“This is my ability, with scientific means to make things, people call it particle acceleration cannon, this is a pure energy catharsis, not very clever, but there is no subtle control, can not get this thing, its energy level is also equivalent to the explosion of five million equivalent nuclear bombs, you have to be careful.” 」 Magneto warned.

Lorna frowned slightly, but did not retreat, but faced Magneto directly, and the aurora that appeared on the surface of her body was even more gorgeous.

The next moment, a dazzling pillar of light erupted from the thick cannon barrel, and a jet of energy with incomparably violent power directly pierced the long sky, and its brilliant light covered the sun’s rays in an instant, and at this moment, only a thick stream of light appeared between heaven and earth.

Lorna was under the cover of this streamer, and she was in the middle of it, facing the bombardment of the particle acceleration cannon, and when the terrifying energy collided with her, her body erupted into an even more brilliant aurora.

The aurora was a ball, a hundred meters wide, like a meteor, under the bombardment of the particle acceleration cannon, dragging out a long tail and flowing all the way to the skyline behind, no less than 10,000 meters long.

A particle acceleration cannon, under the resistance of Lorna, made a long colored strip appear between heaven and earth, and this colored strip was gorgeous, twisting in the sky, falling in the eyes of everyone present, very brilliant.

Only at this time did the heavens and the earth resounded a roar, the vibration was strong, the air was shocked by an infinite shock wave, under the impact of the particles, the air was burning, igniting a vast flame, the fire soared into the sky, burning the oxygen between the heavens and the earth, and soon the oxygen within a radius of three kilometers was burned, and this became a hypoxic zone.

The fierce wind between heaven and earth roared, the flames roared in the sky, and even the clean clouds on the heavenly dome were strangled by the terrifying shock wave in this particle acceleration cannon, and in the blink of an eye, a huge circle appeared in the sky, and in that circle, it was the incomparably blue sky dome, which was more transparent than before.

The aurora on Lorna’s body was stirring, and even the fire light was generated between the collision of the two, diffusing in front of her, and the magnetic force formed a closed network in front of him, blocking all the particles in front of her, wrapping her into a ball, she was like a planet at this moment, facing the pure energy bombardment, facing the various energy radiations in it, producing the purest light.

This state had been maintained for more than a minute, that is to say, the particle acceleration cannon had also bombarded her for more than a minute, and during this more than a minute of time, her expression had been very calm, although she was in front of her was a terrifying energy bombardment, but she was not worried at all.

Because she knows very well in her heart that she is coming out to test the strength of her ability, but in fact, there are still people behind her who are secretly protecting, as for who is protecting, this is self-evident, naturally it is Li Ang.

Although Li Ang did not come here, in fact, his eyes have always been on her, he can now see a lot of things in the universe at a casual glance, the small earth is naturally casually observed, he can see where he wants, almost everything has no secrets for him.

At this moment, the one that Lorna experienced was naturally in the eyes, and there was no plan to shoot for the time being, because he had already seen it, Magneto did not know when he had become a person, his own ability had been horribly improved, and Lorna seemed to be invincible, but who won and who lost in the end of the two, now.

If you really estimate it, Li Ang feels that the anti-victory is bigger, as for what the reason is, it is actually very simple, Lorna and the number of times he snaps is not small.

At this time in the battlefield, the light of the particles finally dissipated, and a terrifying hurricane surged between heaven and earth, which was the wave of the particle acceleration cannon, and the air around it rushed towards here, filling the place, and there was already a fierce wind.

The aurora disappeared, and the tail that dragged for several kilometers disappeared with it, and at this time, only father and daughter were left standing opposite each other in the heavens and the earth, far away from each other, but their eyes were intertwined.

“You’ve changed a lot.” Lorna said.

“Yes, I understand a lot.”

“No, I’m just saying you’re getting a lot stronger.” Lorna shook her head, her voice flat.

Magneto didn’t say anything more, just sighed, but the next moment, he saw that Lorna also learned his way and held out his hand to him, and an invisible force penetrated and filled the entire heaven and earth, enveloping the entire city.

Magneto’s face changed slightly, because he felt the power and was breaking away from the huge cannon barrel beside him, and his strength was very surprising to him.

He was trying to resist and resist, but as time passed, he gradually became a little overwhelmed.

“How can that be?”

He was exclaiming.

Because Magneto found that this kind of power was stronger than him in terms of strength and the control of the onlookers, his defensive momentum collapsed again and again, and in just a few minutes, he had lost control of the huge gun barrel.

Then, the barrel gradually rose, and the appearance of the gun barrel, which had originally become red due to high temperature, also cooled down rapidly, and then it once again showed a silver-white color, and its hard structure also softened in an instant, turning into a large piece of liquid metal.

These liquid metals spread out directly, forming various structures around Magneto, enveloping him in it, and from a distance, Magneto was now wrapped in a huge orb, and this sphere was hollow.

Magneto wanted to leave it, but strangely found that the space around him had been cut open, this means surprised him, he knew that his daughter, not a space ability, did not master the space ability, but now it is real, using magnetic force to destroy the space structure.

Such a method is not very clever, but it is very useful to deal with the space jump of the space ability.

“You’re right in saying that it makes the most sense for power to be used to create, but you certainly haven’t heard a word.”

She said with a clenched fist.

“Technology is the primary productive force.”

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