narrow world now.

The next moment, something strange happened, and they found a giant appearing, it was a piano, as if covering the sky, as if the sky was covering the sky, and it stood before their eyes like a mountain, and they saw a huge hand coming down towards them.

At this moment, they were desperate.

From another perspective, the qin was still the same, and the wind and clouds gently waved to smooth the shattered space around it, and the body remains of thousands of anti-soldier robots around it fell from the air.

Then he flashed to the three people, looked at the three people who were locked in a small space, still expressionless, and then did not know what method she used, the three small pieces of space that blocked the three people, so strangely began to shrink, until finally shrunk to the size of marbles, and was copied into her hand.

From a distance, this is like a sleeve in the air, as if using a spell, so that the body of the three people to shrink, in fact, she simply changed a little, wrapped the spatial nature of the three people, so that the three spaces shrunk, and the space shrunk, the three people in it will naturally shrink together, in the perspective of the three people, the relative can also be seen as the space outside the three people is enlarged.

This is a kind of sensory deception, in fact, the size of the two has not changed at all, just a slight change in the nature of space, just such a small means, it is enough to see the horror of the piano in space.

The three super-powered people who had become through fusion experiments were so lightly cleaned up by Qin, and the whole process did not even take five minutes, but destroyed thousands of anti-soldier robots in one fell swoop.

“Lyre! Stop! ”

Scott shouted in the middle of the space ball, this shout naturally could not be heard, but Qin could hear it through her ability, she just shook her head, “Leon said that any enemy who stands in my way will be destroyed.” ”

Shrinking her fingers together, she was about to crush the three space balls, but in the next moment her fingers froze slightly, because she heard a voice in her ear, which was Leon’s voice.

“Forget it, give the licking dog a life.”

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )_

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