Li Ang’s voice sounded in the ear of the piano, making her fingers that were about to be pinched together slightly, and then gradually released, the three space balls were lying quietly in the palm of her hand, and the three people inside could only see the huge palm open, the sunlight and light reappeared, quite a feeling of life and death.

Then Qin listened to something in his ear, nodded indifferently, and casually threw out the small ball in the space where Scott was located, and the space in the ball where he was located quickly returned to a normal state, and then he saw Scott move out of the small ball instantaneously, but he just saw Qin close his fingers again, and his heart was horrified.

“Don’t! Organ, stop!! Scott yelled subconsciously.

But under his roar, the piano was not moved at all, the five fingers gradually converged, and then gently clasped, Scott’s ear seemed to hear a cracking sound of glass, and then saw the blood gushing out between the fingers of the piano, and at this moment he knew what the fate of his two companions was.

“Why! Why are you doing this? ”

Scott’s whole face changed drastically, becoming very ugly, and there was a mixture of disappointment and anger on his face, which made his expression look very distorted and frightening.

He clenched his teeth, the huge force had made his gums crack and bleed, but he was unaware, the anger in his heart made the air around him begin to twist, electric light and flames rose up, and a huge amount of energy gushed out, making the space around him begin to shatter under this pressure.

But Qin’s expression did not change a single bit from beginning to end, as if he had done something insignificant, gently spreading his hands, and in his hands were two broken spaces, the kind that had shattered into powder, and inside each of the powdered spaces, there was a piece of flesh and blood.

Breaking a space is naturally not something that can be done with great strength, which involves the structure of the space itself, which seems to be an understatement, but in fact, killing two people also requires a little effort to calculate the space structure.

But none of this is important, the important point is that the steel and blue devils are under this blow, the body is fragmented into countless parts by the space fragment, even in the powerful scientific and technological means, can not piece together their shattered body.


After all, the two are superpowers, the products of the ability fusion plan, their own abilities are diverse, the control of the material is close to the cell level, their willpower will not be completely dead because of such a blow, as long as the mind is still in it, there is still a possibility of recovery.

So the next moment you can see the flesh and blood in the same piece of space debris begin to merge and entangle with each other as quickly as possible, as if they want to recover.

However, they could not cross the chasm and barrier of space fragmentation across the domain, so they could not be directly restored.

When Scott saw this scene, a glimmer of joy flashed on his face full of anger and despair, but in the next moment, this glimmer of joy froze.

Because he saw that in those powdery space debris, there were suddenly burning flames, and these flames appeared extremely suddenly, showing a faint red, spirit-like, burning on every trace of flesh and blood, allowing these flesh and blood to writhe in pain, and there was no weakening of the half, he could only look at those flesh and blood in pain, which was burned into fly ash in the fire.

He knew that under such flames, Steel Lux and Blue were really completely dead, and the kind of death that was thorough could no longer be saved.

“Not !!!!!!”

Scott roared angrily at the sky, no longer able to control his anger, and whether he was an enemy or not, he rushed directly to her, and the figure flashed in front of her.

The electric snake wrapped around him was like a chain directly towards her, and the flames also burned towards her, and above the hood that covered his eyes, the position of his eyes glowed red, and the red light was extremely condensed energy, and then a red beam of light hit the body.

After doing this, Qin saw the stain on her hand fall off, and after a flash of reddish light, the stain on her hand had been cleaned up, and by this time, Scott’s attack had also reached her.

Countless flames, containing extremely terrifying energy, all of them split on Qin’s body, scattering the phoenix power that rose up from her body, and the flames also burned on her body, as if to burn her to ashes.

And that terrifying red light, in an instant, had already hit her body, these multiple attacks were all hit on her body at the same time, in other words, even if it was a super power person like Wolverine, they would be seriously injured or even killed, this was his full force of a blow, it was a blow with anger.

However, Qin’s body did not tremble for a moment, but only looked up at him slightly, allowing the electric light and flames to run rampant over her, and also allowing the red light to try to penetrate her body.

The next moment, the phoenix power that had originally been scattered by the lightning in her body suddenly condensed again, forming a phoenix shadow, with its head held high, slightly flapping its wings, and under the fluctuation of an invisible force, the thunder and lightning dissipated, the flames disappeared, and the terrifying beam of light suddenly disappeared.

Everything seemed as if it had never happened, and it was extremely strange, even Scott, who was in a rage, couldn’t help but look up in surprise at this time, looking at her with a look of horror.

“Leon said, I’m going to spare your life, so I won’t do anything to you again.

Qin’s voice was very cold, without any emotion, and his gaze was also cold, as if he was looking at a stranger.

Scott’s heart was throbbing, and at this moment he was extremely angry and extremely sad, he was sad because of Qin’s attitude, and he was also angry because Qin had killed the steel and blue devils, and coupled with what she said, it made him feel extremely ashamed.


Scott roared at the piano.

Qin shook her head, her face still indifferent, maybe for her, there was no need to explain anything, but she still spoke.

“Leon says it’s not worth killing you yet, he sees potential in you, these are the tests for you.”

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )_

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