After Lorna’s voice fell, the electric flowers that covered the whole heaven and earth had already condensed together, forming an arc of electricity, the surrounding magnetic force was flowing rapidly, and the friction and exchange between each other produced these electric lights, and the intensity of these electric lights was more advanced than before, and the light was more brilliant.

Lightning of such intensity has never appeared in the nature of the earth.

The next moment, I saw that all the electric snakes in the sky were twisting, and in an instant, they condensed together, forming a thick thunder pillar that crossed the heavens and the earth, which looked like a pipe that penetrated the heavens and the earth from a distance, and was extremely conspicuous.

In the face of this huge thunder pillar, all the evolutionists chose to stay away, and all the evolutionists present at a time quickly left, exerting their abilities, some disappeared out of thin air, some turned into a ball of flames like shooting stars, and some turned into water and fell directly to the earth, all kinds of special abilities and so on.

And Magneto, who had returned to his youthful state, looked at the amazing thunder pillar as usual, and a smile actually appeared on his face at the next moment.


When there was a loud bang in the air, the thunder pillar turned and in the next moment it split towards the Magneto, who at this time his eyes were frozen and his eyes were full of essence, but before he could make any move, the terrifying thunder pillar had already struck him.

The thunder pillar is more than thirty meters thick, much thicker than ordinary lightning, and the lightning that exists in nature is generally three or four meters thick, but this lightning bolt is ten times thicker, which can explain how terrifying the energy contained in it is.

Magneto was overwhelmed by white light at this moment, surrounded by surging energy, the energy contained in the thunder and lightning pillar all bombarded his body, if it was replaced by an ordinary person, it was estimated that he had already been directly vaporized, but his figure had been hidden from time to time, and his body was not bent half a bit.

The thunder pillar existed for more than ten seconds, and then all the energy contained in it was released, and when the thunder and lightning disappeared, a special odor filled the air, which was the smell left by the electric light after burning the ozone, and drifted away.

And Magneto, who should have been injured in this pillar of thunder, did not look damaged on the outside, but there were small arcs jumping out of his body from time to time, his face was calm, and he shook his head helplessly.

“Boy, go, I don’t want to take a shot at you.” He seemed hesitant.

But Lorna was surprised, she looked at Magneto, this man who was her father, did not expect that he could actually show no injuries in this lightning bolt, which was enough to shock her, to know that with her current ability, there were not many people on the entire earth who could resist her attack.

“You’re really strong, no wonder Leon asked me to be careful with you.”

Magneto heard the man in his daughter’s mouth not frown slightly, and then shook his head and did not say anything more, but only slightly extended his hand to Lorna, and the next moment, he saw the city below. Countless pieces of steel rose up in the air and began to rotate around his body.

“You should stay away from that man, he’s not a good man.” Magneto.

Lorna was only slightly surprised, and her face calmed down: “These don’t need your concern, I love him, and I am following him, and only he can become more and more powerful.” ”

“Well, let me be the father and teach you another lesson.”

There was a hint of helplessness in Magneto’s voice, and the metal that surrounded him was melting rapidly, and then regrouped to form a strange long tube.

This thing is like a cannon barrel, more than ten meters thick and nearly a hundred meters long, and the whole body shows a silvery-white color, and there are subtle arcs jumping and flashing, as if gathering energy.

“That man once said that the power of our mutants should not be placed in the fighting, but more on the creation. I didn’t understand it before, I thought that power is power, the essence of power is destruction, power that will not destroy, then it is not power. But only now do I understand his words, what exactly to say, I also understand that power is indeed used to create, and only my own power is used to create, can really change the world. ”

Magneto’s voice was not loud, but it echoed in Lorna’s ears, as if he were advising her.

The cannon-like thing began to rotate with the central axis, and the silver-white color on the barrel gradually turned into a fiery red color, and there was also a fire light gradually rising on it, mixed with the electric light in it, which was even more extraordinary.

Lorna did not take it lightly, and a radiance appeared around her, which was the result of the rapid flow of magnetic forces outside her body and the radiation present in various natural worlds, which were auroras and extremely colorful.

“This is my ability, with scientific means to make things, people call it particle acceleration cannon, this is a pure energy catharsis, not very clever, but there is no subtle control, can not get this thing, its energy level is also equivalent to the explosion of five million equivalent nuclear bombs, you have to be careful.” 」 Magneto warned.

Lorna frowned slightly, but did not retreat, but faced Magneto directly, and the aurora that appeared on the surface of her body was even more gorgeous.

The next moment, a dazzling pillar of light erupted from the thick cannon barrel, and a jet of energy with incomparably violent power directly pierced the long sky, and its brilliant light covered the sun’s rays in an instant, and at this moment, only a thick stream of light appeared between heaven and earth.

Lorna was under the cover of this streamer, and she was in the middle of it, facing the bombardment of the particle acceleration cannon, and when the terrifying energy collided with her, her body erupted into an even more brilliant aurora.

The aurora was a ball, a hundred meters wide, like a meteor, under the bombardment of the particle acceleration cannon, dragging out a long tail and flowing all the way to the skyline behind, no less than 10,000 meters long.

A particle acceleration cannon, under the resistance of Lorna, made a long colored strip appear between heaven and earth, and this colored strip was gorgeous, twisting in the sky, falling in the eyes of everyone present, very brilliant.

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

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(Please book it all!) )_

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