And Magneto, who was in the ruins, the charred skin on his body gradually fell off, revealing the bright red flesh inside, and the bright red flesh was also healing rapidly, growing new skin, and this state lasted for two minutes, until he finally woke up from fainting.


Magneto rubbed his head and shook his head somewhat weakly, and he glanced in the direction Lorna had left and fell silent.

Although he had just fainted, he had heard what Lorna had said, and now his mood was very complicated, on the one hand, he couldn’t believe that Lorna could defeat herself so easily, on the other hand, he was also confused about what he was going to do next.

He had doubts at this moment, doubting whether he had been abandoned by this era, or whether he was really old, and even he couldn’t tell whether he hated or feared Leon now.


By the end, he could only sigh.

On the other side, Li Ang, who was now holding red wine, saw all this in his eyes, watching Lorna leave, and a smile appeared on his face.

“With her current ability, there will be no danger on the whole earth, let the Electric Light Woman stay in the headquarters now, I may have to go to the universe once.”

Everything in front of him, everything on the earth, in fact, can no longer arouse too much interest in him, because the current human union has not yet been forced to the greatest potential, and he will only continue to put pressure on the human union to let them really burst out of full potential, and now, these things can be done by their subordinates.

Thinking of this, he smiled and said, “How many new soldiers has the Warrior Corps produced now?” ”

“Sir, more than three million and six hundred thousand soldiers have been produced, of which more than one and a half million have been dispatched, and the rest are still in the warehouse.” Svija’s voice came into his ears.

“Very good, send out the rest of the soldiers, in addition, the production of soldiers can not be stopped, from now on, every newly produced soldier must be sent to the battlefield, to fight with the people, to bring them more destruction and disaster.”

“Okay sir.”

Li Ang nodded, and then said, “Call the Four Horsemen of the Phoenix back, let the distortion protect the piano, let the Fallen protect Lorna, let the corruption protect the Electric Light Girl, and then let the killing stay in the base.” ”

“Yes, sir.”

“Tell the third daughter that I will leave first and come back after a while.” He said again.

“Well, sir, if the three ladies ask you where you went, how do I reply?” Svija asked.

“Let’s just say I went to the depths of the universe to find the few remaining Infinity Stones.” Leon Road.

“Good sir, I wish you a pleasant journey.

The conversation ended, and then Leon’s figure had disappeared, of course, always following him, but never showing it in front of others.

Leon’s figure appeared in the depths of the universe, a vast void, and he looked at the death beside him and said, “Ask you something, can you tell me where Mormi is?” ”

Death was silent and did not respond to him, seemingly unwilling to tell him anymore.

“Don’t you want to say it?” Leon asked.

Death remains silent.

Leon stared at her for a moment before shrugging his shoulders.

“Forget it, then I’ll find it myself.”

Saying that his figure disappeared again, overflowing in the vast space of the universe, he spent two days to find a living planet in the Milky Way, this life planet is never expressed in the original work, there are intelligent races and not weak technology, its scientific and technological civilization, even surpassing the earth a lot, is a real interstellar civilization.

He stood outside the planet, looked at the pale green planet in front of him, smiled, and then he stepped into it.

The civilization on the planet has no connection with the earth, in Li Ang’s eyes, nature is everywhere novelty, he observes these intelligent races, understands their language and writing, as well as living habits, and gradually understands a lot.

His appearance did not attract anyone’s attention, because in the eyes of all people, he did not exist, no one could see him, and no one knew that there were two gods standing next to him.

Leon’s spiritual power radiated out, and in an instant he saw that the entire planet was enveloped, and he used his powerful and terrifying telepathic ability to control the thoughts of everyone on this planet in this instant.

Now that the movements of all the people on the planet had stopped, and even under the influence of his ability, even the rotation of the entire planet had stopped, and he was so direct in reading the memories of these people to find what he needed to know from them.

“Well, there’s nothing found here.”

Li Ang shook his head, a little disappointed, but it didn’t matter, the universe is vast, there are countless galaxies, countless civilizations, countless races, just in a galaxy, I don’t know how many civilizations exist, he has no intelligence, he needs to find it one by one, of course, it will be a bit troublesome.

But he doesn’t think it’s difficult, and in the face of probabilistic things, there will always be a moment of finding.

Then his figure disappeared, and after he left, everyone woke up and continued what had happened before, the whole world woke up from the silence, the planet returned to rotation, no intelligent life noticed anything unusual, and the gods were simply unknown to them.

It took Li Ang ten minutes to find a second life planet, where the intelligent race is similar to humans, but there are differences in individuals, and the civilization level is also higher than that of Earth, but not too high.

Here, Leon did the same steps as before, but still found nothing.

He didn’t think anything of it, and then went to find the next one.

A third civilization was discovered and found nothing.

A fourth civilization was discovered and still found nothing.

The fifth, the sixth, the seventh… Eighty-nine.

Finally, among the ninety-tenth civilization, he found a clue.

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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