So Lorna can’t help but feel sad for these people, they don’t know what Li Ang really thinks, thinking that Li Ang just wants to dominate the world, she has asked Li Ang this time, but the answer she got from Li Ang is to make her feel sad for these people.

The whole world, and even the whole earth, was just an experiment in Li Ang’s eyes, and he had no intention of dominating the world, because it was at his fingertips.

All the evolutionists present were first silent, followed by a roar of anger.

“Damn the executioner! We will not give in, we will definitely kill that person! ”

“Yes! We are righteous, and the righteous side will win! ”

“Dead Fight, Dead Fight!”

Lorna obviously did not expect that her words would arouse such a great public anger, if in the past, she might still think of gathering more, but now she is not in that mood at all.

But just as she was about to leave directly, she suddenly heard a sigh, which sounded very clearly in her ears, making her body falter, and then looked up into the distance, where a thin figure was floating in the air.

“My child, you have gone astray, don’t go further and further down this road, come back, I will take you home.”

The voice was very old, with a feeling of being tired of everything, deep, heavy, so that people could smell it, and she was also very familiar with the sound, because that person was her father.

In the distant air, the thin figure floated, a thick white hair, pale as learning, there was no expression on the thin face, the eyes carried a kind of heaviness after seeing through everything, he was an old man, the original straight back, now became rickety.

When Lorna saw this person, her feelings were a little complicated, and she could not have imagined that the man who had previously been like a god in her mind, but had not been seen for only a few months, would actually grow old like this.

Yes, if the previous Magneto looked only fifty or sixty years old, then now he looked like he was about to enter the earth, his body was much thinner than before, his height had become shorter, his body had become thinner, his waist and back were also shriveled, his face did not have the fortitude of the past, and his eyes became cloudy, as if he was going to go to wood.

“Why are you here?”

Lorna asked with a complicated face, she had known that Magneto had also become a superpower, but she would never have thought that he would appear here.

“Where you are, I am, my child, I came to you on purpose.” Magneto.

His voice is still low, unique to the elderly, no one knows what they have experienced during this time, how it has become what it is now, but this kind of selling is indeed very sympathetic.

Don’t say that he is an ordinary person, now after him, the mood is more complicated, Magneto is her father, this point even if she is not very willing to admit it, it is also a fact, can not be denied.

But now the two are facing each other, as enemies, and it is really ironic to say.

“You go, you shouldn’t be here, and in the way you are now, you should go find a place to spend the rest of your life peacefully, and if one day you go to another world, I will see you.” 」

Lorna said to see him, all she meant was to visit the grave, and Magneto could naturally understand it, but he just sighed slightly: “Where else in this world is there peace now?” ”

“Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted?” Lorna asked rhetorically.

She had always known about Magneto’s ambitions, and in her previous view, her father had always been an ambitionist who wanted to build a world that was completely dominated by mutants, and even launched wars several times and three times, but no one stopped him each time.

In her mind, what Leon had done, and he thought very much, and this result was naturally war and destruction.

Magneto shook his head, “No, I don’t want this, compared to him, everything I do is just an internal matter, and he… But he is the enemy of the whole world, even the enemy of the whole universe, he is the destroyer of all order, his existence will eventually plunge the whole universe into chaos, he is evil. ”

If Magneto didn’t say so, it would be okay to say it now, but it made Lorna’s originally calm face and brow slightly wrinkled, in her opinion, this is just Magneto’s cunning, she knows her father too well, and now he is just making an unavoidable compromise for survival.

Lorna shook her head, “I don’t believe this, he may be evil, but he is my lover, I will support everything he does, and you… Not necessarily nobler than him. ”

“Ask you one last time, would you like to leave?” Lorna asked rhetorically.

Magneto sighed, he shook his head, didn’t say anything more, as if to shoot at his daughter and make him very painful.

He had now experienced the ability fusion plan, and naturally had a lot of abilities on his body, and now he was many times stronger than before.

Lorna didn’t say anything more, and the silver light in her eyes, which had already dimmed, suddenly became bright again at this moment, and it was even more brilliant than before.

Then, as before, countless tiny electric rays appeared in the surrounding air, jumping back and forth rapidly, occupying the entire city and the sky.

Seeing her move, Magneto sighed, the original slumped back, but it was straight in the silence, the full head of white hair gradually turned black, the wrinkles on the face quickly disappeared, the dry body also quickly filled up, just a few breaths of effort, he changed from an old man, into a thirty-year-old man.

“My child, you really shouldn’t be here.” He had a little helplessness on his face.

When Lorna saw him like this, she didn’t have an angry mood in her heart, and snorted coldly: “Li Ang is really not wrong, your ambition has never disappeared, for you, there is always a dream of dominating the world.” ”

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )_

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