Without much hesitation, she directly opened her hands and raised her head slightly, and her spiritual power radiated out, sensing the magnetic forces everywhere around her, perceiving them, controlling them, and then using them.

The next moment, a strange scene appeared over the entire city, and at some point the sky was filled with tiny electric flowers, one after another like elves floating in the air, making the whole heaven and earth stained with a layer of silver gray.

Subsequently, these tiny electric flowers fused with each other and grew rapidly.

The electric flowers fused together, gradually forming a series of electric snakes that filled the air, and these electric snakes twisted their bodies, emitting light and illuminating the entire sky.

Suddenly, the heavens and the earth are not shrouded in these electric lights, from a distance, it is like weaving a fine silver net for the city, if it is ordinary lightning, it will definitely dissipate after a few moments of appearance because it can be exhausted, but these electric snakes have no signs of collapse and have always existed between heaven and earth.

Such a vision naturally attracted the attention of everyone present, whether it was the warrior side or the human and human kingdom, they had already discovered the strange scene in the battlefield at this time, and the electric snake that pervaded the entire city was like a dense net, enveloping the entire city in it.

At this time, Lorna’s raised head hung slightly, and her originally closed eyes had also opened, and her eyes had become silvery, glowing with silver-white, making her whole person look with a different charm.

But such charm is not appreciated at this time, because this is a battlefield, and no one will care about her.

The next moment, countless figures suddenly appeared in front of her, densely gathered around her like raindrops, these were anti-warrior robots and evolutionists, and along with them, there were soldiers on Leon’s side.

Both came up to check on the situation, the soldier side saw that it was Lorna, without any unnecessary action, the next moment they attacked the opponent again, and the evolutionist saw the coming, and the face of the evolutionary changed greatly.

They naturally knew who the comer was, knew that Lorna had been following Li Ang’s side, and her appearance could also explain a problem, that is, Li Ang had already set his sights on this, and the hearts of all the evolutionists had begun to sink uncontrollably.

All of them avoided the power grid, and none of them were contaminated with any of them, but the next moment, Lorna’s eyes were already on these beings, shaking her head slightly, and as soon as her mind moved, the power grid began to change.

Countless electric lights on the power grid to stir up, these electric rays contain incomparably high energy, electrical energy to generate magnetism, magnetic can also produce electricity, the two are symbiotic relationship, she is the master of magnetism, naturally also the master of lightning.

And the power grid here is transformed by the magnetic force of the small half of the continental plate of the United States, and the energy contained in it is so high that even if she wants, he can completely convert the magnetic force of the real North American plate into lightning, but unfortunately, that kind of strength, for the current situation, some big materials are of little use.

That’s enough.

Just as she thought, the electric and electric glow sparkled, hitting the anti-soldier robots one by one at a very fast speed, and the terrifying energy contained in them began to destroy the body structure of the anti-soldier robots.

The next moment, the air burst out of a spark, anti-soldier robots are powerful, they contain many kinds of abilities, they can repair their own damage, but the energy contained in some thunder and lightning is to destroy their body cores in this instant, just like hurting people’s brains, so that these anti-soldier robots die instantly.

With just one blow, all the anti-warrior robots present were destroyed, tens of thousands of them, enough to see Lorna’s ability increase during this time.

Li Ang is simply a power amplifier, and the effect is strong.

She also obeyed Leon’s orders and did not wantonly kill those evolutionists, in the wave of attacks just now, only a few extremely unfortunate evolutionists were affected by the lightning waves fired by the power grid, and in an instant, they became fly ash, and the rest were intact.

These people looked at Lorna, one by one, they became stunned, how could they not have imagined that Lorna’s ability could be so terrifying, as far as she was concerned, since the moment just now, can be called the real Thor.

Their hands and feet were cold by Lorna’s blow, and even those who hated Li Ang to the bone did not dare to act rashly at this time, for fear of attracting Lorna’s attention.

After Lorna did this, she let out a soft breath, and then said: “You go, this is not the place where you should come, I advise you, use everything you have to stimulate your own potential, only the more powerful the ability, you can protect what you use, and now you are still too weak.” ”

Yes, Lorna has a kind of pity for ordinary people and even human beings, because she knows how terrible Leon really is, human beings are just a piece of material in the laboratory for Leon, and even now the whole earth is just an experiment of Leon, he is persecuting all mankind, making them self-reliant, letting them stimulate their potential, he wants to see where the human potential can go.

So Lorna can’t help but feel sad for these people, they don’t know what Li Ang really thinks, thinking that Li Ang just wants to dominate the world, she has asked Li Ang this time, but the answer she got from Li Ang is to make her feel sad for these people.

The whole world, and even the whole earth, was just an experiment in Li Ang’s eyes, and he had no intention of dominating the world, because it was at his fingertips.

All the evolutionists present were first silent, followed by a roar of anger.

“Damn the executioner! We will not give in, we will definitely kill that person! ”

“Yes! We are righteous, and the righteous side will win! ”

“Dead Fight, Dead Fight!”

Lorna obviously did not expect that her words would arouse such a great public anger, if in the past, she might still think of gathering more, but now she is not in that mood at all.

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