Li Ang shook his head, a little disappointed, but it didn’t matter, the universe is vast, there are countless galaxies, countless civilizations, countless races, just in a galaxy, I don’t know how many civilizations exist, he has no intelligence, he needs to find it one by one, of course, it will be a bit troublesome.

But he doesn’t think it’s difficult, and in the face of probabilistic things, there will always be a moment of finding.

Then his figure disappeared, and after he left, everyone woke up and continued what had happened before, the whole world woke up from the silence, the planet returned to rotation, no intelligent life noticed anything unusual, and the gods were simply unknown to them.

It took Li Ang ten minutes to find a second life planet, where the intelligent race is similar to humans, but there are differences in individuals, and the civilization level is also higher than that of Earth, but not too high.

Here, Leon did the same steps as before, but still found nothing.

He didn’t think anything of it, and then went to find the next one.

A third civilization was discovered and found nothing.

A fourth civilization was discovered and still found nothing.

The fifth, the sixth, the seventh… Eighty-nine.

Finally, among the ninety-tenth civilization, he found a clue.

This is an advanced interstellar civilization, whose civilization level is much higher than that of Earth, standing in a huge binary star system galaxy, which has these nineteen planets, the outermost of which are six giant gas planets, and the remaining thirteen are all terrestrial planets, and there are five planets in the habitable zone alone.

When Leon saw this, he had to sigh that the luck of this civilization was really good, and there were not many civilizations with such natural fortunes, looking at the entire universe.

Thirteen Earth-like planets, even if the number is halved, can also transform six or seven habitable planets, and now this star system is such a situation, the original three habitable planets, plus the four modified, a total of seven habitable planets, making the survival of this civilization extremely prominent.

According to two estimates of the original earth civilization, to reach such a scientific and technological level, it will take at least six or seven hundred years, which is still good.

Li Ang was in the livable zone at this time, next to death next to him, the quiet pestle stood there, the style was graceful, the posture was beautiful, but his face was calm, and his body revealed a strange sense of coldness in middle age, and that kind of coldness seemed to freeze people’s souls.

In front of him was a planet with an ocean area of 80% of the sea, showing an emerald pale green color throughout, with a huge continent with a total mass of 3.5 times that of the Earth, a proper super-Earth.

Outside this planet, there are all kinds of scientific and technological creations, including huge starships, super orbits around the entire planet’s equator, and even on the orbit of the planet, there are huge ring technology creations, on which there are also many people, and the living area on each ring is no less than ten kilometers.

He just looked at it quietly for half a moment, and in a flash, he had already appeared in the city of the planet’s land, looking around, all kinds of towering huge buildings, full of all kinds of science and technology, pedestrians and aircraft weaving, the overall embodiment of a high efficiency and cleverness, no sense of crowding.

“Well, such a civilization, developed to the limit, is just equivalent to a legion under Thanos, and it is still too immature for the powerful in the universe.”

Yes, even if such a civilization looks very powerful, in his eyes, it is still an unpopular role, not to mention compared with him, it is compared with the current earthlings, it is also much worse, if the two civilizations go to war, the United Nations can directly destroy this civilization in a short period of time.

Because under his destruction, the United Kingdom of Man has now exploded into a huge potential, and various evolutionists in civilization have sprung up like mushrooms and flocked endlessly, and the powerful evolutionists among them are even more numerous, although they have always been oppressed by Li Ang, but that is also because Li Ang’s strength is too terrible.

Truly placed in the universe, with the current strength of the United Kingdom, it is also appropriate to be a hegemon.

He wandered around with death, and did not rush to find anything, he had a new habit during this time, that is, to look at the differences between different civilizations, to experience and feel the differences of each civilization, to find its strengths, and sometimes to lament the magic of cosmic nature, the differences between various civilizations, so that he had a new understanding of the entire universe.

This is a universe, a real universe, not what he saw in the movie in his previous life, the perspective is always fixed between several fixed characters and civilizations, completely unable to feel the vastness of the Marvel Universe, usually through movies and comics, you can only see the tip of the iceberg.

Now that he really searched, he could discover the vastness of the entire universe, and this contrast was the most intuitive.

“Well, in the future, when it seems that there is nothing to do, I will have to turn around, always confined to the earth, so that my vision is somewhat affected.”

It took a moment to feel the difference in this civilization, and then he closed his eyes and divergent his thoughts, as before, and his telepathic abilities enveloped the whole world, continuing to spread, directly enveloping the entire star system.

At this moment, the movement on the two stars stopped, and the light that jumped from time to time on their surfaces seemed to be stopped by time, and then all the stars stopped rotating and rotating, as if the entire galaxy was fixed.

“Well, I finally found it.”

Leon’s eyes opened, everything returned to normal, he turned his head to look at death, and smiled: “Look, you don’t want to tell me, I naturally have my way to find it.” ”

Death was still silent, her face hadn’t changed a bit, and for her, she didn’t care about a lot of things, but she knew what Leon was looking for this time.

“Let’s go.”

Li Ang said casually, and then the figure disappeared again, and Death did not follow up at the first time, but looked at the direction in which Li Ang disappeared and twisted his eyebrows for a moment, and then followed up.

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )_

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